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The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) long-baseline experiment has been actively collecting beam data since 2005, having already accumulated 3 x 102° protons-on-target (POT). The several million neutrinos per year observed at the Near detector may improve the existing body of knowledge of neutrino cross-sections and the Near-Far comparison of the observed energy spectrum neutral current events constrains oscillations into sterile neutrinos. MINOS capabilities of observing neutral current neutrino events are described and the employed methodology for event selection is discussed, along with preliminary results obtained. An outlook on the expected neutral current related contributions from MINOS is also presented.
We have measured the rates and spectra of neutral-current neutrino interactions in the MINOS detectors, which are separated by 734 km. A depletion in the rate at the far site would indicate mixing between [nu]{sub {mu}} and a sterile particle. The depletion of the total neutral-current event rate at the far site is limited to be below 17% at 90% confidence level without [nu]{sub e} appearance. Assuming oscillations occur at a single mass-squared splitting, a fit to the neutral- and charged-current energy spectra shows the fraction of [nu]{sub {mu}} oscillating to a sterile neutrino is 0.28{sub -0.28}{sup +0.25}(stat.+syst.). Including [nu]{sub e} appearance at the current experimental upper bound limits the depletion to be below 21% at 90% confidence level and the fit fraction of [nu]{sub {mu}} oscillating to a sterile neutrino is 0.43{sub -0.27}{sup +0.23}(stat.+syst.).
The study of neutrinos and their interaction with matter has made many important contributions to our present knowledge of physics. This advanced text introduces neutrino physics and presents a theoretical framework for describing relativistic particles. It gives a pedagogical description of the neutrino, its properties, the standard model of electroweak interactions, and neutrino scattering from leptons and nucleons. Focusing on the role of nuclear effects, the discussion extends to various processes of quasielastic, inelastic, and deep inelastic scattering from nucleons and nuclei. Neutrino sources, detection and oscillation, along with the role of neutrinos in astrophysics and motivation for the need of physics beyond the standard model are discussed in detail. This topical book will stimulate new ideas and avenues for research, and will form a valuable resource for advanced students and researchers working in the field of neutrino physics.
The MINOS experiment at Fermilab has recently reported a tension between the oscillation results for neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. We show that this tension, if it persists, can be understood in the framework of non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI). While neutral current NSI (non-standard matter effects) are disfavored by atmospheric neutrinos, a new charged current coupling between tau neutrinos and nucleons can fit the MINOS data without violating other constraints. In particular, we show that loop-level contributions to flavor-violating [tau] decays are sufficiently suppressed. However, conflicts with existing bounds could arise once the effective theory considered here is embedded into a complete renormalizable model. We predict the future sensitivity of the T2K and NOvA experiments to the NSI parameter region favored by the MINOS fit, and show that both experiments are excellent tools to test the NSI interpretation of the MINOS data.
The centerpiece of the thesis is the search for muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillations which would indicate a non-zero mixing angle between the first and third neutrino generations (θ13), currently the “holy grail” of neutrino physics. The optimal extraction of the electron neutrino oscillation signal is based on the novel “library event matching” (LEM) method which Ochoa developed and implemented together with colleagues at Caltech and at Cambridge, which improves MINOS’ (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillator Search) reach for establishing an oscillation signal over any other method. LEM will now be the basis for MINOS’ final results, and will likely keep MINOS at the forefront of this field until it completes its data taking in 2011. Ochoa and his colleagues also developed the successful plan to run MINOS with a beam tuned for antineutrinos, to make a sensitive test of CPT symmetry by comparing the inter-generational mass splitting for neutrinos and antineutrinos. Ochoa’s in-depth, creative approach to the solution of a variety of complex experimental problems is an outstanding example for graduate students and longtime practitioners of experimental physics alike. Some of the most exciting results in this field to emerge in the near future may find their foundations in this thesis.
The International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics is the major forum for the state-of-the-art developments of calorimetry technologies. The Tenth Conference was attended by more than 150 physicists from 16 countries and covered all aspects of calorimetric particle detection and measurements, with emphasis on high energy physics and astrophysics experiments.The proceedings contain three parts: introductory papers, contributed papers and perspective papers. The introduction starts with a historical review of calorimetry developments, and continues with overviews of the current status of calorimetry in high energy physics and astrophysics, which are followed by discussions on calorimetry in future accelerator facilities, such as linear colliders and the Super B factories. A “hot” technology regarding the “energy flow concept” is also discussed. The contributed papers are organized in 11 sessions. The perspective papers summarize the physics and limitation of calorimeter applications in high energy physics, astrophysics and medical industries.
