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Recorded by the author from personal interviews with Native American storytellers, these stories hold the conflicts and compliments of family and/or situations that test relationships. The work is a reminder of how fragile everyone is during the struggles to survive youth, middle age, and older years.
The stories in this book, recorded by the author from personal interviews with Native American storytellers, hold the conflicts and compliments of family and/or situations of testing in relationships. Native cultures have lessons to be learned here, just as every culture does. These stories are not unique, yet they may help educate many of us today in finding solutions to similar problems. Symbolic language holds teachings, but without respecting the old ways, many shall never learn. Human beings have lived throughout millenniums, through floods, enduring droughts, appreciating abundance of food, yet every generation has their own trials to overcome, goals to achieve and rewards to receive or lose. These stories are to remind us of how fragile each one of us is as we struggle to survive youth, middle age, and our older years. It is important to listen and remember, for once the truth is gone, we shall certainly be on our own. Some of the Native American people represented by these stories are the Paiute, Iroquois, Pima, Kiowa, Osage, and Cherokee.
Myths tell us much about a people. And all cultures have creation myths. The myths collected by the author in this book tell us about the rich and varied lives and imagination of the first Americans. They vary from simple to complex and all attempt to answer the question of human origin. Native Americans are of profound beginnings. Each Tribe, Group or Pueblo hold their beginning to be truths, unique from one another. The beliefs in this book are only a sampling of the many that still exist today. "In collecting these tales," the author says, "no tape recorder was used and no notes were taken during the telling. Immediately after the session copious notes were taken and later expanded into a recreation of the myth. Subjects were located through word of mouth and after a short time people started coming forward and volunteering their stories. The people hold the stories. May they continue to tell and share with their families, communities, and the outsiders. We have much to learn from Creation, from each other, and from the holders of the stories."
A collection of stories passed down orally for generations, reflecting the customs and traditional beliefs of the Pueblo people.
Myths allow us to experience and find a meaning for life through different cultures. Myths resonate within us, bringing an experience of existing within a dissimilar reality. The Native American storytellers who shared their myths with the author were taught by their Elders who lived in a place and culture altered from that of today. These myths were told and recorded by the author with the understanding they would not be lost. Some of these myths were found to be almost lost, some to be very old, almost forgotten. The Salt Woman stories are difficult to find. They are very old and come from several cultures and diverse tellers. Other myths are from New Mexican Pueblos, Southeastern Creek, Lakota, Cheyenne, Hopi and Guiana cultures.
Water themed stories from Native American Indians and Asian Indians based on traditional rituals, faiths, and beliefs from these two cultures that give insight into the resemblances of these two native peoples.
"He is forever and ever here in spirit" An adventure. A magic necklace. Brotherhood. Six-year-old Forrest feels lost now that his big brother Kitchi is no longer here. He misses him every day and clings onto a necklace that reminds him of Kitchi. One day, the necklace comes to life. Forrest is taken on a magical adventure, where he meets a colourful cast of characters, including a beautiful, yet mysterious fox, who soon becomes his best friend.
A collection of Native American tales and myths focusing on the relationship between man and nature.
Native Americans did not write down or record their history, so we have to find out about their past in other ways. They used games, myths, dance, and impersonation to teach the children of their history and ways of life. Their storytelling was filled with family, heritage and stories of the earth. It is through storytelling, that the rich history of the Native American tribes is alive and well today. It has been shared and preserved and still pays tribute to fallen heroes of the past. It is through these glimpses into the past, and these stories much like the ones that are contained in this book, that you can see what a proud heritage they possess and how in tune with the Earth Native Americans really are. Included in this collection are: The Story of the Land of Northern Lights, The Legend of the Bear Family, The Origin of Summer and Winter, The Story of the Buffalo-painted Lodges, The Story of the Camp of the Ghosts, Creation of the First Indians, The Story of the Little Burnt Face, Origin of the Sweat Lodge, Rabbit and the Moon Man, Ghost of the White Deer, Unktomi and the Arrowheads, The Story of the First Pine Trees, Raven and His Grandmother, The Story of the Snow Man, The Origin of Medicine, and many more.
Through storytelling, the rich history of the Native American tribes is alive and well today. It has been shared and preserved and still pays tribute to fallen heroes of the past. It is through these glimpses into the past, and these stories much like the ones that are contained in this book, that you can see what a proud heritage they possess and how in tune with the Earth Native Americans really are. Stories included in Volume One are: How the Terrapin Beat the Rabbit, How the Deer got his Horns, Why the Turkey Gobbles, How the Redbird got his Color, The Bear Man, The Man in the Stump, Determination of Night and Day, The Lost Cherokee, The Legend of the Cedar Tree, The First Moccasins, The Legend of the Apache Tear, The Gift of the Peace Pipe, Brother of the Moon, Teepee Etiquette and many, many more. With this book I hope you understand the Native American people a little better and understand where they have come from and what they can offer the world. By exploring these stories I offer you a glimpse into an often forgotten past. The past of my people. I was born Cherokee and as a child heard many of these stories. These stories were passed to me in the old traditional way by my grandfather. And now I give these stories to you, to carry forward for younger generations to explore and learn.