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One of the ultimate goals in Robotics is to create autonomous robots. Such robots will accept high-level descriptions of tasks and will execute them without further human intervention. The input descriptions will specify what the user wants done rather than how to do it. The robots will be any kind of versatile mechanical device equipped with actuators and sensors under the control of a computing system. Making progress toward autonomous robots is of major practical inter est in a wide variety of application domains including manufacturing, construction, waste management, space exploration, undersea work, as sistance for the disabled, and medical surgery. It is also of great technical interest, especially for Computer Science, because it raises challenging and rich computational issues from which new concepts of broad useful ness are likely to emerge. Developing the technologies necessary for autonomous robots is a formidable undertaking with deep interweaved ramifications in auto mated reasoning, perception and control. It raises many important prob lems. One of them - motion planning - is the central theme of this book. It can be loosely stated as follows: How can a robot decide what motions to perform in order to achieve goal arrangements of physical objects? This capability is eminently necessary since, by definition, a robot accomplishes tasks by moving in the real world. The minimum one would expect from an autonomous robot is the ability to plan its x Preface own motions.
In motion planning for automated vehicles, a thorough uncertainty consideration is crucial to facilitate safe and convenient driving behavior. This work presents three motion planning approaches which are targeted towards the predominant uncertainties in different scenarios, along with an extended safety verification framework. The approaches consider uncertainties from imperfect perception, occlusions and limited sensor range, and also those in the behavior of other traffic participants.
This work presents a behavior planning algorithm for automated driving in urban environments with an uncertain and dynamic nature. The algorithm allows to consider the prediction uncertainty (e.g. different intentions), perception uncertainty (e.g. occlusions) as well as the uncertain interactive behavior of the other agents explicitly. Simulating the most likely future scenarios allows to find an optimal policy online that enables non-conservative planning under uncertainty.
This thesis starts by proposing a new framework for motion planning using stochastic maps, such as occupancy-grid maps. In autonomous robotics applications, the robot's map of the environment is typically constructed online, using techniques from SLAM. These methods can construct a dense map of the environment, or a sparse map that contains a set of identifiable landmarks. In this situation, path planning would be performed using the dense map, and the path would be executed in a sensor-based fashion, using feedback control to track the reference path based on sensor information regarding landmark position. Maximum-likelihood estimation techniques are used to model the sensing process as well as to estimate the most likely nominal path that will be followed by the robot during execution of the plan. The proposed approach is potentially a practical way to plan under the specific sorts of uncertainty confronted by a humanoid robot. The next chapter, presents methods for constructing free paths in dynamic environments. The chapter begins with a comprehensive review of past methods, ranging from modifying sampling-based methods for the dynamic obstacle problem, to methods that were specifically designed for this problem. The thesis proposes to adapt a method reported originally by Leven et al.. so that it can be used to plan paths for humanoid robots in dynamic environments. The basic idea of this method is to construct a mapping from voxels in a discretized representation of the workspace to vertices and arcs in a configuration space network built using sampling-based planning methods. When an obstacle intersects a voxel in the workspace, the corresponding nodes and arcs in the configuration space roadmap are marked as invalid. The part of the network that remains comprises the set of valid candidate paths. The specific approach described here extends previous work by imposing a two-level hierarchical structure on the representation of the workspace. The methods described in Chapters 2 and 3 essentially deal with low-dimensional problems (e.g., moving a bounding box). The reduction in dimensionality is essential, since the path planning problem confronted in these chapters is complicated by uncertainty and dynamic obstacles, respectively. Chapter 4 addresses the problem of planning the full motion of a humanoid robot (whole-body task planning). The approach presented here is essentially a four-step approach. First, multiple viable goal configurations are generated using a local task solver, and these are used in a classical path planning approach with one initial condition and multiple goals. This classical problem is solved using an RRT-based method. Once a path is found, optimization methods are applied to the goal posture. Finally, classic path optimization algorithms are applied to the solution path and posture optimization. The fifth chapter describes algorithms for building a representation of the environment using stereo vision as the sensing modality. Such algorithms are necessary components of the autonomous system proposed in the first chapter of the thesis. A simple occupancy-grid based method is proposed, in which each voxel in the grid is assigned a number indicating the probability that it is occupied. The representation is updated during execution based on values received from the sensing system. The sensor model used is a simple Gaussian observation model in which measured distance is assumed to be true distance plus additive Gaussian noise. Sequential Bayes updating is then used to incrementally update occupancy values as new measurements are received. Finally, chapter 6 provides some details about the overall system architecture, and in particular, about those components of the architecture that have been taken from existing software (and therefore, do not themselves represent contributions of the thesis). Several software systems are described, including GIK, WorldModelGrid3D, HppDynamicObstacle, and GenoM.
