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This book presents solutions to the general problem of single period portfolio optimization. It introduces different linear models, arising from different performance measures, and the mixed integer linear models resulting from the introduction of real features. Other linear models, such as models for portfolio rebalancing and index tracking, are also covered. The book discusses computational issues and provides a theoretical framework, including the concepts of risk-averse preferences, stochastic dominance and coherent risk measures. The material is presented in a style that requires no background in finance or in portfolio optimization; some experience in linear and mixed integer models, however, is required. The book is thoroughly didactic, supplementing the concepts with comments and illustrative examples.
This book opens the door to multiobjective optimization for students in fields such as engineering, management, economics and applied mathematics. It offers a comprehensive introduction to multiobjective optimization, with a primary emphasis on multiobjective linear programming and multiobjective integer/mixed integer programming. A didactic book, it is mainly intended for undergraduate and graduate students, but can also be useful for researchers and practitioners. Further, it is accompanied by an interactive software package - developed by the authors for Windows platforms - which can be used for teaching and decision-making support purposes in multiobjective linear programming problems. Thus, besides the textbook’s coverage of the essential concepts, theory and methods, complemented with illustrative examples and exercises, the computational tool enables students to experiment and enhance their technical skills, as well as to capture the essential characteristics of real-world problems.
Stefan Rocktäschel introduces a branch-and-bound algorithm that determines a cover of the efficient set of multiobjective mixed-integer convex optimization problems. He examines particular steps of this algorithm in detail and enhances the basic algorithm with additional modifications that ensure a more precise cover of the efficient set. Finally, he gives numerical results on some test instances.
The generalization of optimization theory and techniques to other formulations comprises a large area of applied mathematics. Optimization includes finding "best available" values of some objective function given a defined domain (or input), including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains.Adding more than one objective to an optimization problem adds complexity. For example, to optimize a structural design, one would desire a design that is both light and rigid. When two objectives conflict, a trade-off must be created. There may be one lightest design, one stiffest design, and an infinite number of designs that are some compromise of weight and rigidity. The set of trade-off designs that cannot be improved upon according to one criterion without hurting another criterion is known as the Pareto set. The curve created plotting weight against stiffness of the best designs is known as the Pareto frontier.A design is judged to be "Pareto optimal" (equivalently, "Pareto efficient" or in the Pareto set) if it is not dominated by any other design: If it is worse than another design in some respects and no better in any respect, then it is dominated and is not Pareto optimal. The choice among "Pareto optimal" solutions to determine the "favorite solution" is delegated to the decision maker. In other words, defining the problem as multi-objective optimization signals that some information is missing: desirable objectives are given but combinations of them are not rated relative to each other. In some cases, the missing information can be derived by interactive sessions with the decision maker.Multi-objective optimization problems have been generalized further into vector optimization problems where the (partial) ordering is no longer given by the Pareto ordering.Optimization problems are often multi-modal; that is, they possess multiple good solutions. They could all be globally good or there could be a mix of globally good and locally good solutions. Obtaining all (or at least some of) the multiple solutions is the goal of a multi-modal optimizer.Classical optimization techniques due to their iterative approach do not perform satisfactorily when they are used to obtain multiple solutions, since it is not guaranteed that different solutions will be obtained even with different starting points in multiple runs of the algorithm. Evolutionary algorithms, however, are a very popular approach to obtain multiple solutions in a multi-modal optimization task.This book develops the following topics:* "Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms" * "Using fminimax with a Simulink Model" * "Signal Processing Using fgoalattain" * "Generate and Plot a Pareto Front" * "Linear Programming Algorithms" * "Maximize Long-Term Investments Using Linear Programming" * "Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Algorithms" * "Tuning Integer Linear Programming" * "Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Basics" * "Optimal Dispatch of Power Generators" * "Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming Portfolio Optimization" * "Quadratic Programming Algorithms"* "Quadratic Minimization with Bound Constraints" * "Quadratic Minimization with Dense, Structured Hessian"* "Large Sparse Quadratic Program with Interior Point Algorithm" * "Least-Squares (Model Fitting) Algorithms" * "lsqnonlin with a Simulink Model" * "Nonlinear Least Squares With and Without Jacobian" * "Linear Least Squares with Bound Constraints" * "Optimization App with the lsqlin Solver" * "Maximize Long-Term Investments Using Linear Programming" * "Jacobian Multiply Function with Linear Least Squares" * "Nonlinear Curve Fitting with lsqcurvefit" * "Fit a Model to Complex-Valued Data" * "Systems of Equations" * "Nonlinear Equations with Analytic Jacobian" * "Nonlinear Equations with Jacobian" * "Nonlinear Equations with Jacobian Sparsity Pattern"* "Nonlinear Systems with Constraints" * "Parallel Computing for Optimization"
The goal of the Encyclopedia of Optimization is to introduce the reader to a complete set of topics that show the spectrum of research, the richness of ideas, and the breadth of applications that has come from this field. The second edition builds on the success of the former edition with more than 150 completely new entries, designed to ensure that the reference addresses recent areas where optimization theories and techniques have advanced. Particularly heavy attention resulted in health science and transportation, with entries such as "Algorithms for Genomics", "Optimization and Radiotherapy Treatment Design", and "Crew Scheduling".
