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In multifaith space, different religious world views come together in a way that mirrors the multicultural life experience of people living in towns and cities across the world. These spaces can highlight complex and sensitive issues to do with political and social tensions around the emergence of increasingly densely urbanised populations. At the same time, they also hold out the possibility of encouraging or promoting neighbourliness, dialogue, hospitality and shared activity for the betterment of the community. This book explores the history, development, design and practicalities of multifaith spaces. From early shared religious buildings that had to cater for the spiritual rituals of two or more faiths, to the shared multifaith spaces of modern secular locations such as universities, airports and hospitals, author Terry Biddington looks at the architectural, theological, social, legal and practical complexities that arise from the development and use of such spaces. The book also draws together research to enable further development of multifaith spaces.
Space sharing by groups is widespread in the United States, from commercial partnerships, to government and private sector joint use agreements, to the use of public facilities and commons. All space-sharing arrangements are similar in most respects, so what difference does it make when religious groups are involved?
Negli ultimi anni si è sovente parlato di de-secolarizzazione. Al tempo stesso, tuttavia, non si è mai spenta la voce di chi afferma che la modernità ha inaugurato un'epoca in cui la religione è in via di estinzione e la secolarizzazione ha vinto la partita della storia. Se così fosse, un libro sullo 'spazio religioso’ sarebbe poco più che un testo su un tema di nicchia. C’è da chiedersi, tuttavia: lo 'spazio religioso' può davvero considerarsi scisso e categoricamente distinguibile dallo spazio in generale? Le città europee sono state storicamente costruite intorno a una chiesa collocata accanto alla sede del governo, generando a sua volta lo ‘spazio' della piazza pubblica principale. Nella maggior parte dei siti urbani, questa distribuzione topografica urbana permane, e l’Italia costituisce, da questo punto di vista un esempio paradigmatico. Proprio in Italia, i conflitti sull’utilizzo delle chiese cattoliche in disuso, sulle comunità musulmane che necessitano di spazi per la preghiera, sugli spazi interreligiosi e sul connesso uso dello spazio urbano nel suo complesso, riflettono preoccupazioni pressanti su come vivere le nostre città, sempre più plurali, e su come definire i confini tra la libertà degli uni e la libertà degli altri. Su questo terreno di scontro entra in gioco il diritto, che regola lo spazio e tutte le pratiche che si svolgono al suo interno. La ‘liturgia’, intesa attraverso la sua radice etimologica di ‘azione nello spazio pubblico,’ serve come chiave ricostruttivo-cognitiva che potrebbe supportare il diritto a qualificare in modo più adeguato gli oggetti e i destinatari della regolamentazione da esso offerta. Se il tempo e lo spazio sono impossibili da separare, guardare indietro è l'unico modo per scandagliare il futuro (e viceversa). A questo scopo, nel testo vengono offerte alcune brevi incursioni storiche accanto all'analisi giuridica dell’esperienza contemporanea, e ciò con l’obiettivo di illuminare un percorso possibile verso un orizzonte di giustizia spaziale. Nei tre capitoli che lo compongono, il volume tratta rispettivamente del rapporto tra spazio sacro e spazio secolare della città; delle questioni teorico-giuridiche e giurisdizionali che ruotano attorno al problema della disponibilità dei luoghi di culto all’interno del tessuto urbano; e, infine, dei presupposti storici e metodologici per l’elaborazione di una ‘giustizia spaziale’ costituzionale. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-322-7
Although we often assume religion is in decline in the West, it continues to have an important yet contested role in individual lives and in society at large. And after half a century in which religion and belief were barely talked about in the public sphere, we face a pressing lack of religious literacy. Many are now ill-equipped to engage with religion and belief when they encounter them in their daily lives--in relationships, law, media, professions, business, and politics, among other venues. This valuable book is the first to bring together theory and policy with analysis and expertise to explore what religious literacy is, why it is needed, and what might be done about it. Its contributors make the case for a public realm that is well-equipped to engage with the plurality and pervasiveness of religion and belief, whatever an individual participant's own stance. It will be of great importance to academics, policy makers, and practitioners interested in the manifold implications of the continued presence of religion and belief in the public sphere.