This book is the first technical overview of autonomous vehicles written for a general computing and engineering audience. The authors share their practical experiences of creating autonomous vehicle systems. These systems are complex, consisting of three major subsystems: (1) algorithms for localization, perception, and planning and control; (2) client systems, such as the robotics operating system and hardware platform; and (3) the cloud platform, which includes data storage, simulation, high-definition (HD) mapping, and deep learning model training. The algorithm subsystem extracts meaningful information from sensor raw data to understand its environment and make decisions about its actions. The client subsystem integrates these algorithms to meet real-time and reliability requirements. The cloud platform provides offline computing and storage capabilities for autonomous vehicles. Using the cloud platform, we are able to test new algorithms and update the HD map—plus, train better recognition, tracking, and decision models. This book consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of autonomous vehicle systems; Chapter 2 focuses on localization technologies; Chapter 3 discusses traditional techniques used for perception; Chapter 4 discusses deep learning based techniques for perception; Chapter 5 introduces the planning and control sub-system, especially prediction and routing technologies; Chapter 6 focuses on motion planning and feedback control of the planning and control subsystem; Chapter 7 introduces reinforcement learning-based planning and control; Chapter 8 delves into the details of client systems design; and Chapter 9 provides the details of cloud platforms for autonomous driving. This book should be useful to students, researchers, and practitioners alike. Whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student interested in autonomous driving, you will find herein a comprehensive overview of the whole autonomous vehicle technology stack. If you are an autonomous driving practitioner, the many practical techniques introduced in this book will be of interest to you. Researchers will also find plenty of references for an effective, deeper exploration of the various technologies.
ISRR, the "International Symposium on Robotics Research", is one of robotics pioneering Symposia, which has established over the past two decades some of the field's most fundamental and lasting contributions. This book presents the results of the eighteenth edition of "Robotics Research" ISRR17, offering a collection of a broad range of topics in robotics. This symposium took place in Puerto Varas, Chile from December 11th to December 14th, 2017. The content of the contributions provides a wide coverage of the current state of robotics research, the advances and challenges in its theoretical foundation and technology basis, and the developments in its traditional and new emerging areas of applications. The diversity, novelty, and span of the work unfolding in these areas reveal the field's increased maturity and expanded scope and define the state of the art of robotics and its future direction.
Over the past few years there has been a new wave of interest in fully autonomous robots operating in the real world, with applications from autonomous driving to search and rescue. These robots are expected to operate at high speeds in unknown, unstructured environments using only onboard sensing and computation, presenting significant challenges for high performance autonomous navigation. To enable research in these challenging scenarios, the first part of this thesis focuses on the development of a custom high-performance research UAV capable of high speed autonomous flight using only vision and inertial sensors. This research platform was used to develop stateof-the-art onboard visual inertial state estimation at high speeds in challenging scenarios such as flying through window gaps. While this platform is capable of high performance state estimation and control, its capabilities in unknown environments are severely limited by the computational costs of running traditional vision-based mapping and motion planning algorithms on an embedded platform. Motivated by these challenges, the second part of this thesis presents an algorithmic approach to the problem of motion planning in an unknown environment when the computational costs of mapping all available sensor data is prohibitively high. The algorithm is built around a tree of dynamically feasible and free space optimal trajectories to the goal state in configuration space. As the algorithm progresses it iteratively switches between processing new sensor data and locally updating the search tree. We show that the algorithm produces globally optimal motion plans, matching the optimal solution for the case with the full (unprocessed) sensor data, while only processing a subset of the data. The mapping and motion planning algorithm is demonstrated on a number of test systems, with a particular focus on a six-dimensional thrust limited model of a quadrotor.
