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The issue of moral instructions in schools and at homes is threatened with extinction. Consequently, so many youths are involved in prostitution, drug addictions, cultism, fraudulent practices, armed robberies and other crimes. Those who are supposed to be trained as leaders in various walks of life are the ones posing serious threats to many lives. Many parents who fail to add moral values to the upbringing of their children often times breed potential criminals under their roofs without knowing it. Apart from these, many other people negatively influence young ones through the media, music, publications, films, conduct and foul language; making them to lose their moral and family values. This book one just like the rest of other volumes is an attempt to bring back moral instructions into schools and campuses through the use of stories, hymn tuned songs, poems, Bible lessons and class activities. It is designed to assist teachers and ministers in Secondary Schools, Bible Clubs, Churches and Campus Fellowships to teach people, especially youths the Word of God and serves as a school text book in subjects relating to literature, music and other creative works."
This volume contains children, youth and adult world with stories, cartoons, poems, plays, messages, articles, Bible studies, seminars and Christian education materials. The headings include "The Child Atheist", "A Critical Debate Between An Atheist Professor And His Christian Student", "Going Haywire", "The Belief In Reincarnation", "The Game", "The Children Of God And The Slaves", "A Product Of Evangelism", "Cheap And Expensive Lies", "The Woman With Four Lovers", "Encounter With A Demon From The Grave", "The Life That Saves All" and a host of others.
As it is common to say that the hood does not make a monk, the dignified positions and bogus titles of many Christian leaders in modern days do not really make them Gospel Ministers.This course book - a compilation of five resource materials on Missions And Outreach Ministries, Christian Communication Arts, Christian Leadership, Christian Education Methodology and Ministries Of Improvisations - aims at making every matured Christian an effective minister and leader at their respective homes, communities and nations. It teaches various ways Christians can communicate the word of God, meeting up to their responsibilities as ministers and leaders that reconcile people to God, edifying the Body Of Christ and reaching out to souls at the same time. All of the resource materials are in use in Bible Schools like College Of Christian Education And Missions, in Churches and other ministries to raise Christian workers, Evangelists, Missionaries and other Ministers that serve at various levels and leadership capacities.
Journey To Your Calling chronicles the seven major progressions of spiritual growth and development that we all must go though with the Lord on our journey to identifying and walking in our calling. Each of us has a calling in life. There is something the Lord wants each of us to do. We discover our calling after being obedient and faithful in whatever tasks, steps and actions the Lord gives us over the years. What does the Lord want you to do while you are still on this earth? How is a Christian able to deal with the challenges of life any differently than someone who does not know the Lord? This book serves as a guide for any man or woman who truly wants to realize their calling. Regardless of age, race, ethnicity or culture you will find this book compelling as a road-map to discover the purpose you are to fulfill on this earth. Janice Hatcher Liggins is an author, civic leader, entrepreneur, founder of a nonprofit, TV show host, intercessor, mother, granny, and most importantly, a child of the Most High God.
Dragon, the king of Doom kingdom gets the legal right to rule over the kingdom of man when First Couple breaks the Law Of Dominion and turns all the mortals into his slaves. When The Father who creates all the kingdoms sends The Redeemer to deliver them, Brethren is selected as one of the few giant warriors that will terrorize Dragon and the rulers of darkness in the decisive battle between Eternity kingdom and Doom kingdom over eternal destinations ofthepeople. Because The Redeemer counts on the mortal warriors called Believers to deliver the rest of the slaves, he equips them with The Word and Comforter who teaches them all things. However, a warrior of Dragon called Ignorance blindfolds vast majority of the people and makes them oblivious of the battlefields in The Flesh, The Mind and The Spirit. Since most of these mortals cannot see beyond their immediate environments, the enemies get the chance to lead them on the path of Doom kingdom which a place of eternal agony, making the battle on the way to Eternity kingdom of The Father so fierce that only the violent Believers can get to the place.
