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The author currently lives in Istanbul. He has received both a traditional and a modern education. He has written many books on different aspects of Islam as a religion and as a civilization. This book, written in a climate of love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), reflects this mercy, while discussing the most distinguished characteristics of the Prophet's way of life and his morality.
Peterson engagingly tells the tale of this prophet, blending the texts of traditional sources into a clear narrative that opens a window on the life and influence of the first Muslim.
Following the example of Prophet Muhammad is extremely important to all Muslims who view him as the best of humanity and in the words of the Quran '' excellent model of conduct'' (Quran 33:21). This book will seek to present many different aspects of Prophet's Muhammad's noble personality which Muslims can use as a guide for their own lives and relationships. Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad is unique amongst all the holy men of God, in being not only an exemplary father, husband, grandfather, relative and neighbour for instance, but also an incomparable statesman, peacemaker and judge in addition to his role as the Messenger of God to mankind. In the Prophet's life we can learn endless lessons such as the value of patience, the merits of forgiveness, the power of compassion, the strength of humility and the rewards of absolute trust in God's wisdom. The book is divided into chapters each focusing on different parts of the Prophet's life as a family man, ruler and general, judge and jurist and devout servant of Allah and ends with a beautiful collection of Hadith that have a real capacity to stir the hearts and souls of readers. The focus in this text is upon on the personality of the Prophet, in a way that will help the reader build their character as well as expand their knowledge. This work will inspire readers by introducing them to the Prophet in very personal way, making them feel as though they have lived and walked with him.
Kitab Ash-Shifa bi ta'rif huquq al-Mustafa, (Healing by the recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One), of Qadi 'Iyad (d. 544H/1149CE) is perhaps the most frequently used and commented upon handbook in which the Prophet's, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, life, his qualities and his miracles are described in every detail. Generally known by its short title, Ash-Shifa, this work was so highly admired throughout the Muslim world that it soon acquired a sanctity of its own for it is said: "If Ash-Shifa is found in a house, this house will not suffer any harm... when a sick person reads it or it is recited to him, Allah will restore his health." Ash-Shifa gathers together all that is necessary to acquaint the reader with the true stature of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with the esteem and respect which is due to him, and with the verdict regarding anyone who does not fulfil what his stature demands or who attempts to denigrate his supreme status - even by as much as a nail paring. QADI 'IYAD His full name was Abu al-Fadl 'Iyad ibn Musa ibn 'Iyad ibn 'Imran ibn Musa ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah ibn Musa ibn 'Iyad al-Yahsubi, the famous Imam. He was born in Ceuta in the month of Sha'ban, 496 AH and lived there although his family originated from Andalusia. According to his son, Muhammad, his ancestors originated in Andalusia and then moved to the city of Fes, staying in the Qarawiyyin at some point. 'Imrun moved to Ceuta after having lived in Fes. Qadi 'Iyad was the Imam of his time in hadith and its sciences. He was a scholar of tafsir and its sciences, a faqih in usul, a scholar in grammar, language and Arabic speech, as well as in the battles and lineages of the Arabs. He had insight into judgements and had the legal competence to write contracts. He preserved and knew the Maliki madhhab. He was an excellent poet, familiar with literature and an eloquent orator. He was steadfast, forbearing and a good companion. He was generous and gave a lot of sadaqa. He was constant in action and tenacious in the truth. He died in Marrakesh in the month of Jumada al-Akhira or Ramadan in 544 AH. AISHA BEWLEY Aisha Abdurrahman at Tarjumana Bewley is one of today's most prolific translators of classical Arabic works into English. For more than thirty-five years she has been concerned with making the contents of many classical Arabic works more accessible to English-speaking readers. She is co-translator of The Noble Qur'an A New Rendering of its Meaning in English. Other works include Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik, The Meaning of Man, Mu'awiya - Restorer of the Muslim Faith, A Glossary of Islamic Terms, Islam: The Empowering of Women and Muslim Women, a Biographical Dictionary.
