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Do you ever forget to remember what's true? Sometimes remembering is hard to do! But in this lyrical tale, Ellie Holcomb celebrates creation’s reminders of God’s love, which surrounds us from sunrise to sunset, even on our most forgetful of days.
Meet Ruth Goldschmiedova Sax. She is standing next to the dress that my grandmother wore during the time she was in Oederan. She never took it off, and every week she would bend over and the Nazis would paint an X and stripe down her backside. The dress was initially given to her in Auschwitz. Ruth Goldschmiedova Saxs life story begins in Moravia in 1928, where she lived comfortably as an only child with her parents. At the age of eleven, the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia, and life changed for everyone. By 1941, the family found themselves getting off a transport train in Theresienstadt, where Ruth was forced to grow up quickly. She was shaved to prevent lice infestation, her feet were wrapped in paper to keep them warm in the winter, and she witnessed the deaths of many. Separated from her father, she survived awful circumstances, only to be sent to Auschwitz in 1944, where she faced Dr. Mengele half a dozen times. Finally, with G-ds help and liberation, she was reunited in 1945 with her mother and father, a miracle within itself. Ruth later immigrated to America, where she married Kurt Sax, whom she had met at age seven. This memoir narrates the dramatic life circumstances that led her from her birthplace in central Czechoslovakia to three concentration camps and finally to her home in America. Future plans are to find a museum for this dress so that it can be displayed accordingly for all to see and to remind us to never forget.
Why won't he ask for directions? Why does she always want to talk about the relationship? Why is it so hard for men and women to understand each other . . . and what can we do about it? These are the kinds of questions that are resolved at last in this fascinating book from the founder of gender medicine. Dr. Marianne Legato not only confirms that men and women are different, but she uncovers the neuroscientific reasons behind the age-old disputes between the sexes, while providing a groundbreaking, authoritative, and reader-friendly guide to resolving them.
Gives the reader directions to go in that will lead to a happier, more fulfilling existence.
AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AN NPR CONCIERGE BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR “In her form-shattering and myth-crushing book….Coe examines myths with mirth, and writes history with humor… [You Never Forget Your First] is an accessible look at a president who always finishes in the first ranks of our leaders.” —Boston Globe Alexis Coe takes a closer look at our first--and finds he is not quite the man we remember Young George Washington was raised by a struggling single mother, demanded military promotions, caused an international incident, and never backed down--even when his dysentery got so bad he had to ride with a cushion on his saddle. But after he married Martha, everything changed. Washington became the kind of man who named his dog Sweetlips and hated to leave home. He took up arms against the British only when there was no other way, though he lost more battles than he won. After an unlikely victory in the Revolutionary War cast him as the nation's hero, he was desperate to retire, but the founders pressured him into the presidency--twice. When he retired years later, no one talked him out of it. He left the highest office heartbroken over the partisan nightmare his backstabbing cabinet had created. Back on his plantation, the man who fought for liberty must confront his greatest hypocrisy--what to do with the men, women, and children he owns--before he succumbs to death. With irresistible style and warm humor, You Never Forget Your First combines rigorous research and lively storytelling that will have readers--including those who thought presidential biographies were just for dads--inhaling every page.
In Things I Want to Remember Not to Forget Chris Waddell achieves honesty rarely seen. From the drawing on the cover, replete with erased first attempts, he lets us see and benefit from his struggle. His 2011 Middlebury College commencement address provided the genesis of this book that provides great insight and inspiration. "Commencements are glorious moments when a beginning and an ending occupy the same space. In our non-stop lives, they represent an opportunity to pause, to assess the past and to plan for the future. Amidst the reflection, celebration, and optimism lay the landmarks, if we can recognize them." He concludes saying, "If there is anything to take from a graduation speech, it's that everyday should be a graduation. Everyday should be an opportunity to stop, just for a moment, and look forwards and backwards. Otherwise, one day spills into the next. One day becomes ten or twenty years." Between the two thoughts, he makes everyday graduation, inviting us into the start of a ski race, the bright lights of open-mic night at a comedy club, first steps and trying something new like learning to draw. Along the way he introduces us to our best selves--the fun, bright and charismatic ones. Chris Waddell's story is different from ours, but it feels familiar--familiar to the lives that we hope to lead. Things That I Want to Remember Not to Forget is a fun read. Read it once. Reread it again and again. Give it to your friends.