The first question is how Christianity is practiced even in a hostile environment. Next to that is the question about the potentials of Christians in spite of their apparent limitations. The other issues are connected to the successes, deliverance, callings, basic ministries of all Christians and evangelism. Various schools of thoughts have attempted these questions but many answers only portray Christianity as a form of religion instead of a way of life as specified by God. Some answers give room for compromise, hypocrisies, dogmas and denominational doctrines. The misconceptions about these areas of Christianity have brought about worldliness instead of righteousness and false achievements instead of fulfillment. This book which contains six different subjects had been used to hold seminars at various levels, train ministers and Christian workers in Bible Schools and to equip the Church. It explains in simple terms the seemingly complex issues on practice of Christianity, Potentials, Deliverance, God's Kind Of Success, Evangelism and Basic Ministries of a Christian with Biblical principles, life transforming stories and illustrations.
In this work of allegorical fantasy, author Boyd takes readers on a pilgrimage to a land of two kingdoms, but only one true King. An ancient land, where children never grow old. But also a dying land, where a false prince threatens to swallow everything in a dark shadow.
Have You Ever Met a Great Leader? It's incredible when someone uses their gifts to make you feel valued and inspire you to greatness. What does it take to develop that kind of heart and influence? How can you become a leader like Jesus? Join Boyd Bailey as he shows you how to mirror Jesus's heart and make a positive difference in those around you. Explore 11 common traits that mark successful leaders, and learn the keys to growth in wisdom and humility. Through practical teaching, you will find that great leadership begins when you turn your focus to God and model Him in your attitude, conversations, and actions. A faithful life and humble spirit make you a leader worth following. When you lean into the Lord and learn from His example of perfect leadership, you will see lives transformed—beginning with your own!
She accepted his marriage proposal without knowing the kind of person he was. She soon discovered that he was a mean and ruthless guy who was always ready to get whatever he wanted by all means even if he has to pay for it with the lives of others. She was in his bondage, especially when her parents who believed he was a generous and gentleman were on his side. Because she considered the proposal to marry him as a marriage engagement with the devil incarnate, she decided that she would rather die than to share her life with him. Then out of the blues, this passionate gentleman sneaked into her life despite all she did to discourage him. She could not resist his love for her when he offered to set her free from the devil incarnate. Then the battle began - sooner than they anticipated.
According to the main drama paper presentation in this book, truths about economic and political catastrophes in most nations are not something someone can randomly stumble upon. This is because the activities of Globalists like the Illuminati and Freemasons are always shrouded in secrecies and mysteries. There are lots of documentary and circumstantial evidences that reveal the Globalists as the power behind all the thrones in the world, including the United States and United Kingdom. Because of their hidden agendas, the Globalists and most of the Governments in the world use lies and deceptions as their official languages. Invariably, it becomes impossible to discover the truth without thorough research works on their activities right from the time they started making history. Aside from the papers like: “The Sources Of Major Influence In The Society” and “Game Of Politics”, other short plays that depict either the game of dirty politics or how family; traditional; religious and national values are compromised include: “The Evil Generation Of Globalists”, “The Quest For Excellence At The Expense Of Values Is Rat Race”, “People Who Benefit From Bad Systems Are Threats To The Future Of The Nation”, “The Game Of Money Politics”, The Great Enemies Of The Nation”, “Corrupt People Always Corrupt Others”, “The Deeds That Corrupt Good People”, “Selfishness Is The Mother Of Regression”, “Three Things That Can Destroy Any Nation”, “Conscience Is The Best Role Model”, “The Leadership Of Intelligent Crooks”, “Hypocrisy At Every Level”, “The Costs Of Noble Course Of The Nation”, “The Riches Of Poor People”, “Education Alone Does Not Make Anyone Reasonable And Responsible”, “The Means Of Putting An End To Everything”, “The Seeds That Grow Are In Human Hearts”, “The Life Of Crisis”, “Mammon Makes Men Monsters”, “Irresponsible Generations Are A Step Ahead Of Responsible Ones”, “Disregard Of Law And Order Amounts To Crime”, “The Deadly Things In Any Nation Are Ignorance And Silence”, “The Future Of People Begins With What They Do Everyday”, “The Lessons Of Life Experience”, “The End Of All Bad Choices”, “Erosions Of Value Systems”, “The Generation Of Every Man To Himself”, “Corruption Of School Teacher In The Name Of Valentine” and “Political Cancer In The Society”.