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In this thesis we study carefully the stochastic local volatility (SLV) model for pricing barrier options in foreign exchange or equity market. We first discuss the advantage and disadvantage of popular models such as stochastic volatility and local volatility that have been used for pricing the same products, then introduce the necessities to build a hybrid SLV model. We classified the calibration process of SLV model into two major parts according to parameters' different nature, and point out the slowness of the calibration procedure is mainly caused by solving the lever-age surface from Kolmogorov forward equation via the iteration method. Our major contribution is to apply the fast mean reversion volatility modeling technique and singular/regular perturbation analysis developed by Fouque, Papanicolaou, Sircar and Sølna in [24, 27, 26] to the forward equation, which gives a starting point which is proved to be close to the true solution, so that the iteration time is significantly reduced. Besides, we developed target functions specifically designed for processing exotic option quotes and give suitable numerical methods for each step of the calibration.
We utilize multiple time scales processes in consistent dynamic modeling to capture main time scales and heterogeneity features of the volatility process of Heath-Jarrow-Moton models in the fixed income market. The Black-Scholes type HJM models are prevailing in both industry and academy. However since these models assume that the volatility process of the underlying financial contract is constant during the term period, they are not able to incorporate some implied volatility phenomenons emerging after the Crash of 1987. Stochastic volatility modeling is one of the main approach to overcome the above defects of the Black-Scholes type models. By applying the time scale separation, that is, the singular perturbation method, we show that the stochastic volatility HJM model we proposed are parsimonious and robust effective models. In fact, we carry out this framework on the linear finite dimensional realizable HJM models, derive the explicit pricing formulas of floorlet contracts under this stochastic volatility HJM models and estimate the accuracy of the result. Meanwhile, as a specific example, we studied the stochastic volatility Hull-White model explicitly. Besides the pricing function of the floorlet contracts, we also obtain the explicit form of the pricing function of the swaption. Following the calibration procedures we proposed, we calibrated this model by a group of daily swaption data from PIMCO. The calibration result shows that the mutliple time scales stochastic volatility Hull-White model is able to capture the implied volatility smile and this model is stable statically.
This thesis presents our study on using the hybrid stochastic-local volatility model for option pricing. Many researchers have demonstrated that stochastic volatility models cannot capture the whole volatility surface accurately, although the model parameters have been calibrated to replicate the market implied volatility data for near at-the-money strikes. On the other hand, the local volatility model can reproduce the implied volatility surface, whereas it does not consider the stochastic behaviour of the volatility. To combine the advantages of stochastic volatility (SV) and local volatility (LV) models, a class of stochastic-local volatility (SLV) models has been developed. The SLV model contains a stochastic volatility component represented by a volatility process and a local volatility component represented by a so-called leverage function. The leverage function can be roughly seen as a ratio between local volatility and conditional expectation of stochastic volatility. The difficulty of implementing the SLV model lies in the calibration of the leverage function. In the thesis, we first review the fundamental theories of stochastic differential equations and the classic option pricing models, and study the behaviour of the volatility in the context of FX market. We then introduce the SLV model and illustrate our implementation of the calibration and pricing procedure. We apply the SLV model to exotic option pricing in the FX market and compare pricing results of the SLV model with pure local volatility and pure stochastic volatility models. Numerical results show that the SLV model can match the implied volatility surface very well as well as improve the pricing performance for barrier options. In addition, we further discuss some extensions of the SLV project, such as parallelization potential for accelerating option pricing and pricing techniques for window barrier options. Although the SLV model we use in the thesis is not entirely new, we contribute to the research in the following aspects: 1) we investigate the hybrid volatility modeling thoroughly from theoretical backgrounds to practical implementations; 2) we resolve some critical issues in implementing the SLV model such as developing a fast and stable numerical method to derive the leverage function; and 3) we build a robust calibration and pricing platform under the SLV model, which can be extended for practical uses.
The famous Black-Scholes model was the starting point of a new financial industry and has been a very important pillar of all options trading since. One of its core assumptions is that the volatility of the underlying asset is constant. It was realised early that one has to specify a dynamic on the volatility itself to get closer to market behaviour. There are mainly two aspects making this fact apparent. Considering historical evolution of volatility by analysing time series data one observes erratic behaviour over time. Secondly, backing out implied volatility from daily traded plain vanilla options, the volatility changes with strike. The most common realisations of this phenomenon are the implied volatility smile or skew. The natural question arises how to extend the Black-Scholes model appropriately. Within this book the concept of stochastic volatility is analysed and discussed with special regard to the numerical problems occurring either in calibrating the model to the market implied volatility surface or in the numerical simulation of the two-dimensional system of stochastic differential equations required to price non-vanilla financial derivatives. We introduce a new stochastic volatility model, the so-called Hyp-Hyp model, and use Watanabe's calculus to find an analytical approximation to the model implied volatility. Further, the class of affine diffusion models, such as Heston, is analysed in view of using the characteristic function and Fourier inversion techniques to value European derivatives.
