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For more than 100 years, a small building has occupied the space we now know as the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Mt. Zion was first known as the Benevolent Society. The Society bought the land for Mt. Zion in 1808. On September 16, 1866, the Benevolent Society was re-organized by the late Rev. C. J. Smith and Rev. W. M. Taylor to the Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Mt. Zion has stood on the banks of Old River for over 100 years. Mt. Zion has been destroyed by fire on two occasions and rebuilt. The church was used as a school for many African-American residents of upper Pointe Coupee Parish. It housed 1st through 8th grade. School was in session when one of the first fires took place that destroyed the church. The children were safely evacuated and the church was rebuilt. Mt. Zion was also damaged by Hurricane Gustav and repaired. Mt. Zion has had many leaders. Some of the leaders were the Rev C.J. Smith, W.M. Taylor, G. Duncan, D. Gaspander, G.B. Thompson, F. Green, W.L. Washington, Lesley Draper, Jr. and Matt Fountain. Before their deaths, Rev. W.L. Washington served as pastor for forty-four (44) years; Rev. Draper Jr. served as pastor for twenty-three (23) years; Rev. Fountain served as pastor for five (5) years. Our current pastor is Rev. Darren J. Bridgewater who was installed on February 10, 2013. Improvements through the years include: 1977 - remodeling began; 1986 - new pews; 1987 - cornerstone laid; 1988 - rooms added; 1990 - choir stand moved; 1991 - addition of stove and cabinets to the kitchen; 1992 - new windows; 1993 - cement driveway completed; 1998 - installation of central a/c; 2008 - roof repair; 2013 church mission statement established; 2014 church foundation improvement. God continues to bless us and we are thankful for his loving grace. Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. Acts 20:28
A commemorative book celebrating the history and leadership of First Mount Zion Baptist Church.