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RECOLLECTIONS: My Folks and Fields by Eddie B. Rozelle Editor, Rebecca Rozelle Burt In 1960 Eddie B. Rozelle self-published Recollections: My Folks and Fields. The book is a cultural and social history centered in Clay County, Alabama, located in the east central section of the state. By using a manual typewriter and a mimeograph machine and finally having the pages bound in heavy paper, the author recorded a thorough depiction of rural life in southern Alabama in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This new edition, edited by Eddie Rozelles daughter Rebecca Rozelle Burt, is essentially identical to the first. The editing involved little other than correcting mechanical and structural errors. An appendix was added, consisting of relevant material that should be of great interest to readers. Though Rozelle makes it clear that the grueling work involved in farming dominated the lives of most inhabitants of the region, the enormous amount of detail concerning education, medical care, church activities, entertainment, and civic practices re-creates a particular time and place in American history. The narratives of specific events come alive in this writers hands, sometimes with humor, at others with a tragic eye. The strengths of the small, close-knit world were characterized by the interdependence of family and community. Most inhabitants of the Hatchett Creek community worked together to improve their lot, both collectively and individually. It is obvious that Rozelles appreciation of these values, even the hardships of his early life, led him to write this history.
This is a book of family stories, of pioneers who immigrated to central Illinois from a variety of locations in Germany. They dared to leave the Old World and seek their fortune in the New World and strove every day of their lives to improve the quality of life for their children and descendants. They left a part of Europe, Germany, comprising a radius of about a hundred miles, and settled in America, in central Illinois, within a radius of about twenty-five miles. Between 1845 and 1869, some came as families, some as individuals , but they all chose to inhabit the villages of Danvers, Minier, Petersburg, or the surrounding farmland. Of the pioneer generation, there were sixteen people whose stories are like little jewels embroidered onto the warp and woof of the historical tapestry of their time. The second-, third-, and fourth-generation folks are likewise described within the context of their times and always leading in a straight line of lineage to Mary and Bill Oehler, the authors parents. Every life has a story. It has been a pleasure to delineate these thirty-one lives.
“If you read only one book on educating children, this should be the book.… With a warm, informative voice, Bauer gives you the knowledge that will help you flex the educational model to meet the needs of your child.” —San Francisco Book Review Our K–12 school system isn’t a good fit for all—or even most—students. It prioritizes a single way of understanding the world over all others, pushes children into a rigid set of grades with little regard for individual maturity, and slaps “disability” labels on differences in learning style. Caught in this system, far too many young learners end up discouraged. This informed, compassionate, and practical guidebook will show you how to take control of your child’s K–12 experience and negotiate the school system in a way that nurtures your child’s mind, emotions, and spirit. Understand why we have twelve grades, and why we match them to ages. Evaluate your child’s maturity, and determine how to use that knowledge to your advantage. Find out what subject areas we study in school, why they exist—and how to tinker with them. Discover what learning disabilities and intellectual giftedness are, how they can overlap, how to recognize them, and how those labels can help (or hinder) you. Work effectively with your child’s teachers, tutors, and coaches. Learn to teach important subjects yourself. Challenge accepted ideas about homework and standardized testing. Help your child develop a vision for the future. Reclaim your families’ priorities (including time for eating together, playing, imagining, traveling, and, yes, sleeping!). Plan for college—or apprenticeships. Consider out-of-the-box alternatives.
Building the American Dream depicts the journey of author, Gary Knapp, from his very beginnings on a rural dairy farm in southern Michigan through his teens, his tour of duty in the army, his broadcast training and then follows him as he begins his career in radio broadcasting and branches into television. Through his remarkable passion, ingenuity and enormous energy, he overcomes whatever hurdles he encounters and turns them into advantages which eventually enable him to build a network of television stations to serve the northern Michigan area. His journey is fueled by his inability to accept defeat, his persistence in finding a way to accomplish his goals by creating innovative financing when the traditional routes failed him, his trust in, and loyalty to reliable advisors and a family who supported him through thick and thin. The reader gets a first hand look at what goes on behind the scenes in radio and television production, sales and management. They accompany him as he moves from one phase of his interesting career to the next. Author Knapp, takes us back to the days of our childhood and the simple good life about which we all like to reminisce. We can smell his mom's apple pie baking as the family gathers around the radio set listening to Fibber McGee and Molly. He stimulates our memories of past parades, local celebrations, community events which he covered as a newsman and broadcaster and recreates the home town atmosphere of typical small towns through out our country. This book, with its motivational and informative hints, could be considered a handbook on how to attain one's goals and dreams, or by some, a guideline showing the steps necessary to succeed in business ventures and by others, just a 'good read.' Gary Knapp has brought to life, a story, rich in human interest, history of radio and television, entrepreneurship and events in the town of Cadillac, Michigan, where Gary took broadcasting to a higher level while building his American dream.
This engaging book examines the history of the one-room school and how successive generations of Americans have remembered--and just as often misremembered--this powerful national icon.
The more things change the more they stay the same. I’m sure that’s the way many black people feel today. Are you willing to understand the struggles of the Black man? This book explains the Black man’s plight for acceptance in our Country. The struggle for acceptance is still real you see, Because Black people are not acknowledged for WHO WE BE.
It was just his life - but what a life! From his boyhood on a dairy farm in upstate New York during this country's Great Depression, Ray Lindsey went on to have many exciting adventures. College years were interrupted by military service in WWII. A degree from Cornell University led to a job on New York's Long Island. He married Barbara Dickerson and together they started his next chapter - his "Necktie Years" when they started a family and a poultry business together. Ray valued looking his best - and wore a shite shirt and tie everyday - even while collecting eggs in the chicken house! His abiding interest in antique cars lead to the purchase of a '14 Model T Ford and then several more very early cars over the years. This self-described "chicken farmer" traveled extensively with his wife and early "used cars". He was a self-taught expert on steam-driven cars. Ray's stories are written in hopes that some of his experiences might be educational, interesting and perhaps entertaining.