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Hi, I'm Evangelist Malicia M Campbell, I would like welcome you to walk with me. Though, I didn't choose this life for myself, I am certain that God knew all about it from the very beginning. I must say, my walk with God has not always been easy. I have had to endure many ups and downs, much pain, and have shed many tears. Yet, God stuck by me every step of the way. When God spoke to me concerning this book, I must say I wasn't very excited. I remember, talking to God and saying to him, "Sure God, I can write a Book". That was, until, he spoke back and said, "Not any book, but, a book about your life". Immediately, I thought, writing a book about my life would bring back a lot of memories, pain and even some shameful things that I wasn't so proud of. It was then God let me know, that this book was not about my needs, but, the need of his people. He said, "Others need to know that I am God, from someone who, truly, knows I am God". He said," This book shall bring divine healing, deliverance, freedom, and restoration to many lives, souls shall be saved from your testimony". Writing this book has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. Yet, it has been one of my most rewarding accomplishments. This, assignment, has brought me great healing from the inside out. As I wrote this book, there was purpose in mind, to help Heal, Empower, Push, Encourage and, help Deliver souls that have been in bondage to past hurt, betrayal, disappointments, and faced many adversaries. It is my prayer that, this divine, anointed, assignment will, destroy every yoke of the enemy pertaining to your life and, empower you to be able to serve God freely. Though, I have chosen not to name certain others in my writing, the events in this book are true events pertaining to my life. Though, it has taken longer than I expected to write and release this book due to my healing process in writing, I am certain that, it is in God's perfect timing. Many days, I had to get up from my computer and walk away in tears from memories, and emotions of reliving some of the events I pray that as you read this book, your past hurt be healed as, I was healed in writing it. I pray, your struggles produce power, and your pain produce purpose. I Prophesy Now, as you begin to open this book and read my Testimony, Chains of the past be Broken, Your Heart is mended, and Faith be Increased "It is So, In Jesus Name". Now walk with me as I share my story. As I share "My Struggles, My Pain, My Victory". And, in the words of one of my favorite poets, Langston Hughes, "Well, I'll tell you, "Life for me Ain't Been no Crystal Stair.
These poems allow you to take a walk with me through some of my darkest hours. you may feel my pain, understand my struggle, and bear witness to the love that I have. My poems are utilized as a coping skill to push out bottled emotions before the thoughts become a problem. The loss of my mother leads to many suicide attempts. Writing allowed me to relieve the pressure and pain. In many of my poems, I am not glorifying or bragging about my darkest thoughts, pain, struggles, or the things I’ve done. However, I will like for you to understand that if you could look up, you could get up. As dark as I may seem to write, my light is bright. I write to un-bottle my love, my pain, my struggles, and my thoughts. Enjoy.
IF ONLY YOU BELIEVE I heard a rose can grow out of the concrete and a flower can bloom in the darkness, a fairy can ride a unicorn and a mermaid can bring laughter and happiness. They say you can be blind as a bat or as strong as an ox, you can live in a enchanted forest with dwarfs and dragons and save a beautiful princess with golden locks. Travel through space with aliens and robots, or sail the seven seas and fight pirates, gargoyles, or a cyclops. You can fly on a magic carpet and make a wish with a Genie in a lamp, converse with zeal around the fire at camp. Look for the abominable snowman camouflage in a blizzard, dance in the courtyard with jesters and cast spells with a wizard. A mystique to mystify like Houdini with another trick up his sleeve but you can have anything if only you believe....................
Having lost her mother as a child, she now faces the pain of losing a father, and the torturing brought to her by her step mother. Wicked as she was, Pearl's step mother was unwilling to be a parent to her and her sister. At a young age she was exposed to the ruthlessness of the world. Choose this story to find out the twists and turns in Pearl's life as she struggled to protect herself and her sister, and how she fought to over come all obstucles in life to achieve her father's long lasting wish for her. In the end, justice prevails, and love conquers all.
