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Se analizan aspectos generales y específicos de la influencia de los mitos y rituales en las literaturas afro-americana y nativo-americana, desde una doble perspectiva: individual y comparativa. Por tanto se explora temas relacionados con la temática propuesta como la concepción mítica del universo que ambas comunidades comparten, el papel crucial de una relación armoniosa con la naturaleza como fuente para alcanzar una compresión plena de las identidades individuales y colectivas, una visión del mundo en clara oposición a una cultura egocéntrica propugnada por el sistema racial dominante en Estados Unidos, y los múltiples modos en los que actividades cotidianas como contar historias, coser y cocinar adquieren un profundo carácter ritualístico.
L'ètica es pot definir com la relació amb l'altre, la resposta obligatòria a un altre que precedeix qualsevol norma específica de conducta moral, una relació ètica primordial que és la base de qualsevol codi ètic o moral particular. Quan aquest altre es particularitza com a l'altre ètnic, com es veu afectada en la seua mateixa articulació aquesta concepció de l'ètica? Té l'etnicitat com a concepte un caire ètic? Existeix una ètica de l'etnicitat? Pel contrari, l'ètica és ètnica? El matís ètnic d'allò ètic redueix de cap manera l'àmbit d'actuació d'allò ètic? En una cultura com la dels Estats Units, fundada sobre una ètica individualista de caràcter paradoxalment universalitzant que es veu qüestionada constantment per les pròpies constriccions imposades a la singularitat ètnica dels seus molts altres, aquestes preguntes semblen especialment pertinents. Els assaigs d'aquest volum demostren implícitament que aquestes preguntes no tenen respostes definitives perquè es tracta de termes el domini conceptual dels quals es refereix a allò singular i diferent, a les singularitats obstinadament no generalitzables de l'altre. La literatura diversa dels Estats Units ens proporciona el terreny textual propici per aquesta conjunció d'allò ètic i ètnic. Com ho demostra el panorama transhistòric d'aquests assaigs, aquesta contestació és intrínseca a la pròpia literatura donada la seua explicitació de l'allò altre i, a la vegada, la seua participació en la domesticació d'aquest mateix altre. La literatura dels Estats Units, amb les seues demandes de pluralitat discursiva històricament determinades i amb les seues generalitzacions totalitzants i trascendentals, esdevé un corpus on destaca l'articulació d'aquest doble moviment. La conjunció d'allò ètic amb allò ètnic evita el tancament de l'apertura ètica ja que un enfocament ètnic qüestiona la temptació de l'ètica cap a l'abstracció, mentre que l'impuls ètic ens manté alerta davant la constitució universalitzant i estereotipada de les identitats ètniques.
This book expands the discourse on the Harlem Renaissance into more recent crucial areas for literary scholars, college instructors, graduate students, upper-level undergraduates, and Harlem Renaissance aficionados. These selected essays, authored by mostly new critics in Harlem Renaissance studies, address critical discourse in race, cultural studies, feminist studies, identity politics, queer theory, and rhetoric and pedagogy. While some canonical writers are included, such as Langston Hughes and Alain Locke, others such as Dorothy West, Jessie Fauset, and Wallace Thurman have equal footing. Illustrations from several books and journals help demonstrate the vibrancy of this era. Australia Tarver is Associate Professor of English at Texas Christian University. Paula C. Barnes is an Associate Professor of English at Hampton University.
An encylopedia of names, places, and subjects in the mythology of native people from North and South America, with over 1500 entries.
Aquest llibre reflecteix l'evolució en el camp dels estudis diaspòrics. Els articles han estat agrupats en dues seccions. La primera té com objectiu les experiències dels africans diaspòrics; la segona secció, àmplia el radi de recerca i se centra en les representacions literàries de la diàspora dels asiàtic-americans, porto-riquenys i als anglo-europeus. De la mateixa manera, un aspecte no menys interessant d'aquest llibre són les múltiples maneres en les que s'han tornat a teoritzar les idees de Paul Gilroy i a aplicar-se a una infinitat d'escrits. De fet, els articles testifiquen la diàspora com una experiència que potencialment pot -com així succeeix- afectar a tot el món, pel que la diàspora es converteix en una representació metonímica de la pròpia experiència.
