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Mystic’s Musings is a compilation of extracts from Sadhguru’s discourses and talks. An intriguing look into the truth that lies at the core of existence, this book provokes readers to delve into spaces that are not for the faint-hearted, yet deftly guides us with answers about reality that transcend our fears, angers, hopes, and struggles. Sadhguru keeps us teetering on the edge of logic and captivates us with his answers to questions relating to life, death, rebirth, suffering, karma, and the journey of the Self.
Mystic s Musings is a book for the thirsty. It is a glimpse of an oasis for someone willing to rise above the intellect and move towards the fountainhead of knowing through the wisdom of an enlightened master.
“With the elegance of simplicity, this book takes you on an exploration of consciousness that will shift you to a higher reality.” —Deepak Chopra, New York Times–bestselling author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Constructed around a series of late-night conversations around a campfire between Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Vasudev on an island in the middle of a Western North Carolina lake near her mountain home, Midnights with the Mystic is the most thorough exposition of the teachings of India’s most sought-after mystic. Sadhguru challenges us to embrace the possibility that to each of us is available a higher realm of reality, a peak of consciousness—an entrée into the realm of freedom and bliss. Simone, an Atlanta real estate developer, was the typical baby boomer in search of an authentic spiritual experience. Professionally successful, yet spiritually arid, she discovered a way into what she was looking for in the teachings of Sadhguru. Concrete and down-to-earth, Midnights with the Mystic provides both an introduction to profound spiritual teaching and a personal glimpse of a charismatic guru. “If you read this powerful book, you will discover who you really are, who we all are.” —Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God
Integrating science, philosophy, and religion, the author shows the reader how to look at the most basic phenomena of life in new ways.
Mystic Musings is an unusual book, which may very well defy all efforts at categorization. The author's purpose is to uplift the human spirit, and he does so through unique and refreshing poetic verse. The inspirational messages and life lessons presented in this book will only leave you wanting more. While the book represents a new and interesting poetic style, it is less a book of poetry and more a collection of short stories about breaking through the bondage of the human spirit, en route to becoming all that we were meant to be.
“THERE ARE ONLY TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE: MYSTICS AND MISTAKES,” says Sadhguru, leaving readers in no doubt of the category to which they belong! That sounds damning. But mistakes can thankfully be rectified. And that’s the hope this book holds out to seekers. It reminds us that each one of us can make the journey—from confusion to clarity, from error to enlightenment, from self-deception to self-discovery—if only we choose.
Every year, a group of Isha meditators sets out on a tour of the Himalayas. Accompanying them on this journey is Sadhguru – a spiritual master considered by many to be one of the foremost living yogis on the planet. This is a book for those who stayed behind. It is a chance to make a pilgrimage on the page, travelling through the unpredictable but fascinating terrain of the master’s words. Amalgamating discourses and conversations from several yatras, it is a blend of the specific and the timeless. This book is not just about the Himalayas. And yet, the book would never have happened without the Himalayas. The mountains play a vital role in the text, alternately as context and catalyst, mood and metaphor. Without them, some of the questions in this book would never have been asked. Even if they sometimes seem tangential to the line of enquiry, they remain a powerful subterranean presence, eventually becoming the very bedrock of this book.
I had always believed in the healing power of our Lord, and viewed my life as one of service to Him via the practice of medicine. But, in retrospect, I had a deeper trust in the power of modern medicine and science than I did in Jesus Christ and His fully accomplished work on the Cross. My thinking was flawed, but, as I grew in my walk with the Lord and meditated on Scripture more fully, I began to see the superiority of faith over the limited interventions modern medical science had to offer, and that this interplay between faith and science was not mutually exclusive, but complimentary, for the spiritual aspects of our lives illuminate and empower the carnal aspects of intellect and physical senses. I began jotting notes to myself related to this interplay of faith and healing and science, and just filed them away...for years. IThen, in December of 2017, a baby was born to a first time mother of mine, his little body riddled with the most fulminant form of acute lymphoblasic leukemia, almost always fatal. His absolutely miraculous healing was the impetus to start putting these thoughts into writing, in the form of weekday morning emails entitled “A Christian Doctor’s View of Healing, Faiith, and Science”. It was soon made clear to me that these writings were to take the form of a year long devotional book, comprised of short weekday messages that are intimately linked, such that they can be read through as a book. And that book was to paint a picture, and that picture was to be of a face, and the face was to be that of Jesus, for He is the source of all healing