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ABSTRACT: Naturally-occurring radioisotopes are ubiquitous in nature, and as such, there are many opportunities for researchers to use them as environmental tracers. Their associated radioactive decay rates provide an inherent time clock that often makes these radioisotopes more effective chemical tracers than other substances, since they can help assess the temporal component of a particular process. Radioisotopes were employed in this study to examine different coastal oceanographic processes that have far reaching consequences. A review of various measurement methods for assessing Ra-226 concentrations, a valuable tracer employed throughout most of this dissertation, is presented. This is followed by applying natural radioisotopes to study various oceanographic processes in China, Hawaii, and a river system in the southeastern United States.
Polonium-210 is an alpha emitting radionuclide with no radioactive progeny and produces only very-low-intensity gamma rays at very low abundance. This means doses largely arise from internal exposure. In addition to the relatively high ingestion does coefficient of 210Po, radionuclide transfer in the environment results in high activity concentrations in certain foods. This publication focuses on radionuclide transfers in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments, and provides information on key transfer processes, concepts and models--back cover.
This handbook provides generic parameter values for estimating the transfer of radionuclides from environmental media to wildlife for the purpose of assessing potential radiation exposure under equilibrium conditions. These data are intended for use where site specific data are either not available or not required, and to parameterize generic assessment models. They are based on a comprehensive review of the available literature, including many Russian language publications that have not previously been available in English. The publication addresses the limitations of the parameter values and the applicability of data. Some general background information on the assessment of potential impacts of radioactive releases on wildlife is also included. It complements the existing handbook in the same IAEA series with parameter to assess the radiological impact to humans.
Environmental Radioactivity from Natural, Industrial, and Military Sources is the comprehensive source of information on radiation in the environment and human exposure to radioactivity. This Fourth Edition isa complete revision and extension of the classic work, reflecting major new developments and concerns as the Cold War ended, nuclear weapons began to be dismantled, and cleanup of the nuclear weapons facilities assumed center stage. Contamination from accidents involving weapons, reactors, and radionuclide sources are discussed in an updated chapter, including the latest information about the effects of the Chernobyl accident. Important revisions are also made to the chapters on natural radioactivity, nuclear fuels and power reactors, radioactive waste management, and various other sources of exposure. Several chapters provide primers for readers who may not be familiar with the fundamentals of radiation biology, protection standards, and pathways for the environmental transport of radionuclides. An Appendix lists the properties of the more important radionuclides found in the environment. The book concludes with a commentary on contemporary social aspects of radiation exposure and risks that offers analternative view to current, often excessive concerns over radiation, nuclear technology, and waste. Describes every important source of environmental radioactivity Reviews the vexing problems of radioactive waste management and clean-up of contaminated sites Contains measured or projected radiation dose estimates for the major sources Features 126 figures, 80 tables, and more than 1200 references Discusses current problems in historical context The two authors bring more than 75 years of combined experience with environmental radioactivity Provides an understanding of the sources of environmental radioactivity and human exposure from the mining of ores to final disposal of wastes Thoroughly reviews important contamination accidents
In 1989 the Contracting Parties to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (the London Convention 1972) requested that the IAEA undertake the preparation of a global inventory of radioactive materials entering the marine environment from all origins. The IAEA subsequently established a global inventory which included information officially reported in or obtained from open literature and confirmed by the countries involved, on (i) the dumping at sea of radioactive waste; and (ii) marine accidents and losses involving radioactive materials. The inventory is intended as a centralized information base against which the impact of specific sources of radioactive material entering the marine environment can be assessed and compared. In 2006 the IAEA received the request to update those inventories. The present publication includes additional information provided recently by some IAEA Member States and contracting parties to the London Convention 1972 and Protocol 1996 within a process of updating the inventory which concluded in 2014, together with the information contained in previous IAEA publications. A CD ROM provides tables, maps and a database with detailed information.