The portrayal of black men in our national literature is controversial, complex, and often contradictory."In Racial Myths and Masculinity in African American Literature, Jeffrey B. Leak identifies some of the long-held myths and stereotypes that persist in the work of black writers from the nineteenth century to the present--intellectual inferiority, criminality, sexual prowess, homosexual emasculation, and cultural deprivation. Utilizing Robert B. Stepto's call-and-response theory, Leak studies four pairs of novels within the context of certain myths, identifying the literary tandems between them and seeking to discover the source of our culture's psychological preoccupation with black men. Calling upon interdisciplinary fields of study--literary theory, psychoanalysis, gender studies, legal theory, and queer theory--Leak offers ground breaking analysis of both canonical texts (representing the "call" of the call-and-response dyad) and texts by emerging writers (representing the "response"), including Frederick Douglass and Charles Johnson: Ralph Ellison and Brent Wade; Richard Wright and Ernest J. Gaines; and Toni Morrison and David Bradley. Though Leak does not claim that the "response" tests are superior to the "call' texts, he does argue that, in some cases, the newer work--such as charles Johnson's "Oxherding Tale--can address a theme or offer a narrative innovation not found in preceding texts, such as "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas. In these instances, argues Leak, the newer texts constitute not only a response to the call text, but a substantial revision. Leak offers the first in-depth criticism of black masculinity in a range of literary texts. In a final chapter, he expands his discussion to the emerging field of black masculinity studies, pointing to future directions for study, including memoir, film, drama, and others. Poised on the brink of exciting new trends in scholarship, "Racial Myths and Masculinity in African American Literature is flagship work, enhancing the understanding of literary constructions of black masculinity and the larger cultural imperatives to which these writers are reacting.
Nobel laureate Toni Morrison is one of the most widely studied of contemporary American authors. Her novels, particularly Beloved, have had a dramatic impact on the American canon and attracted considerable critical commentary. This 2007 Companion introduces and examines her oeuvre as a whole, the first evaluation to include not only her famous novels, but also her other literary works (short story, drama, musical, and opera), her social and literary criticism, and her career as an editor and teacher. Innovative contributions from internationally recognized critics and academics discuss Morrison's themes, narrative techniques, language and political philosophy, and explain the importance of her work to American studies and world literature. This comprehensive and accessible approach, together with a chronology and guide to further reading, makes this an essential book for students and scholars of African American literature.
This anthology interrogates two salient concepts in studying the black experience. Ushered in with the age of New World encounters, modernity emerged as brutal and complex, from its very definition to its manifestations. Equally challenging is blackness, which is forever dangling between the range of uplifting articulations and insidious degradation. The essays in Western Fictions address the conflicting confluences of these two terms. Questioning Eurocentric and mainstream American interpretations, they reveal the diverse meanings of modernities and blackness from a wide range of milieus of the black experience. Interdisciplinary and wide-ranging in thematic and epochal scope, they use theoretical and empirical studies of a range of subjects to demonstrate that, indeed, blackness is relevant for understanding modernities and vice versa.
This volume brings forward a descriptive approach to the translation and reception of African American women’s literature in Spain. Drawing from a multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological framework, it traces the translation history of literature produced by African American women, seeking to uncover changing strategies in translation policies as well as shifts in interests in the target context, and it examines the topicality of this cohort of authors as frames of reference for Spanish critics and reviewers. Likewise, the reception of the source literature in the Spanish context is described by reconstructing the values that underlie judgements in different reception sources. Finally, this book addresses the specific problem of the translation of Black English into Spanish. More precisely, it pays attention to the ideological and the ethical implications of translation choices and the effect of the latter on the reception of literary texts.
Archetypes of Transition in Diaspora Art and Ritual examines residually oral conventions that shape the black diaspora imaginary in the Caribbean and America. Colonial humanist violations and inverse issues of black cultural and psychological affirmation are indexed in terms of a visionary gestalt according to which inner and outer realities unify creatively in natural and metaphysical orders. Paul Griffith’s central focus is hermeneutical, examining the way in which religious and secular symbols inherent in rite and word as in vodun, limbo, the spirituals, puttin’ on ole massa, and dramatic and narrative structures, for example, are made basic to the liberating post-colonial struggle. This evident interpenetration of political and religious visions looks back to death-rebirth traditions through which African groups made sense of the intervention of evil into social order. Herein, moreover, the explanatory, epistemic, and therapeutic structures of art and ritual share correspondences with the mythic archetypes that Carl Jung posits as a psychological inheritance of human beings universally.