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When nine of us prayed at Holden Beach, we thanked God, though we had been the victims of the Shepherding Religion. But Jesus's proactive trip into the Wilderness had confronted an estimated forty-two hundred religions, according to current estimates. Jesus's bedrock actions, combined with His confrontation of "Legion," spelled the doom for religion's strongholds. Post-Holden Beach, my wife's dream revealed that "T-Jacks" come to snap at the ankles of every irreligious person, who nevertheless has formulated their own religion. They, we, become ensnared in the sweaty religion of Myopic Me! Paul says that Myopic Me! perfectly describes the crooked generation's love of self and money, contemptuous of Law, acting with cruelty, disobedient to parents, boastful, and loving pleasure while scoffing at God. Paul tells us that religion comes to everyone who demotes Christ's finished work. Thus, my five books address these battlefields for the soul of man: Captured by the Faith-Time Continuum Jerusalem with Solomon & Einstein Made in the Bipolar Image of God Dividing Wall of Hostility Freedom from Religion
Christ is revealed as Savior and Lord in the author's four books, though each begins with the worldly protagonist of Myopic Me! Sin and selfishness is not really the problem, as he first imagined, for the Good News concerning the forgiveness of our sin arrives from Nazareth, by way of Bethlehem offering Grace and unmerited favor. Every real and imagined wall of hostility is resolved in Yeshua, the Christ. As an undergraduate in Physics and English Literature, with the Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing, and Master of Science in Communication & Rhetoric, the author formerly worked as Quality Assurance Manager for several large companies around the world, manufacturing electronics and semiconductor products for large global customers. Published 1500 blogs since 2007. This is the author's fourth book in the Myopic Me! Series, with a fifth on the way: Myopic Me! Freedom from Religion.
If this story of Myopic Me! helps you hear the Voice speaking through the Faith-Time Continuum, then I hope you will also read additional books soon to be published. Each one expands the universal persona of Myopic Me!: Time Travel with Solomon and Einstein Freedom from Religion Tearing Down the Dividing Walls of Hostility The False gods of Identity The Seventh Seal The Faith-Time Continuum tracks my fractured journey through many chapters. When my story is told, with the help of Sheldon, Solomon, Dorothy, Alice, Einstein, and many others, I hope you will see that your own story has great significance in God's eyes. God challenges us to choose life, imposing one necessary and sufficient condition: "Believe in the Son Whom I have sent!"
Religious freedom has achieved broad consensus as a condition for peace. Faced with reports of a rise in religious violence and a host of other social ills, public, and private actors have responded with laws and policies designed to promote freedom of religion. But what precisely is being promoted? What are the assumptions underlying this response? The contributions to this volume unsettle the assumption that religious freedom is a singular achievement and that the problem lies in its incomplete accomplishment. Delineating the different conceptions of religious freedom predominant in the world today, as well as their histories and political contexts, the contributions make clear that the reasons for violence and discrimination are more complex than is widely acknowledged. The promotion of a single legal and cultural tool meant to address conflict across a wide variety of cultures can have the perverse effect of exacerbating the problems that plague the communities often cited as falling short. -- from back cover.
Winner of the 2019 James Madison Prize for Outstanding Research in First Amendment Studies. What are the arguments for and against government restrictions on religious beliefs and practices? To what extent can or should government support religion? Why is religious liberty important? Now a comprehensive anthology comprising 300 important writings on religious liberty is available to address and examine these questions, and Smith provides the important historical grounding and philosophical positions that guide readers through these significant selections. It will remain a significant reference work to facilitate reasoned discussions of freedom of religion, whether for education or advocacy, in the classroom or the public sphere. This outstanding collection should be in every library and on the desk of anyone seeking to understand or shape public policies affecting religious liberty.
Over 140 alphabetically arranged entries examine key issues relating to freedom of religion around the world.
Have you ever considered the fall of the American Empire? Neither did the Romans; but the Roman Empire collapsed mightily. The birth of the American Catholic Church separated from Rome? It will come. The unification of the American Catholic Church with the Progressive Christian Church—it's coming. The end of the designations Protestant and Catholic—it's time. The Reformation is over. Christians must unify and step up together to help save America before her infrastructure collapses. Norman Whitcomb is a layperson who wants to stir clergy, laypeople, and social activists alike to get both our country and church back on track. If economic imbalance gets much further out of kilter our economy will collapse. In Myopic Man, he takes the reader on his own spiritual journey and challenges others to do the same. He traces the evolution of both Hebrew and Christian religions and then to the dogma that was created that separates us. Norman believes that church dogma belongs only to the clergy that developed it, and that laypeople are much closer to agreement with the core elements of the Christian faith than clergy assume.
"Some time back in the early '00s, when-thanks to Dean John Sexton, my good friends Larry Kramer and John Ferejohn, and other colleagues-I used to hang out at New York University Law School, I had lunch one day with Dedi Felman, who was then a legal editor at Oxford University Press. We discussed her idea of doing a series of short provocative books on problems of rights in American constitutional history. When Geoffrey Stone of the University of Chicago (my literal birthplace) took over editing The Unalienable Rights series that Dedi organized, I quickly staked a claim to the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. This interest reflected a longstanding concern with James Madison, dating to my dissertation work in the early 1970s, and other projects I had pursued since, including the problem of how one discusses the original meaning of the Constitution. The idea of religious freedom was a seminal element in the development of Madison's constitutional ideas. Equally important, the two components of the Religion Clause illustrated two landmark aspects of American constitutional practice. The free exercise of religion is a right different from all other rights because of the degree of moral autonomy it invests in each and every one of us. And the disestablishment of religion, by depriving the state of the power of regulating religion, offers the best example of the basic idea that the legislative authority government exercises depends on the will of a sovereign people. These are points we do not readily grasp. In part because contemporary Religion Clause jurisprudence is such a messy and vexed subject, and in part because justices and judges often prefer resolving claims of conscience on general grounds of freedom of speech, this original significance of "the religion question" often escapes attention. The subtitle of this book rests on my conviction that a historically grounded approach to this subject would be of some value to legal scholars. Among other things, that approach involves asking how we should compare the gradual development of European modes of religious tolerance with the emerging American conviction that the free exercise of religion was no longer a matter of mere toleration."--