This thesis highlights data from MINOS, a long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiment, and details one of the most sensitive searches for the sterile neutrino ever made. Further, it presents a new analysis paradigm to enable this measurement and a comprehensive study of the myriad systematic uncertainties involved in a search for a few-percent effect, while also rigorously investigating the statistical interpretation of the findings in the context of a sterile neutrino model. Among the scientific community, this analysis was quickly recognized as a foundational measurement in light of which all previous evidence for the sterile neutrino must now be (re)interpreted. The existence of sterile neutrinos has long been one of the key questions in the field. Not only are they a central component in many theories of new physics, but a number of past experiments have yielded results consistent with their existence. Nonetheless, they remain controversial: the interpretation of the data showing evidence for these sterile neutrinos is hotly debated.
MINOS is a long-baseline neutrino oscillations experiment located at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), USA. It makes use of the NuMI neutrino beamline and two functionally identical detectors located at distances of H"km and H"35km from the neutrino production target respectively. The Near Detector measures the composition and energy spectrum of the neutrino beam with high precision while the Far Detector looks for evidence of neutrino oscillations. This thesis presents work conducted in two distinct areas of the MINOS experiment: analysis of neutral current and charged current interactions. While charged current events are only sensitive to muon neutrino disappearance, neutral current events can be used to distinguish oscillations into sterile neutrinos from those involving only active neutrino species. A complete, preliminary neutral current study is performed on simulated data. This is followed by a more detailed investigation of neutral current neutrino interactions in the MINOS Near Detector. A procedure identifying neutral current interactions and rejecting backgrounds due to reconstruction failures is developed. Two distinct event classification methods are investigated. The selected neutral current events in the Near Detector are used to extract corrections to the neutral current cross-section in the MINOS Monte Carlo simulation as a function of energy. The resulting correction factors are consistent with unity. The main MINOS charged current neutrino disappearance analysis is described. We present the Monte Carlo tuning procedure, event selection, extrapolation from Near to Far Detector and fit for neutrino oscillations. Systematic errors on this measurement are evaluated and discussed in detail. The data are consistent with neutrino oscillations with the following parameters: 2.74 {sup +0.44}{sub -0.26} x 10−3 eV2 and sin2(2[theta]23)> 0.87 at 68% confidence level.
Contents:Solar Neutrinos:The Latest Solar Neutrino Results in Super-Kamiokande (Y Koshio)Weak Current in Deuterium (T Sato)Solar Neutrino Phenomenology and Future:Solar Neutrino Oscillations (M C Gonzalez-Garcia)The Status of Resonant Spin Flavor Precession (C S Lim)Atmospheric Neutrinos:Status of the Atmospheric Neutrino Studies (M D Messier)Cosmic Ray Measurements for Atmospheric Neutrino with BESS-TeV (K Abe)Oscillation Phenomenology I:Calculations of the Atmospheric ν Fluxes (P Lipari)Three-Flavor Analysis of Atmospheric and Solar Neutrinos (A Marrone)Absolute Neutrino Mass:Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Neutrino Oscillations (H V Klapdor-Kleingrothaus)Accelerator Neutrinos, CPV:The MINOS Experiment (M D Messier)The JHF-Kamioka Neutrino Project (T Kajita)Models and GUTs:Proton Decay in the Semi-Simple Unification Model (T Watari)Leptogenesis via LHu Flat Direction (M Fujii)Lepton Flavor Violation:Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model from Lepton Sector (J Hisano)Oscillation Phenomenology II:Four Puzzles of Neutrino Mixing (S M Barr)Supernova Neutrinos:Supernova Neutrinos (J F Beacom)and other papers Readership: Researchers in high energy physics. Keywords:Solar Neutrinos;Atmospheric Neutrinos;Oscillation Phenomenology;Neutrino Mass;Accelerator Neutrinos;CP Violation;GUTs;Lepton Flavor Violation;Supernova Neutrinos