This book is about our struggles and battles that we face every day whether it be from past hurts, present dangers, fear or rejection; the list goes on. Our mind is the devil's playground. It is where he operates and there is no way we can avoid any of these things. Therefore our challenge is obeying God's word and trusting Him to guide and direct our steps knowing that He will bring us through victoriously. He is waiting for us at the finish line but we have the responsibility of walking by faith in what the word says. We must have belief in its ability to produce an effect and hope with the expectation of receiving in abundance the fruit thereof. My labour is not in vain if I do what He says is right. I will do this in spite of the sufferings that I am guaranteed to face because of my relationship with Jesus and the anointing that He has placed on my life; I will receive the prize for living a victorious life. If I suffer with Him, I will also reign with Him. I have no control over the behavior of others and how they treat and respond to me. The most control that anyone has over any relationship is in what they themselves do. I cannot control how you treat me but I can control how I treat and respond to you. I can't change my past or the things I've done or even the pain it caused but if from this day forth I live according to God's word and if I am careful to obey Him in all I do, Christ will change my future.
You have all that you wished for! You are your own universe as your are one with universe through your own soul living inside you. Connecting to your soul and by doing that making universe your own, makes you draw anything from it that you ever desired for yourself. But how to connect to your own soul and make universe your own is the complex issue that needs to be understood for getting all your desires fulfilled. The process mentioned in the book tell you very vividly how to do that. Learning the process and following it is so easy that soon you get to know all the secrets as to how to apply 'The Secret' which is another name for 'Law of Attraction', for having a happy and fulfilling life. Self-realization and a great life are no more the ideal concepts over which you only wonder in awe, once you start following the Divine process mentioned in the book. All that you need is, to take a decision, of not allowing your mind to disturb you in following the path which leads to eternal happiness and bliss and fulfillment of all your true desires. Winner of SahityaKosh Samman Award in LITFEST 2022 by NE8x.
If you want to win the battle, you must win the struggle. Say ¿no¿ to the enemy. You are a winner not a loser. You may not see the blessing in your struggle now, but with the grace of God and a made up mind that nothing will hinder your walk with God; your struggle will become your testimony. We must clearly see and recognize that the God we serve is able to see us through the most difficult situations. His love and His grace can strengthen us to walk through the storms of life despite the struggles of life. There is a bright side coming. There is a good ending. Struggles don¿t have to bury us. They don¿t have to steal our joy. We can take one day at a time and see the beauty that it brings ... hidden somewhere between the struggle ... there is a ray of sunshine. Your greatest troubles can become your greatest triumphs. Losing the fight is not an option. Don¿t say you can¿t because you can! You can make it through the struggle!
Scars That Speak is the powerful and compelling account of one woman's battle to overcome her abusive childhood and the destructive behaviors and thinking patterns that developed as a result. Rochelle Murray writes with complete honesty as she evaluates her life in light of her past. Full of original poetry, journal writings, and art work, Scars That Speak offers the reader a glimpse into the mind of a woman struggling to triumph over emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. The uniqueness of this book lies in the fact that it was written as her therapy progressed, which allows the reader to walk with Rochelle along her journey. Her story is captivating and poignant, gripping the reader from the outset. Rochelle's therapeutic relationship with a Christian psychologist provided the support that she needed to break free from her addiction to cutting, and enabled her to face her fears and the memories of her childhood. Her scars speak loudly of the fact that the past can be confronted, truth can be discovered, and strength and healing can be attained. This book is so much more than just another book about cutting. - An estimated two million Americans purposefully cut themselves each year - Rochelle used to be among their number. - Her self-destructiveness started when she was sexually abused by her grandfather. - Her narcissistic mother also played a major role in her self-destructive behavior. - Could therapy be the answer? Could she find her voice? Could truth be told? - Join Rochelle on her therapeutic journey as she struggles to find healing and the reward of joy.
This book is my story where I was and where I am going. From the first you saw things and read, I had to grow into the woman I am today. Yes I have skeletons and flaws. I’m not perfect nor will I ever be. People are quit to judge you by what others say when they have the same speck in their life. In life, you can’t be quick to judge and condemn someone because you dislike this person over what others have said. I love the woman I am today because my pain is my purpose. My vision is plain because I recite and wrote it to make it plain. Without a vision, you have no dream. With all things you can do have and be. Believe in self. Your story is your testimony you have been tested to help someone else. My story can help others to be themselves and speak out. Don’t be shame of what you did or do. Encourage others to be the narrator of their story, not others.