Design professionalism interwoven with strategic marketing skills and advances in the technologies of digital communication are changing the interface and conceivably the future image of religious institutions. How and to what extent does corporate design influence the identity of religious institutions in the digital era? Six denominational case studies, including multifaith, in Europe were investigated. The concluding hypotheses outline principal response indicators, supplemented by a Religious Branding Compass, to assist in identifying the religious institutions' visual identity projections.
Looking beyond exclusively state-oriented solutions to the management of religious diversity, this book explores ways of fostering respectful, non-violent and welcoming social relations among religious communities. It examines the question of how to balance religious diversity, individual rights and freedoms with a common national identity and moral consensus. The essays discuss the interface between state and civil society in ‘secular’ countries and look at case studies from the the West and India. They study themes such as religious education, religious diversity, pluralism, inter-religious relations and exchanges, dalits and religion, and issues arising from the lived experience of religious diversity in various countries. The volume asserts that if religious violence crosses borders, so do ideas about how to live together peacefully, theological reflection on pluralism, and lived practices of friendship across the boundaries of religious identity-groupings. Bringing together interdisciplinary scholarship from across the world, the book will interest scholars and students of philosophy, religious studies, political science, sociology and history.
Houses of Religions are a new phenomenon in urban settings and promise to create a space with religious meaning for everyone in the city; or at least, to be much more than an ecumenical chapel, a church, a synagogue, a temple or a mosque. Projects of Houses and Centers around the globe have contributed to this volume: Bern, Hannover, Berlin, Vienna, Stockholm, Munich, London, New York, Jerusalem, Taipei and Abu Dhabi. Theoretical attempts to understand Houses of Religions and their creation of meaning within multicultural societies set the final accord.
This book examines how prisons meet challenges of religious diversity, in an era of increasing multiculturalism and globalization. Social scientists studying corrections have noted the important role that religious or spiritual practice can have on rehabilitation, particularly for inmates with coping with stress, mental health and substance abuse issues. In the past, the historical figure of the prison chaplain operated primarily in a Christian context, following primarily a Christian model. Increasingly, prison populations (inmates as well as employees) display diversity in their ethnic, cultural, religious and geographic backgrounds. As public institutions, prisons are compelled to uphold the human rights of their inmates, including religious freedom. Prisons face challenges in approaching religious plurality and secularism, and maintaining prisoners' legal rights to religious freedom. The contributions to this work present case studies that examine how prisons throughout Europe have approached challenges of religious diversity. Featuring contributions from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, this interdisciplinary volume includes contributions from social and political scientists, religion scholars and philosophers examining the role of religion and religious diversity in prison rehabilitation. It will be of interest to researchers in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Social and Political Science, Human Rights, Public Policy, and Religious Studies.
In a rapidly changing world, in which religious identities emerge as crucial fault lines in political and public discourse, this volume brings together multiple disciplinary perspectives in order to investigate shifting conceptions of, and commitments to, the ideals of religious pluralism. Spanning theology, sociology, politics and anthropology, the chapters explore various approaches to coexistence, political visions of managing diversity and lived experiences of multireligiosity, in order to examine how modes of religious pluralism are being constructed and contested in different parts of the world. Contributing authors analyse challenges to religious pluralism, as well as innovative kinds of conviviality, that produce meaningful engagements with diversity and shared community life across different social, political and economic settings. This book will be relevant to scholars of religion, community life, social change and politics, and will also be of interest to civil society organisations, NGOs, international agencies and local, regional and national policymakers.
A Handbook of Chaplaincy Studies explores fundamental issues and critical questions in chaplaincy, spanning key areas of health care, the prison service, education and military chaplaincy. Leading authors and practitioners in the field present critical insight into the challenges and opportunities facing those providing professional spiritual care. From young men and women in the military and in custody, to the bedside of those experiencing life’s greatest traumas, this critical examination of the role played by the chaplain offers a fresh and informed understanding about faith and diversity in an increasingly secular society. An invaluable compendium of case-studies, academic reflection and critical enquiry, this handbook offers a fresh understanding of traditional, contemporary and innovative forms of spiritual practice as they are witnessed in the public sphere. Providing a wide-ranging appraisal of chaplaincy in an era of religious complexity and emergent spiritualities, this pioneering book is a major contribution to a relatively underdeveloped field and sets out how the phenomenon of chaplaincy can be better understood and its practice more robust and informed.