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These proceedings report the ever increasing interest and scientific case for the muon collider and the neutrino factory. There were intense sessions on the current design of neutrino factories in Europe, Japan, and in the USA, and there is growing evidence for a low-mass Higgs boson from the precision electroweak parameters to motivate the development of a Higgs factory. The twin themes of a neutrino factory and a Higgs factory have provided a possible plan for a future program in the USA. Some of the highlights of this conference were: The very latest news on the Higgs search at LEP II, the strong case for a low-mass Higgs, the push to find SUSY particles, the neutrino mass, the interesting possibility that the SuperKamiokande results could somehow be the result of neutrino decay, the beautiful arguments for a scalar collider, the summary of the future of CERN, and particle physics in general, and the overview of the Standard Model.
Compilation of contributed papers received in response to an open invitation as part of the feasibility study with cooperation from the Brookhaven National Laboratory and Nevis Laboratories of Columbia University.
The quest for the revelation of the deepest composition of the structure of matter and the nature of the fundamental forces that bind them together is underway, using experiments with colliding hadron beams at the largest energy and luminosity that present and near-future accelerator technology can allow. This book gives the physics motivation of such a collider and discusses the benefits and requirements of the experimental program. Obviously the size of the collider is a major concern, and that is determined by the bending field which is possible to achieve in superconducting magnets; the book includes a discussion on the ultimate expected magnetic field that can be reached. There are also presentations of straw-man designs; in particular, the effects of the synchrotron radiation, which are quite significant at very large energies and large bending fields, are examined, with the possibility of taking advantage of them for the attainment of small beam size and thus luminosity. In addition, detector issues are discussed, especially in relation to the large expected background, the total number of events, and the difficulties of gathering and selecting relevant events. Finally, there is a discussion on the social and political implications of such a project.
This proceedings assesses long term experimental prospects for further examining the elementary particle building blocks, space-time structure and organizing principles of our natural universe by using many TeV muon colliders. Besides examining the accelerator technologies of very high energy muon colliders, a classification scheme for possible elementary particle discoveries is presented and some examples of possible discoveries are discussed.
Understanding of protons and neutrons, or "nucleons"â€"the building blocks of atomic nucleiâ€"has advanced dramatically, both theoretically and experimentally, in the past half century. A central goal of modern nuclear physics is to understand the structure of the proton and neutron directly from the dynamics of their quarks and gluons governed by the theory of their interactions, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and how nuclear interactions between protons and neutrons emerge from these dynamics. With deeper understanding of the quark-gluon structure of matter, scientists are poised to reach a deeper picture of these building blocks, and atomic nuclei themselves, as collective many-body systems with new emergent behavior. The development of a U.S. domestic electron-ion collider (EIC) facility has the potential to answer questions that are central to completing an understanding of atoms and integral to the agenda of nuclear physics today. This study assesses the merits and significance of the science that could be addressed by an EIC, and its importance to nuclear physics in particular and to the physical sciences in general. It evaluates the significance of the science that would be enabled by the construction of an EIC, its benefits to U.S. leadership in nuclear physics, and the benefits to other fields of science of a U.S.-based EIC.
Written by one of the detector developers for the International Linear Collider, this is the first textbook for graduate students dedicated to the complexities and the simplicities of high energy collider detectors. It is intended as a specialized reference for a standard course in particle physics, and as a principal text for a special topics course focused on large collider experiments. Equally useful as a general guide for physicists designing big detectors.
This book presents the latest research in two leading areas of physics - astrophysics and condensed matter.
Muon Colliders have unique technical and physics advantages and disadvantages when compared with both hadron and electron machines. They should thus be regarded as complementary. Parameters are given of 4 TeV and 0.5 TeV high luminosity??−colliders, and of a 0.5 TeV lower luminosity demonstration machine. We discuss the various systems in such muon colliders, starting from the proton accelerator needed to generate the muons and proceeding through muon cooling, acceleration and storage in a collider ring. Problems of detector background are also discussed.
The Higgs boson is an undiscovered elementary particle, thought to be a vital piece of the closely fitting jigsaw of particle physics. Like all particles, it has wave properties akin to those ripples on the surface of a pond which has been disturbed; indeed, only when the ripples travel as a well defined group is it sensible to speak of a particle at all. In quantum language the analogue of the water surface which carries the waves is called a field. Each type of particle has its own corresponding field. The Higgs field is a particularly simple one -- it has the same properties viewed from every direction, and in important respects in indistinguishable from empty space. Thus physicists conceive of the Higgs field being "switched on", pervading all of space and endowing it with "grain" like that of a plank of wood. The direction of the grain in undetectable, and only becomes important once the Higgs' interactions with other particles are taken into account. for instance, particles call vector bosons can travel with the grain, in which case they move easily for large distances and may be observed as photons - that is, particles of light that we can see or record using a camera; or against, in which case their effective range is much shorter, and we call them W or Z particles. These play a central role in the physics of nuclear reactions, such as those occurring in the core of the sun. The Higgs field enables us to view these apparently unrelated phenomenon as two sides of the same coin; both may be described in terms of the properties of the same vector bosons. When particles of matter such as electrons or quarks (elementary constituents of protons and neutrons, which in turn constitute the atomic nucleus) travel through the grain, they are constantly flipped "head-over-heels". this forces them to move more slowly than their natural speed, that of light, by making them heavy.