Financial time series exhibit two different type of non linear correlations: (i) volatility autocorrelations that have a very long range memory, on the order of years, and (ii) asymmetric return-volatility (or 'leverage') correlations that are much shorter ranged. Different stochastic volatility models have been proposed in the past to account for both these correlations. However, in these models, the decay of the correlations is exponential, with a single time scale for both the volatility and the leverage correlations, at variance with observations. We extend the linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility model by assuming that the mean reverting level is itself random. We find that the resulting three-dimensional diffusion process can account for different correlation time scales. We show that the results are in good agreement with a century of the Dow Jones index daily returns (1900-2000), with the exception of crash days.
Packed with insights, Lorenzo Bergomi's Stochastic Volatility Modeling explains how stochastic volatility is used to address issues arising in the modeling of derivatives, including:Which trading issues do we tackle with stochastic volatility? How do we design models and assess their relevance? How do we tell which models are usable and when does c
Abstract: Financial markets have experienced a precipitous increase in complexity over the past decades, posing a significant challenge from a risk management point of view. This complexity motivates the application and development of sophisticated models based on the theory of stochastic processes and in particular stochastic calculus. In this regard, the contribution of this thesis is twofold, namely by extending the class if tractable stochastic processes in form of polynomial processes and polynomial semimartingales and by showing how efficient calibration of local stochastic volatility models is possible by applying machine learning techniques. In the first part - the main part - we extend the class of polynomial processes that has previously been established to include beyond stochastic discontinuity. This extension is motivated by the fact that certain events in financial markets take place at a deterministic time point but without foreseeable outcome. Such events consist e.g. of decisions regarding interest rates of central banks or political elections/votes. Since the outcome has a significant impact on markets, it is therefore desirable to consider stochastic processes, that can reproduce such jumps at previously specified time points. Such an extension has already been introduced in the affine framework. We will show that similar modifications hold true in the polynomial case. In particular, we will show how after this extension, computation of mixed moments in a multivariate setting reduces to solving a measure ordinary differential equation, posing a significant reduction in complexity to the measure partial differential case in the context of Kolmogorow equations. A central role in the theory of time-homogeneous polynomial processes is played by the theory of one parameter matrix semigroups. Hence, we will develop a two parameter version of the matrix semigroup theory under lower regularity then what exists in the literature. This accounts for time-inhomogeneity of the stochastic processes we consider. While in the one parameter case, full regularity follows already from very mild assumptions, we will see that this is not the case anymore in the two parameter case. In the second part of this thesis we investigate a more applied topic, namely the exact calibration of local stochastic volatility models to financial data. We show how this computationally challenging problem can be efficiently solved by applying machine learning te ...
Local volatility model is a relatively simple way to capture volatility skew/smile. In spite of its drawbacks, it remains popular among practitioners for derivative pricing and hedging. For long-dated options or interest rate/equity hybrid products, in order to take into account the effect of stochastic interest rate on equity price volatility stochastic interest rate is often modelled together with stochastic equity price. Similar to local volatility model with deterministic interest rate, a forward Dupire PDE can be derived using Arrow-Debreu price method, which can then be shown to be equivalent to adding an additional correction term on top of Dupire forward PDE with deterministic interest rate. Calibrating a local volatility model by the forward Dupire PDE approach with adaptively mixed grids ensures both calibration accuracy and efficiency. Based on Malliavin calculus an accurate analytic approximation is also derived for the correction term incorporating impacts from both interest rate volatility and correlation, which integrates along a more likely straight line path for better accuracy. Eventually, the hybrid local volatility model can be calibrated in a two-step process, namely, calibrate local volatility model with deterministic interest rate and add adjustment for stochastic interest rate. Due to the lack of analytic solution and path-dependency nature of some products, Monte Carlo is a simple but flexible pricing method. In order to improve its convergence, we develop a scheme to combine merits of different simulation schemes and show its effectiveness.
Sparked by Alòs, León und Vives (2007); Fukasawa (2011, 2017); Gatheral, Jaisson und Rosenbaum (2018), so-called rough stochastic volatility models such as the rough Bergomi model by Bayer, Friz und Gatheral (2016) constitute the latest evolution in option price modeling. Unlike standard bivariate diffusion models such as Heston (1993), these non-Markovian models with fractional volatility drivers allow to parsimoniously recover key stylized facts of market implied volatility surfaces such as the exploding power-law behaviour of the at-the-money volatility skew as time to maturity goes to zero. Standard model calibration routines rely on the repetitive evaluation of the map from model parameters to Black-Scholes implied volatility, rendering calibration of many (rough) stochastic volatility models prohibitively expensive since there the map can often only be approximated by costly Monte Carlo (MC) simulations (Bennedsen, Lunde & Pakkanen, 2017; McCrickerd & Pakkanen, 2018; Bayer et al., 2016; Horvath, Jacquier & Muguruza, 2017). As a remedy, we propose to combine a standard Levenberg-Marquardt calibration routine with neural network regression, replacing expensive MC simulations with cheap forward runs of a neural network trained to approximate the implied volatility map. Numerical experiments confirm the high accuracy and speed of our approach.