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Find your way to total trust in God with Saint Thérèse of Lisieux as your guide. In this spiritual biography blossoming with rich commentary on Thérèse’s reflections, and emerging from the Carmelite tradition, we are offered glimpses into her interior life.
How shall we live? What is the good life? What is the value of a person? What is my place in this world? Is God active in this world? These are questions that have been asked in every culture and in every era. From the Hebrew concept of Shalom (wholeness/well-being) to the Greek concept of Eudaimonia (happiness) and even to the American notion that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, great thinkers have pondered what it means for humans to flourish. The doctrine of vocation uniquely answers these questions. A certain level of security, prosperity, and freedom are essential components of human flourishing. God provides these components by working through humans in their stations in life such as parents and police (security), farmers and bankers (prosperity), and soldiers and governments (freedom). And yet there is more for which we humans strive. We are the types of beings whose wonderment drives us to the pursuit of knowledge, justice, and achievement. In short, we desire to be justified. We want to be valued. We want to be right or just. We strive for epic-ness. But no mere human adulation will satisfy. Nor can we justify ourselves before God with our broken lives. God justifies Christians through Christ and then uses them. God adds another component to human flourishing: purpose. He uses Christians in his economy of love to take care of the world. He lifts us from the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary even as we carry ordinary tasks. For the Christian these stations become callings or vocations. This can only fully be appreciated if the Christian knows that he or she is free from pleasing God through works. Once the Christian is freed from this burden the whole of the Christian life is reoriented to the free exercise of love towards neighbor. It is the highest calling, the truly good, flourishing, and happy life.
Vocation is more than a job. It is our relationships and responsibilities woven into the work of God. In following our calling to seek the welfare of our world, we find that it flourishes and so do we. Garber offers here a book for parents, artists, students, public servants and businesspeople—for all who want to discover the virtue of vocation.
Agnes M. Penny Your Vocation of Love is a book by the mother of four young children, who has written this little manual to encourage mothers of young children in their sublime vocation of motherhood and to assist them in this glorious role with scores of practical tips on what to do in the challenging situations that automatically arise in raising and educating a family. Here the author shares with her readers both the spiritual and the practical solutions she has found to the normal problems and struggles women typically experience with motherhood. And she covers these in 34 short but insightful chapters that make a quick read for mothers on the go-who often have only a few minutes reading time to gain some quick but much-needed inspiration. Agnes M. Penny, mother of five, was born the youngest of twelve children in Norwood, Massachusetts. In 1997 she graduated from Christendom College in Virginia, earning a degree in English literature. A year later she married Daniel, a teacher at Allentown Central Catholic High School. Agnes Penny is the author of two maternal-based books entitled Your Labor of Love and Your Vocation of Love. She and her family currently reside in Whitehall, Pennsylvania.
"What do I want to be when I grow up?" It's the question children love to ponder (and act out) at an early age. Here's a question we parents might want to ask ourselves: "How can I gently and lovingly help my children discern what God is calling them to be?" And here's a beautiful answer: Read So Many Ways to Be Holy: A Child's Book about Vocations with your child. Charming pictures of children playing dress-up capture the joy that is to be found in all kinds of lives of service -- from being an artist, a doctor, or an astronaut to becoming a priest, a brother, or a nun, and more! For each occupation, your child will learn the patron saint who would protect and guide them to use their talents for the glory of God! Did you know that the patron saint of scientists is St. Albert the Great? And what about the patron saint of ... farmers? dancers? cooks? or fire fighters or truck drivers or ...? After sparking childish imaginations, the book closes with this sweet prayer.
33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. So whether you want to deepen your love of Divine Mercy or have a devotion to St. Thérèse, 33 Days to Merciful Love is the book for you.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux sought a new way to Heaven: ¿a little way that is quite straight, quite short: a completely new little way.¿ Blessed with personal limitations that might have discouraged another, Thérèse believed God would not have given her a desire for holiness if He did not intend for her to achieve it. She learned to humbly accept herself as she was and trust completely in God¿s love. First given as a retreat by renowned author Father Jacques Philippe, The Way of Trust and Love navigates excerpts of St. Thérèse¿s writings phrase by phrase, extracting powerful, resonating insights. To Thérèse, the journey seemed ¿little¿ as she traveled it. A hundred and fifteen years after her death, the message of the young saint and Doctor of the Church has traveled around the world inspiring millions. With this newly translated study of her spirituality, many today will rediscover¿or find for the first time¿the relevance of ¿the little way,¿ in all seasons of life. Fr. Jacques Philippe is well-known for his books on prayer and spirituality. A member of the Community of the Beatitudes, he regularly preaches retreats in France and abroad. He also spends much of his time giving spiritual direction and working for the development of the Community in Asia and Oceania where he travels frequently.
When you understand it properly, the doctrine of vocation—"doing everything for God's glory"—is not a platitude or an outdated notion. This principle that we vaguely apply to our lives and our work is actually the key to Christian ethics, to influencing our culture for Christ, and to infusing our ordinary, everyday lives with the presence of God. For when we realize that the "mundane" activities that consume most of our time are "God's hiding places," our perspective changes. Culture expert Gene Veith unpacks the biblical, Reformation teaching about the doctrine of vocation, emphasizing not what we should specifically do with our time or what careers we are called to, but what God does in and through our callings—even within the home. In each task He has given us—in our workplaces and families, our churches and society—God Himself is at work. Veith guides you to discover God's purpose and calling in those seemingly ordinary areas by providing you with a spiritual framework for thinking about such issues and for acting upon them with a changed perspective.