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CONTENTS / SOMMAIRE / INDICE Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Introduction / Introduction / Introducción Theoretical research / Recherche théorique / Investigación teóretica Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado, Reflexiones desde la educación contemporánea – el visitante en el centro de la acción museística Historical research / Recherche historique / Investigación historica Michel Allard, La fonction éducative dans l’histoire des musées québécois (1824-2015) Nicole Gesché-Koning, The avant-garde of European museum education in Belgium Sofia Trouli, Insights into the genealogy of museum education in Greece: early compatible views on the importance of museum education expressed at two international meetings in Athens Emprirical research / Recherche empirique / Investigación empirica Fernanda de Lima Souza and Adriana Mortara Almeida, The History Museum of the Instituto Butantan: visitor’s profile and perception Maria Esther A. Valente, Andréa F. Costa and Flávia Requeijo, The audience of a science museum and the concept of time Silvia Alderoqui y María Cristina Linares (coords.), Participación y representación de los visitantes en el Museo de las Escuelas Alexandra Tranta, Assimilating the museum experience: Dimensions of the education of potential museum educators, based on the results of a limited survey among students of Preschool Education Magaly Cabral, Does a summer camp favour the relationship with the museum? Rosane Maria Rocha de Carvalho, Public opinion survey of users of the gardens of the Museu da República in Rio de Janeiro
L'éducation muséale vue du Canada des États-Unis et d'Europe?, tel est le thème unificateur qui regroupe les sujets traités lors de deux colloques du Groupe d'Intérêt Spécialisé sur l'Éducation et les Musées (GISEM) qui ont eu lieu en 2003 à Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse à la Dalhousie University et en 2004 à Winnipeg, au Manitoba, à la University of Manitoba. Ils se sont tenus sous l'égide de la Société canadienne des chercheurs en éducation et se sont déroulés lors des congrès de la Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation. Cette publication comprend les textes de chercheurs universitaires et de chercheurs en contexte muséal. Ceux-ci nous présentent leurs recherches récentes ayant comme préoccupation d'origine la qualité des expériences muséales des visiteurs.
This book addresses the epistemological, ethical and methodological challenges faced by African scholars in their research practices. The epistemological domain addresses three interrelated topics: how African university students ethnocentric choice of research topics hampers the production of knowledge; researchers adaptation of their research methods to improve validity; and the challenge of knowledge production on community museums plagued by gross inertia, irregularities, uncooperative gatekeepers and inadequate funding. The methodological domain foregrounds issues around scientific rigour, the criteria for what counts as quality research, and reporting standards. Contributors contend that the use of mixed methods provides the best scope for the effective study and evaluation of social issues. They also detail how better-funded projects tend to improve the respect of ethical standards especially as they pertain to the protection of subjects confidentiality. Self-financed researchers on the other hand tend to be less compliant, a challenge that afflict especially younger and inexperienced researchers. This volume thus contributes not only to a critical understanding of the challenges faced by social scientists in contemporary Africa, but also the prospects and mechanisms on how to improve knowledge production processes.
How have cultural policies created new occupations and shaped professions? This book explores an often unacknowledged dimension of cultural policy analysis: the professional identity of cultural agents. It analyses the relationship between cultural policy, identity and professionalism and draws from a variety of cultural policies around the world to provide insights on the identity construction processes that are at play in cultural institutions. This book reappraises the important question of professional identities in cultural policy studies, museum studies and heritage studies. The authors address the relationship between cultural policy, work and identity by focusing on three levels of analysis. The first considers the state, the creativity of the power relationship established in cultural policies and the power which structures the symbolic order of cultural work. The second presents community in the cultural policy process, society and collective action, whether it is through the creation of institutions for arts and heritage profession or through resistance to state cultural policies. The third examines the experience of cultural policy by the professional. It illustrates how cultural policy is both a set of contingencies that shape possibilities for professionals, as much as it is a basis for identification and identity construction. The eleven authors in this unique book draw on their experience as artists and researchers from a range of countries, including France, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, and Sweden.