Wang follows the Chinese Communist Party's ideological re-education of the public through the exploitation of China's humiliating modern history, tracking the CCP's use of history education to glorify the party, re-establish its legitimacy, consolidate national identity, and justify one-party rule in the post-Tiananmen and post-Cold War era.
Jill Price has the first diagnosed case of a memory condition called "hyperthymestic syndrome" -- the continuous, automatic, autobiographical recall of every day of her life since she was fourteen. Give her any date from that year on, and she can almost instantly tell you what day of the week it was, what she did on that day, and any major world event or cultural happening that took place, as long as she heard about it that day. Her memories are like scenes from home movies, constantly playing in her head, backward and forward, through the years; not only does she make no effort to call her memories to mind, she cannot stop them. The Woman Who Can't Forgetis the beautifully written and moving story of Jill's quest to come to terms with her extraordinary memory, living with a condition that no one understood, including her, until the scientific team who studied her finally charted the extraordinary terrain of her abilities. As we learn of Jill's struggles first to realize how unusual her memory is and then to contend, as she grows up, with the unique challenges of not being able to forget -- remembering both the good times and the bad, the joyous and the devastating, in such vivid and insistent detail -- the way her memory works is contrasted to a wealth of discoveries about the workings of normal human memory and normal human forgetting. Intriguing light is shed on the vital role of what's called "motivated forgetting"; as well as theories about childhood amnesia, the loss of memory for the first two to three years of our lives; the emotional content of memories; and the way in which autobiographical memories are normally crafted into an ever-evolving and empowering life story.
A Letter from the Author I have been working on this book which is very dear to me, along with having the satisfaction of the finish project, being prove I can honesty say I wasn't sure if I could really even accomplished this. But the finish project says something very much opposite that's why all the more I complete the bigger space in my heart I got for this book. It's a book about the tragedy surrounding the September 11 2001 attack in our own country. I collected so much needed information pertaining to the terrorist attack September 11, 2001. There is not anything like this. But you will find quite a few on the topic but it won't all be in one book. And the little children won't be able to under stand what is going on in their world. My book contains most wanted, names of the victims that lost their lives. Faith much more information is in the book of about 500 pages. That leads me to the title of the book "Never Forget" secondary title "Always Remember." I know that you will just love this book. What a special treasure to have in remembrance of the September. 11, 2001 a book full of colorful bright pages. I can honesty tell you that I have completed what I set out to do Over the last four in a half years I've been dedicated to this project that I've felt I needed to complete not only for me, but for many other people just like me out in the World. The more I completed the stronger the urges were for me to share this project with as many people as I could touch in one way or another. I wanted as many as possible to review this book maybe give a good or even bad review, So they can have the knowledge of why we're at war and secondly and most importantly that all those affected by the tragedy that their names will not go in vain or never be forgotten. I know there are hundreds of thousands of people out in our world who feel the same as I've felt since that tragic day back on September 11, 2001.Therefore I started the book as a scrapbook for my daughters to be able to share with their kids. I was inspired by dad whom has done one on WWII but back than there wasn't the acid free paper as there is today. He had lost all pages due to that fact. I felt so bad that all his hard & dedicated work was gone forever. My Father whom lost his life 8 months before this event has inspirer me to do this for him, and others like him. I've been so dedicated to my work that's pertaining to all those tragic events surrounding Sept.11, 2001 will never be forgotten.
From the practical daily things like making your bed and brushing your teeth, to things like remembering to smile, lend a hand, and smell the flowers, this simple and heartwarming reminder about all the comforting things that are important is perfect for family sharing.