This book is an English translation of as-Sirat an-Nabawiyyah; a scholarly and thoroughly researched Arabic work of Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi (May Allahs Mercy be upon him). However the title has been taken from the Urdu translation of the said work. In this book, the author has been particularly mindful of the current generation’s mindset, taste, understanding and sensibilities. Similarly, he has been entirely considerate of the modern method of research and discourse, so that the content, evidences and style prove to be effective. In preparing the book, the author has read old and new literature, in Arabic and other languages; so that the book, in addition to being comprehensive, is also able to dispel any confusion that exists in the modern mind. As a result, this book has received much acclaim, and within a short space of time it has been included in the syllabus of universities. Now, the English version of this book is in your hands, so that English speakers may also benefit.
Imagine having to stand in front of Allah (s.w.t.) and watch the sin being committed in front of you then having to explain it. Allah (s.w.t.) mentions in surah Ali Imran, verse 135, “And those who, when they commit immorality or wrong themselves [by trangression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins…” Keep the door of repentance open between you and Allah because He is always ready to forgive you.
This book shows how in spite of immense hardships and painful ordeals, the mercy and compassion of the Prophet remained to the fore, even towards those who opposed and persecuted him. For Muslims, this book will be a means to celebrate the magnanimous personality of the Prophet (s) and an incentive to instil the great qualities of the Prophet (s) in their own lives, while non-Muslims and academics will discover how these qualities as described in the Islamic literature have caused the Prophet(S) to occupy his preeminent position in the religious consciousness of Muslims.
Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca, unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam faith. Believed by Muslims to be a prophet and messenger of Allah SWT (God), Muhammad is almost universally considered by Muslims as the last prophet sent by God to mankind. While non-Muslims generally regard Muhammad as the founder of Islam, Muslims consider him to have restored the unaltered original monotheistic faith of Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus and other prophets. Born approximately in 570 CE in the Arabian city of Mecca, Prophet Muhammad SAW was orphaned at an early age; he was raised under the care of his paternal uncle Abu Talib. After his childhood Muhammad primarily worked as a merchant. Occasionally he would retreat to a cave in the mountains for several nights of seclusion and prayer; later, at age 40, he reported at this spot, that he was visited by Angel Gabriel and received his first revelation from Allah SWT (God). Three years after this event Prophet Muhammad SAW started preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that "God is One." Prophet Muhammad SAW, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is the man beloved by more than 1.5 billion Muslims. He is the man who taught us patience in the face of adversity, and taught us to live in this world but seek eternal life in the hereafter. It was to Prophet Muhammad SAW that God revealed the Quran. Along with this Book of guidance God sent Prophet Muhammad SAW, whose behavior and high moral standards are an example to us all. Prophet Muhammad's life was the Quran. He understood it, he loved it and he lived his life based on its standards. He taught us to recite the Holy Quran, to live by its principles and to love it. When Muslims declare their faith in One God, they also declare their belief that Muhammad is the slave and final messenger of God. Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us to love God and to obey Him. He taught us to be kind to each other, to respect our elders, and care for our children. He taught us that it was better to give than to receive and that each human life is worthy of respect and dignity. He taught us to love for our brothers and sisters what we love for ourselves. Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us that families and communities are essential, and he pointed out that individual rights although important are not more important than a stable, moral society. Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us that men and women are equal in the sight of God and that no one person is better then another except in respect to his or her piety and devotion to God.
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, one of the most eminent scholars of Islam in the contemporary Muslim world, draws on original Arabic sources to correct misconceptions about Islam's early history and to establish that the revolution brought about by the Prophet was entirely bloodless. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad formulated an ideal ideology of peace which he faithfully and rigorously put into practice. In his time, there were some minor skirmishes, but no full-fledged wars. The Prophet of Peace deals with the significant issues associated with the life of the Prophet, including jihad, itjihaad, the concept of war and the relationship with other religious communities. Quoting extensively from the Qruana nd the Hadith, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan illuminates the Islamic view of modernity, secularism, democracy, freedom of speech and the relevance of Islam in the modern age, clarifying that Islam as revealed in the Quran is not anti-modernity, nor does it advocate violence. Persuasive and compelling in its breadth and wisdom, this book presents an authentic picture of the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and is a must for all those who wish to understand Islam and its place in the world today.