Multiobjective optimization deals with solving problems having not only one, but multiple, often conflicting, criteria. Such problems can arise in practically every field of science, engineering and business, and the need for efficient and reliable solution methods is increasing. The task is challenging due to the fact that, instead of a single optimal solution, multiobjective optimization results in a number of solutions with different trade-offs among criteria, also known as Pareto optimal or efficient solutions. Hence, a decision maker is needed to provide additional preference information and to identify the most satisfactory solution. Depending on the paradigm used, such information may be introduced before, during, or after the optimization process. Clearly, research and application in multiobjective optimization involve expertise in optimization as well as in decision support. This state-of-the-art survey originates from the International Seminar on Practical Approaches to Multiobjective Optimization, held in Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in December 2006, which brought together leading experts from various contemporary multiobjective optimization fields, including evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO), multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) and multiple criteria decision aiding (MCDA). This book gives a unique and detailed account of the current status of research and applications in the field of multiobjective optimization. It contains 16 chapters grouped in the following 5 thematic sections: Basics on Multiobjective Optimization; Recent Interactive and Preference-Based Approaches; Visualization of Solutions; Modelling, Implementation and Applications; and Quality Assessment, Learning, and Future Challenges.
- Collection of results of multicriteria optimization, including nonlinear, linear and combinatorial optimization problems - Includes numerous illustrations, examples and problems
This monograph presents a comprehensive study of portfolio optimization, an important area of quantitative finance. Considering that the information available in financial markets is incomplete and that the markets are affected by vagueness and ambiguity, the monograph deals with fuzzy portfolio optimization models. At first, the book makes the reader familiar with basic concepts, including the classical mean–variance portfolio analysis. Then, it introduces advanced optimization techniques and applies them for the development of various multi-criteria portfolio optimization models in an uncertain environment. The models are developed considering both the financial and non-financial criteria of investment decision making, and the inputs from the investment experts. The utility of these models in practice is then demonstrated using numerical illustrations based on real-world data, which were collected from one of the premier stock exchanges in India. The book addresses both academics and professionals pursuing advanced research and/or engaged in practical issues in the rapidly evolving field of portfolio optimization.
This work presents a new approach to portfolio composition in the stock market. It incorporates a fundamental approach using financial ratios and technical indicators with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to choose the portfolio composition with two objectives the return and the risk. Two different chromosomes are used for representing different investment models with real constraints equivalents to the ones faced by managers of mutual funds, hedge funds, and pension funds. To validate the present solution two case studies are presented for the SP&500 for the period June 2010 until end of 2012. The simulations demonstrates that stock selection based on financial ratios is a combination that can be used to choose the best companies in operational terms, obtaining returns above the market average with low variances in their returns. In this case the optimizer found stocks with high return on investment in a conjunction with high rate of growth of the net income and a high profit margin. To obtain stocks with high valuation potential it is necessary to choose companies with a lower or average market capitalization, low PER, high rates of revenue growth and high operating leverage