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The Nadi text deals with years of events extensively and this is nothing but the rotation of slow-moving planets progress in various signs meeting two factors for the occurrence of the event. So, you need to be comprehensively vigilant to apply this two-factor astrology with various options and exceptions. Also, there are many transit method prevails. This is the prime reason that you need lots of predictive methods to be kept on hand. It is better to tally this year reference with the age of planets or houses or navamsha ages which is given here in this book with many options for its practical applicability.
Nadi astrology ancient form of astrology practised in southern India, Nadi Astrology is based on the belief that the past, present and the future lives of all humans were foreseen and recorded on palm leaves by Hindu sages in ancient time.A very ancient form of astrology, whose origins began in Southern India, Nadi Astrology is based on an old-age belief that the one can decipher the past, present and future of all humans through the text written on palm leaves. It is a popularly believed that the great Hindu sages of the yore foresaw the past, present and future of all humans and hence, recorded these on tree barks and palm leaves.Nadi Astrology is practiced in the Tamil Nadu region as well as Kerala and other adjacent areas in South India. Simply put, it is an ancient method of recording data. Over the ages, people have come to believe that a thousand years ago, great Indian sages were granted a boon - to look into every human being's past, present and future lives. They had to power to look into the lives of people were not only dead, living but also those who were yet to be born!These sages then recorded these visions, i.e. data onto palm leaves in Tamil script. Today, these can be deciphered or read by Nadi astrologers or experts who have studied this branch of astrology. The term 'Nadi' in Tamil means 'in search of'. Therefore, the existence of Nadi astrology indicates that every human being is in search of his past and future. According to legends, these scriptures on palm leaves are scattered across different parts of India and some of them were first found in Tamil Nadu.It is widely believed that these pal scriptures, holding secrets to past and present were classified a thousand years ago during the Chola reign in South India. The Nadis are named after the rishis and sages who originally recorded these findings. They are Suka Nadi, Kaushika Nadi, Brahma Nadi and Agasthiya Nadi. These Nadis are not easy to read as they are written in ancient Tamil and are in poetry form, i.e. in sonnets and couplets. Only expert linguists who have studied this form of astrology over many years can read them.
The Nadi Jyotisha is a unique system of astrology. The Nadi Granthas (books) on this system contain ready made horoscopes giving out the-whole life-reading with important events in life of the native, as well as his parents, wife etc. and also information about the previous and future births and other matters. Some such books contain certain techniques; usable in predictive astrology which can be rarely found from other sources.
A classical work based on nāḍī technique of prediction.
This book is about reading karma through various methods, like yoga, curse factors, star quarter, karmic debts, etc., with practical horoscopes, sun horoscopes, and Vedic remedial measures. It is based on Vedic astrology, "Hora" for karmas. This book is compilation of "Hora" scriptures and other various treaties; best and remaining is given by Brahmin, the mighty seeker of astrology (the author), as told by Lord Shiva to the goddess Shivaa.
"What You Would Find In This Book You Would Not Find In Any Other Book In Astrology or Nadi Astrology." For all the astrology lovers and students, a must have knowledge in your worship room.This book cannot be just kept in the library.Simplest and the best.Read again and again to get something new coming out every time. Concepts of Nadi Astrology are very well explained by linking it to the theory of Karma, Kaalpurusha, Gunas, Dirctions etc.
Wing Commander (Retd.) Shashikant Oak of Pune has a great contribution in bringing the Naadi palm leaf based astrological system into limelight. For about past 18 years, he has been conducting an original research on the aforesaid system. His research includes various scientific angles, and has given the whole subject a new dimension. To conduct the original research, he has visited almost all the Naadi centers in India during the course of last 18 years, apart from individually meeting a thousands of persons to take on account the firsthand experiences. He has also presented a detailed paper called 'Comparative Study: Nostradamus and Naadi Granthas.' This revised and enlarged edition includes fresh astonishing experiences such as:- readings from blank paper, appearance of vibhooti upon the palm leaf, shocking episodes of Group Caption Rakesh Nanda throwing light on the ancient Maharishi's wisdom available in India. First time more than 220 addresses from all over Indian states have been presented in alphabetical order. Excerpts from the interview of Padamshree Dr. Vijay Bhaskar: “As I am a scientist; while thinking about the Naadi palm leaves, my entire focal point was the computational aspect of it. How do the Maharishis know in advance the names and other information about the native? After an in-depth study, I conclude: if the supercomputers of ten years from today compute this information, it will take 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 calculations to collect information of one native. Simply putting, it is mathematically impossible. In the terms of computer science, this is referred to as the NP complete problem.” Here is sample how the name of a person appears in the leaf:
The Ancient Indian astrological system of prediction, namely the Naadi system, is unique in its accuracy in predicting the events in one's life. However, the rules are rather complex and have been closely guarded secrets, through the ages. There are several Naadi systems and each one has its own method, with slight variations. This book deals with its own Naadi method with an assurance for better accuracy in predictions. It presents complex rules of Planetary Progression, Retrogression and Exchange with examples and makes it less ambiguous. The methods of working out planetary positions at any period of time in an individual's life for accurate predictions are clearly explained in the book. The rules presented in this book are different from one the author had talked about in his earlier book. It uses them to logically address the procedures for accurate predictions. This is an ideal text-book for beginners of astrology.
Astrology is both Science and Art. Hence only the talented can appreciate and understand it. Rightly Visnugupta declares that nobody other than a sage can master the ocean-like science of astrology. The great Varahamihira declares, "No sin will creep into a place that is sanctified by the presence of a true astrologer. No person who studies and divines the course of destiny will ever be found in hell but will reside permanently in the world of Brahman. This book brings to the fore not only the rationality of astrology but also the nature and structure of the correct knowledge that our forefathers possessed regarding the predictable influences of planets on human beings, and gives a spiritual bias to astrology. The reader is taken step by step in this work from the rudiments Viz., the distribution of constellations in the Zodiacal belt which is divided into twelve Signs, and the planetary hierarchy, through the method of calculating the ascendant and other houses of a natal chart, assessment of the strengths, influences, aspects, affliction, mutual relations etc., of the planets, to the final stage of reading the brighter and darker sides of the subject's life, his chances of success and failure, their periods, ingress of the soul into the mortal coil and exit there form as well as its departure to other worlds according to its karma. "In this book, an attempt has been made to give a good account of the science of astrology, with a view to making the reader a good and true astrologer. It also shows that astrology does not make a man a fatalist, helpless automation in the hands of a merciless Fate. It should, on the other hand, help him to take to self-exertion and self-help. This hoary lore, according to the author, is to be practised not for selfish ends but to guide the needy and the distressed, to remove the cause of their suffering and to turn their attention towards God.
This book is all about cursed karma i.e. sinful karma of the native in past life, the root cause of sufferings in current birth era. Sufferings comes in many ways like childlessness the most famous one for curses, chronic disease, spouseless, huge indebtedness, early widowhood etc. etc. This book first diagnosed the sufferings and thru that try to record the karma of prenatal adobe with the help of multiple tools - acumen available in our Vedic astrology. There are many options available and we have elaborated few and opted for the prudent one fitting the sufferings and past life karma