During the last decades, improved sensor and hardware technologies as well as new methods and algorithms have made self-driving vehicles a realistic possibility in the near future. At the same time, there has been a growing demand within the transportation sector to increase efficiency and to reduce the environmental impact related to transportation of people and goods. Therefore, many leading automotive and technology companies have turned their attention towards developing advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are expected to have their first big impact in closed environments, such as mines, harbors, loading and offloading sites. In such areas, the legal requirements are less restrictive and the surrounding environment is more controlled and predictable compared to urban areas. Expected positive outcomes include increased productivity and safety, reduced emissions and the possibility to relieve the human from performing complex or dangerous tasks. Within these sites, tractor-trailer vehicles are frequently used for transportation. These vehicles are composed of several interconnected vehicle segments, and are therefore large, complex and unstable while reversing. This thesis addresses the problem of designing efficient motion planning and feedback control techniques for such systems. The contributions of this thesis are within the area of motion planning and feedback control for long tractor-trailer combinations operating at low-speeds in closed and unstructured environments. It includes development of motion planning and feedback control frameworks, structured design tools for guaranteeing closed-loop stability and experimental validation of the proposed solutions through simulations, lab and field experiments. Even though the primary application in this work is tractor-trailer vehicles, many of the proposed approaches can with some adjustments also be used for other systems, such as drones and ships. The developed sampling-based motion planning algorithms are based upon the probabilistic closed-loop rapidly exploring random tree (CL-RRT) algorithm and the deterministic lattice-based motion planning algorithm. It is also proposed to use numerical optimal control offline for precomputing libraries of optimized maneuvers as well as during online planning in the form of a warm-started optimization step. To follow the motion plan, several predictive path-following control approaches are proposed with different computational complexity and performance. Common for these approaches are that they use a path-following error model of the vehicle for future predictions and are tailored to operate in series with a motion planner that computes feasible paths. The design strategies for the path-following approaches include linear quadratic (LQ) control and several advanced model predictive control (MPC) techniques to account for physical and sensing limitations. To strengthen the practical value of the developed techniques, several of the proposed approaches have been implemented and successfully demonstrated in field experiments on a full-scale test platform. To estimate the vehicle states needed for control, a novel nonlinear observer is evaluated on the full-scale test vehicle. It is designed to only utilize information from sensors that are mounted on the tractor, making the system independent of any sensor mounted on the trailer. Under de senaste årtiondena har utvecklingen av sensor- och hårdvaruteknik gått i en snabb takt, samtidigt som nya metoder och algoritmer har introducerats. Samtidigt ställs det stora krav på transportsektorn att öka effektiviteten och minska miljöpåverkan vid transporter av både människor och varor. Som en följd av detta har många ledande fordonstillverkare och teknikföretag börjat satsat på att utveckla avancerade förarstödsystem och självkörande fordon. Även forskningen inom autonoma fordon har under de senaste årtiondena kraftig ökat då en rad tekniska problem återstår att lösas. Förarlösa fordon förväntas få sitt första stora genombrott i slutna miljöer, såsom gruvor, hamnar, lastnings- och lossningsplatser. I sådana områden är lagstiftningen mindre hård jämfört med stadsområden och omgivningen är mer kontrollerad och förutsägbar. Några av de förväntade positiva effekterna är ökad produktivitet och säkerhet, minskade utsläpp och möjligheten att avlasta människor från att utföra svåra eller farliga uppgifter. Inom dessa platser används ofta lastbilar med olika släpvagnskombinationer för att transportera material. En sådan fordonskombination är uppbyggd av flera ihopkopplade moduler och är således utmanande att backa då systemet är instabilt. Detta gör det svårt att utforma ramverk för att styra sådana system vid exempelvis autonom backning. Självkörande fordon är mycket komplexa system som består av en rad olika komponenter vilka är designade för att lösa separata delproblem. Två viktiga komponenter i ett självkörande fordon är dels rörelseplaneraren som har i uppgift att planera hur fordonet ska röra sig för att på ett säkert sätt nå ett överordnat mål, och dels den banföljande regulatorn vars uppgift är att se till att den planerade manövern faktiskt utförs i praktiken trots störningar och modellfel. I denna avhandling presenteras flera olika algoritmer för att planera och utföra komplexa manövrar för lastbilar med olika typer av släpvagnskombinationer. De presenterade algoritmerna är avsedda att användas som avancerade förarstödsystem eller som komponenter i ett helt autonomt system. Även om den primära applikationen i denna avhandling är lastbilar med släp, kan många av de förslagna algoritmerna även användas för en rad andra system, så som drönare och båtar. Experimentell validering är viktigt för att motivera att en föreslagen algoritm är användbar i praktiken. I denna avhandling har flera av de föreslagna planerings- och reglerstrategierna implementerats på en småskalig testplattform och utvärderats i en kontrollerad labbmiljö. Utöver detta har även flera av de föreslagna ramverken implementerats och utvärderats i fältexperiment på en fullskalig test-plattform som har utvecklats i samarbete med Scania CV. Här utvärderas även en ny metod för att skatta släpvagnens beteende genom att endast utnyttja information från sensorer monterade på lastbilen, vilket gör det föreslagna ramverket oberoende av sensorer monterade på släpvagnen.