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"Space is not the final frontier, humanity is, the full manifestation of humanity, above the influence of biases, for it is much easier to conquer outer space than inner space." Mucize* Insan or Miracle Human (*pronounced Moojeezay) is a work of assimilation and character-building towards a nonsectarian society above the influence of insecurity, corruption, conspiracy, privacy and traditions, by Abhijit Naskar, the Scientist and Reformer who has been at the forefront of humankind's struggle against discrimination and prejudice.
"Until each bullet of imperialism, nationalism and fundamentalism is confronted by a volcanic heart of the civilian everywhere, there is no peace, there will never be peace." The humanitarian scientist's clarion call of peace, beyond state, faith, intellect and ideology. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but a life given for a life fallen makes the whole world alive."
Insan Himalayanoğlu is a himalayan triumph of reform over rigidity. Thus speaks Himalayanoğlu: “All the world's an asylum, All the people are lunatics. Some are but loonies of love, Some loonies run by prejudice. Some die running in love of currency, Some die sharing the currency of love. Beyond the grasp of dollar and euro, Love is the only nonvolatile currency in the world. It's good to be a loonie, If the reason is justly humane. When human welfare is at stake, It's only logical to be insane. Sane, insane - be as the need arises, To hell with the judgment of nitwits! In an organic world no sanity is absolute, Boldly walk the spectrum as the purpose fits.”
“Home is a people, not a place. Move to a different city, and anyone from your hometown will feel like family. Move to a different country, and the very sight of someone from your native country will make you emotional. Move to space, and the very sight of earth will wreak tears of joy. We keep bickering over trivial things like race, religion, gender, sexuality, status and so on, because even in this day and age we still take human life for granted. Ask an astronaut, and they'll tell you, whether they can find any trace of those prehistoric barriers from up there in space.” Thus speaks the humanitarian scientist.
Thus speaks Naskar: “You can train a mind to think, but you can't train a heart to love. Either you love or you don't, there's no training. Either you love or you don't, there's no thinking. Nobody thinks twice before hating, then why should you think twice before loving! Until love becomes instinctive as hate, nothing will change.”
Tum Dunya Tek Millet, literally translated, Whole World One Nation, is declaration of a dream - the dream of one world family. Thus speaks the humanitarian scientist: “From Karbala to Kurukshetra, from Jerusalem to Chanakkale, light of truth has never submitted to the howling audacity of divisive animality - then why should you? Remember, there is a karbala in each of you, there is a kurukshetra in each of you, there is a jerusalem and chanakkale in each of you. And till you accept defeat out of your own free will, not a force in the world can dampen the daring advances of love and reason. So, get up - get out - and get lost! Wanna lead the world? First learn about the world - get so lost in the struggles of each and every people of planet earth, that you forget where you came from altogether - get so lost in the struggles of the people of earth, that for the first time in life you start to breathe as a whole human being - get so lost, that for the first time you see the light of dawn not as a puny slave to puny borders, but as the civilized maker of a civilized world.”
“How come we can invent better ways to kill each other, but not one to preserve peace!” Asks Naskar.
The humanitarian scientist speaks: "Burn my books, and go lift the world! Let me live in your blood, not in books." Until Abhijit Naskar came along, poetry was primarily associated with love and romanticism. He opened up new vistas of poetry, by making it a mainstream vessel of expression for justice, equality, integration and awareness. As the world's first multicultural poet and scientist, Naskar stands not only as a bridge between cultures, but also as a bridge between disciplines.
“My ethnicity is empathy, My race is reform, My nationality is oneness, My name is human.” The humanitarian scientist's poetic masterpiece of inclusion.
Rowdy Scientist puts the human in scientist, and humanity in science. “Rowdy Scientist Sonnet Science is neither boastful nor bashful, Science stands dutybound, forever mindful. Science gives the final answer as a ray of hope, With all avenues exhausted to the last granule. Science is neither defensive nor offensive, Science can't afford such primitive prerogative. Transcending binary norms science acts whole, Defying the comfort of all corrosive narrative. Science is slave to none, science enslaves none, Science blooms from reason, endorsing curiosity. But don't ever confuse curiosity with cynicism, Curiosity brings understanding, cynicism apathy. Average scientists seek answers, Great scientist seeks questions. Submissive scientists chase solutions, I'm a Rowdy Scientist, give me problems!”