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J. D. Buck explains and demystifies Freemasonry in this illustrated account of the secret society, their ritual practices and use of symbols to communicate their ideas. The author speaks in favor of the ethical principles and ideas of the Masons; their insistence upon moral rectitude and good behavior of its members supports the idea that Masonry aims to cultivate the highest virtues of humankind. Such preservation of humanity's greatest strengths is to be applauded: writing in the early 20th century, the author muses on the social and economic upheavals in a world that has rapidly changed amid industrialization. Addressing public curiosity on the links between Freemasonry and the ancient lore of the occult is one of Buck's primary aims. The various ancient mysteries dating back to the time when Egypt was under the rule of the Pharaohs are examined. We discover how the modern Masonic principles of liberty, equality and fraternity relate and reconcile with the symbology present in the lodges around the world. Together with Masonic texts, the author also spoke with Masons and conducted research into ancient civilizations. Thus, Mystic Masonry is an authoritative and fulfilling guide to the subject.
1907 its teachings, rules, law and present usage's which govern the order at the present day. "True Masonry and the Universal Brotherhood of Man Are One." Masonry, nor Mystic Masonry, does not preach a new religion, it but reiterates the New Commandmen.
There are reasons why every symbol and every allegory in Freemasonry should be deemed important to a Mason. Knowledge can be preserved in symbols and, often, those that preserve them can be ignorant of what they preserve. For those who continue to search for the deeper meaning behind Masonic symbols, consider yourself more enlightened than those who do not seem to understand the words "veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." The Craft's symbolism is a system of great depth, and only appears simplistic to those who view it superficially. However, when we research industriously, the true light of Freemasonry will unfold. This book brings to light some of the deeper meaning behind Masonic symbols.