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As indicated by its title, this monograph deals chiefly with morphologically recognizable deviations from the normal anatomical condition of the human CNS. The AD-associated pathology is illustrated from its beginnings (sometimes even in childhood) to its final form, which is reached late in life. The AD process commences much earlier than the clinically recognizable phase of the disorder, and its timeline includes an extended preclinical phase. The further the pendulum swings away from the symptomatic final stages towards the early pathology, the more obvious the lesions become, although from a standpoint of severity they are more unremarkable and thus frequently overlooked during routine neuropathological assessment. For this reason, the authors deal with the hallmark lesions in the early phases of the AD process in considerable detail
Neurodegenerative diseases are the most frequent cause of dementia, representing a burden for public health systems (especially in middle and middle-high income countries). Although most research on this issue is concentrated in first-world centers, growing efforts in South America are affording important breakthroughs. This emerging agenda poses new challenges for the region but also new opportunities for the field. This book aims to integrate the community of experts across the globe and the region, and to establish new challenges and developments for future investigation. We present research focused on neurodegenerative research in South America. We introduce studies assessing the interplay among genetic, neural, and behavioral dimensions of these diseases, as well as articles on vulnerability factors, comparisons of findings from various countries, and works promoting multicenter and collaborative networking. More generally, our book covers a broad scope of human-research approaches (behavioral assessment, neuroimaging, electromagnetic techniques, brain connectivity, peripheral measures), animal methodologies (genetics, epigenetics, proteomics, metabolomics, other molecular biology tools), species (all human and non-human animals, sporadic, and genetic versions), and article types (original research, review, and opinion papers). Through this wide-ranging proposal, we hope to introduce a fresh approach to the challenges and opportunities of research on neurodegeneration in South America.
"Why are there no effective treatments for my condition? Why do researchers exclude patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis from enrolling in clinical trials? Please let me know if you hear of studies that I might be allowed to enter or treatments that I could try for my condition. " Thus, in recent years, the sad lament of the patient with primary progressive MS (PPMS). This variant, often in the guise of a chronic progressive myelopathy or, less commonly, progressive cerebellar or bulbar dysfunction, usually responds poorly to corticosteroids and rarely seems to benefit to a significant degree from intensive immunosuppressive treatments. In recent years, most randomized clin ical trials have excluded PPMS patients on two counts. Clinical worsening devel ops slowly in PPMS and may not be recognized during the course of a 2-or 3-year trial even in untreated control patients. This factor alone adds to the potential for a type 2 error or, at the very least, inflates the sample size and duration of the trial. In addition, there is mounting evidence that progressive axonal degeneration and neuronal loss (rather than active, recurrent inflammation) may be important components of the pathology in this form of the disease. Although contemporary trials are evaluating whether PPMS patients may benefit from treatment with the ~-interferons and glatiramer acetate, preliminary, uncontrolled clinical experi ence suggests that the results may not be dramatic.
A Combined MRI and Histology Atlas of the Rhesus Monkey Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Second Edition maps the detailed architectonic subdivisions of the cortical and subcortical areas in the macaque monkey brain using high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) images and the corresponding histology sections in the same animal. This edition of the atlas is unlike anything else available as it includes the detailed cyto- and chemoarchitectonic delineations of the brain areas in all three planes of sections (horizontal, coronal, and sagittal) that are derived from the same animal. This is a significant progress because in functional imaging studies, such as fMRI, both the horizontal and sagittal planes of sections are often the preferred planes given that multiple functionally active regions can be visualized simultaneously in a single horizontal or sagittal section. This combined MRI and histology atlas is designed to provide an easy-to-use reference for anatomical and physiological studies in macaque monkeys, and in functional-imaging studies in human and non-human primates using fMRI and PET. The first rhesus monkey brain atlas with horizontal, coronal, and sagittal planes of sections, derived from the same animal Shows the first detailed delineations of the cortical and subcortical areas in horizontal, coronal, and sagittal plane of sections in the same animal using different staining methods Horizonal series illustrates the dorsoventral extent of the left hemisphere in 47 horizontal MRI and photomicrographic sections matched with 47 detailed diagrams (Chapter 3) Coronal series presents the full rostrocaudal extent of the right hemisphere in 76 coronal MRI and photomicrographic sections, with 76 corresponding drawings (Chapter 4) Sagittal series shows the complete mediolateral extent of the left hemisphere in 30 sagittal MRI sections, with 30 corresponding drawings (Chapter 5). The sagittal series also illustrates the location of different fiber tracts in the white matter Individual variability - provides selected cortical and subcortical areas in three-dimensional MRI (horizontal, coronal, and sagittal MRI planes). For comparison, it also provides similar areas in coronal MRI section in six other monkeys. (Chapter 6) Vasculature - indicates the corresponding location of all major blood vessels in horizontal, coronal, and sagittal series of sections Provides updated information on the cortical and subcortical areas, such as architectonic areas and nomenclature, with references, in chapter 2 Provides the sterotaxic grid derived from the in-vivo MR image
This book includes a series of reviews on general aspects of biomarker use in the study of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases and the development of medications involved in their treatment. It describes the pros and cons of the various approaches and covers the successes and failures in this research field. It is only by a thorough understanding of the shortcomings that progress can be made. The overall goal is to facilitate the understanding and treatment of these disorders, by providing a viable mechanism of catching up with other areas of modern medicine, such as diabetes and heart disease. Finally, it is anticipated that the development and application of valid biomarker tests and the leveraging of novel drug targets will help the fields of psychiatry on neurodegenerative disorders move into the area of personalized medicine where the right patients can receive the right medication at the right time for the best possible outcome.
This open access book describes marked advances in imaging technology that have enabled the visualization of phenomena in ways formerly believed to be completelyimpossible. These technologies have made major contributions to the elucidation of the pathology of diseases as well as to their diagnosis and therapy. The volume presents various studies from molecular imaging to clinical imaging. It also focuses on innovative, creative, advanced research that gives full play to imaging technology inthe broad sense, while exploring cross-disciplinary areas in which individual research fields interact and pursuing the development of new techniques where they fuse together. The book is separated into three parts, the first of which addresses the topic of visualizing and controlling molecules for life. Th e second part is devoted to imaging of disease mechanisms, while the final part comprises studies on the application of imaging technologies to diagnosis and therapy. Th e book contains the proceedings of the 12th Uehara International Symposium 2017, “Make Life Visible” sponsored by the Uehara Memorial Foundation and held from June 12 to 14, 2017. It is written by leading scientists in the field and is an open access publication under a CC BY 4.0 license.
This authoritative volume explores the fundamental concepts and numerous applications of targeted delivery of drugs to the body. This compilation has been divided into eight sections comprised of the basic principles of drug targeting, disease and organ/organelle-based targeting, passive and active targeting strategies, and various advanced drug delivery tools such as functionalized lipidic, polymeric and inorganic nanocarriers. Together, the twenty-three chapters cover a wide range of topics in the field, including tumor and hepatic targeting, polymer-drug conjugates, nanoemulsion, physical and biophysical characteristics of nanoparticles, and in vivo imaging techniques, among others. The book also examines advanced characterization techniques, regulatory hurdles and toxicity-related issues that are key features for successful commercialization of targeted drug delivery system products. Targeted Drug Delivery is a comprehensive reference guide for drug delivery researchers, both beginners and those already working in the field.