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Neuropsychology of Left-Handedness focuses on the neurological imperative and unique brain organization of left-handers. This book is organized into two parts. Part I analyzes ideas about the origins of left-handedness, such as possible genetic mechanisms, manner in which asymmetries may occur during the first cell cleavages following fertilization, handedness of twins, and possibility that some left-handedness may be due to environmental or even pathological influences. The second part is devoted to a variety of investigations of asymmetric hemisphere specialization in right- and left-handers. The different groups of left-handers, which includes male and female, strong left-preferrers and ambidexters, familial and non-familial lefthanders, and those who prefer an "inverted position for writing as opposed to a "non-inverted position, are also identified. This publication is a good reference for medical practitioners and specialists interested in the neuropsychology of left-handedness.
Originally published in 1976, this title deals with the problem of how we tell left from right. The authors argue that the ability to tell left from right depends ultimately on a bodily asymmetry, such as preference for one or the other hand, or dominance of one side of the brain. This has implications for child development, reading disability, navigation, art, and culture.
Left-handedness has been connected to many different conditions, traits, and abilities. This is especially true for pathological syndromes, such as schizophrenia, along with learning disabilities and autism. The published research on handedness is vast and frequently contradictory, often raising more questions than providing answers. Questions such as: - Is handedness genetic? - Can handedness be changed? - Are there consequences to training someone to switch handedness? - Are there positive traits associated with left-handedness like creativity? - Are there negative traits associated with left-handedness like trouble reading maps? - Is it abnormal to do some things right-handed and other things left-handed? - Are the brains of left-handers different from the brains of right-handers? Laterality: Exploring the Enigma of Left-Handedness examines the research conducted over the past 50 years with special emphasis on twenty-first century research on handedness and translates this literature into an accessible and readable form. Each chapter is based on a question or questions covering diverse topics such as genetic and biological origins of handedness, familial and hormonal influences on handedness, and the effects of a majority right-handed world on the behaviors of left-handers. - Summarizes scientific research on laterality - Separates fact from fiction in common beliefs about laterality - Includes illustrative interviews with left-handers
This book demystifies the place left-handness has held in society, shedding new light on this controversial discussion.
Nine out of every ten human beings are naturally right-handed. Those who were not right-handed were feared, shunned, or forcibly retrained in many periods and cultures. Indeed, some members of fundamentalist sects still regard left-handers as in league with the devil, and prejudices against left-handers are reflected in the multiple associations of right with good and left with bad that have become enshrined in everyday language and folklore. A “left-handed compliment” is actually an insult, and the dictionary definition of left-handed includes the terms “awkward,” “clumsy,” “ill-omened,” and “Illegitimate.” In his summary of scientific research into sidedness, Stanley Coren rapidly dismisses the notion of the southpaw as somehow tainted. Increasingly we are coming to understand, however, that left-handedness does have social, educational, medical, and psychological implications. Coren uses entertaining examples to illuminate the paths of research he has followed, and answers vitally important questions such as: What are the neuropsychological and behavioral implications of differences for left-handers themselves, as well as for their parents, teachers, spouses, children, counselors, and physicians? How can we determine our own patterns of sidedness? Are they encoded in our genes? And, very importantly, how can we make the world more comfortable and safer for left-handers? Coren persuasively argues that left-handers are an invisible minority who must define themselves and organize for self-protections in the same way that more visible minorities have done. Much (though not all) of the risk to which left-handers are exposed derives from the fact that the tools they use and the machines they operate are designed for right-handers, a flaw that given heightened public awareness would be easy to correct. Coren advocates a change in the way the right-handed majority treats its left-handed minority to eliminate the risks left-handers face.
Understanding how right-brain and left-brain differences influence our habits, thoughts, and actions. Human behaviour is lopsided. When cradling a newborn child, most of us cradle the infant to the left. When posing for a portrait, we tend to put our left cheek forward. When kissing a lover, we usually tilt our head to the right. Why is our behaviour so lopsided and what does this teach us about our brains? How have humans instinctively used this information to make our images more attractive and impactful? Can knowing how left-brain right-brain differences shape our opinions, tendencies, and attitudes help us make better choices in art, architecture, advertising, or even athletics? Side Effects delves into how lateral biases in our brains influence everyday behaviour and how being aware of these biases can be to our advantage.
Left-handers have been described as "a people without a history". Although one in ten people today is left-handed, even historical studies of the rate of left-handedness before the twentieth century are rare. This special issue presents detailed reports on a range of topics from teaching children to use their right hands, the side on which babie
This volume integrates past clinical findings with the latest research on cerebral asymmetry in order to identify why humans process information in different ways. A must for anyone who wants to understand human cognitive nature further, specifically the reasons why we are "wired" a certain way and whether these cortical circuits are flexible enough to be altered, this book presents the most up-to-date information on hemispheric differences within normal and clinical populations. Its focus on sex, handedness, and developmental differences is critical to the derivation of a better perspective on how future research should be conducted in this expanding science. Iaccino begins by explaining basic brain structures and types of cognitive styles assigned to each hemisphere. He then details studies involving various clinical populations -- psychophysiological, split-brain, dyslexic, and psychotic -- to support the claim that the two hemispheres are different, morphologically and functionally speaking. Applying this clinical research to the more normal population, the author uncovers striking cortical variations between the sexes and between the handedness groups, along with developmental changes which occur as a function of time. Finally, he provides a detailed summary of the previous chapters and highlights where asymmetrical research may be headed in the future.
This book offers a comprehensive and readable account of theoretical aspects of the origins and normal development of handedness and its relationship to cerebral lateralization. It reviews the evidence for links between non-right-handedness and various developmental disorders: mental impairment, autism, epilepsy, and disorders of spoken and written language. The emphasis is on understanding the range of underlying mechanisms that might lead to associations between handedness and disorder and on identifying assessment procedures that can distinguish between different explanations.