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Spirit guide Jane Roberts takes you through the process of raising consciousness. She discusses dreaming, love, paradox, how the universe works, what co-creation is, and the purpose of living. She says, "This 'love/light frequency thing' is a formula for ascension and the simplest one we know. Try it."
Is reality what we see at first glance when we observe something? This might sound as a senseless question. Obviously, what we see is real. Any object that enters in our field of perception is an objective reality that has weight, density; it is also inert or alive. But are there other levels of reality that are equally valid and real as the level observed at first sight? When we make this question, we realize that it has meaning because science has taught us is that total reality is not the one we perceive at first glance. It suffices to look below its external surface to discover a hidden reality not observable at first glance. One question normally opens the door to other questions. If this is true, one can ask, “Why is it important for me to become aware of those levels of reality if the immediate one is sufficient for my daily performance? How does this question help to clarify why we are designed the way we are?” The latter question immerses us immediately in the field of meaning; the why of things and events. This is another level of personal reality that we must investigate if we want to obtain the full picture of what we claim is real. This is the intention of this essay, to explore the different levels of objective and subjective reality in order to obtain a holistic perspective of ourselves and the world we live in, so that we can accept its diverse levels of reality at the same time that we give it the respect it deserves so that all of us can share and live on Earth, our one country.
"The Theory of Multidimensional Reality is the latest development of this information theory of existence by the Author. The book applies the theory to explain what causes light, gravity, time, Planck's constant, and other phenomena found in physics. The Theory provides a foundation philosophy for all of science to explain some of the hardest phenomenon found"--
Vywamus explains the process of exploring and experiencing the dimensions. He teaches an integrated way to utilize the combined strengths of each dimension. It is a how-to guidebook for living in the multidimensional reality that is our true selves.
Leading a highly demanding professional life Jurgen Ziewe compensated by practicing intensive meditation to gain balance and spiritual inspiration. He soon discovered there was more to life when he was catapulted out of his body into a parallel universe. For nearly forty years he kept a secret diary detailing his excursions, which reveal a fascinating alternate reality that awaits us once we leave our mortal bodies. The author discovered a multidimensional universe, which he could step into in full waking consciousness. He returned each time with breath-taking accounts of a world which forms not only the natural extension but the foundation of our physical universe. Jurgen Ziewe gives vivid and compelling accounts of meeting his deceased relatives, of interviewing the 'dead', and even of accompanying himself in a previous life. He describes with the zest of a travel journalist some of the mind-bending places he has visited, and recalls the excitement of unearthing the magical powers found there.
"The Theory of Multidimensional Reality is the latest development of this information theory of existence by the Author. The book applies the theory to explain what causes light, gravity, time, Planck's constant, and other phenomena found in physics. The Theory provides a foundation philosophy for all of science to explain some of the hardest phenomenon found"--
In Multidimensional Evolution, author Kim McCaul recounts his journey to Java seeking a technique to help calm the demons that had been troubling him for the previous two years and his subsequent realisation that those demons were not the product of his own mind, but were actually real non-physical people who had been pursuing him from a previous life. It then focuses on three of the teachers that guided the author through insights and experiences on his search for understanding: Pak Sujono, who ran a meditation centre in Indonesia; a housewife in England, who enjoyed remarkable psychic abilities and the capacity to significantly alter the energies of those around her, and Waldo Vieira a Brazilian consciousness researcher and psychic. Multidimensional Evolution encourages readers to experiment for themselves, have their own experiences, come to their own understandings and make the most of this current physical lifetime. ,
History is replete with individuals who have travelled into other states of consciousness in terms of imagination, prophecy and "vision." These multidimensionally aware individuals represent a manifestation of super abilities far beyond anyone's imagination. They actually travel via the mind for a first hand look at other dimensions and space/time continua. Opening to the Infinite opens the gateway to this understanding with its in-depth interviews and eye-opening accounts of people who live among us, but who also grasp and experience far more than most of us do. "This book will easily fit as a seminal, ground-breaking one into the future... I believe that most readers will in fact recognize estranged parts of themselves in it." from the introduction by Ingo Swann.