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Leaders are not simply born; they are molded through life's victories and failures, triumphs and defeats. No one exemplifies this process better than Moses, the most important and celebrated character in the Hebrew Bible. Faced with great internal and external challenges, he was sculpted into a great leader not only by circumstance, but also by his own determination and devotion to his people.
Share in the wisdom of the model of leadership—tap into your own potential for greatness Leaders are not simply born; they are molded through life's victories and failures, triumphs and defeats. No one exemplifies this process better than Moses, the most important and celebrated character in the Hebrew Bible. Faced with great internal and external challenges, he was sculpted into a great leader not only by circumstance, but also by his own determination and devotion to his people. In this powerful and probing examination of the enduring texts in the biblical tradition, scholar and popular teacher Dr. Norman Cohen examines Moses’s journey to leadership and what he can teach you about the vision, action and skills you need to be a successful leader. Cohen relives Moses’s development from lonely shepherd to founder of a nation, emphasizing the salient points you can use to enrich the different leadership roles you are called on to play in your daily life, whether it be in business, religion, politics, education or other arenas. Drawing from Moses’s life, you will learn to: Articulate your expectations of others, as a group and as individuals Empower those around you to lead more responsible, ethical lives Support your co-workers and family even when they fail Challenge others to reach their highest potential
Moses pioneered a Spirit-led leadership paradigm that Christian leaders do well to emulate today Moses didn't want to be a leader. He had been raised as a prince of Egypt, but now at 80, he was content to be a simple shepherd, watching sheep on the slopes of Sinai. Then, God spoke from the burning bush and Moses' world changed. How do you lead a multitude of people through impossible situations, badgered by a storm of criticism from within the camp, and threatened by deadly peril from without? Moses the reluctant leader has much to teach both disciples and leaders today. This Bible study leads you through Moses' life covering several chapters in each lesson so you can see the big picture. It slows down, however, to examine key passages in Exodus and Numbers that give insight into God's instruction to Moses. One lesson surveys the tabernacle, the priesthood, and the sacrifices that God revealed through Moses. This book explores Moses' life in 9 lessons with discussion questions, and can be used for personal enrichment, by small groups and classes, and by teachers and preachers for sermon preparation.
Aaron Wildavsky, a giant of American political science, brings his profound understanding of human affairs to bear on the founding of the world's most enduring political community, the nation of Israel. At a time in which we are rediscovering the indispensability of resolute and perspicacious leadership, Wildavsky's brilliant study of Moses as founding father illuminates not only the Jewish past but the enduring political questions of how to build and preserve a decent, righteous, and stable community, here and hereafter. A marvelous book! -- Leon Kass, University of Chicago
In this expanded edition of her spiritual formation classic, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Barton explores topics such as facing the loneliness of leadership, leading from your authentic self, reenvisioning the promised land and more.
During troubled times, millions have been inspired by the stories and spiritual lessons of the selfless leadership of Moses. In a world increasingly affected by political, social, and racial imbalance, we need strong, innovative leaders who have not forgotten or ignored these valuable lessons. How Millennials Can Lead Us Out of the Mess We're In: A Jew, a Muslim, and a Christian Share Leadership Lessons from the Life of Moses brings together an Israeli-born rabbi, a Pakistani-born Muslim scholar, and an ordained Midwestern American to inspire the next generation of leaders with a timeless story of the ancient prophet Moses. Written in an easy and accessible style, this book is meant for sincerely spiritual but church-resistant Bible readers as well as those who are familiar with the Moses narrative. No leadership book has ever attempted to synthesize the religious views of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity into one unified, harmonious voice singing a single hymn.
A man of destiny, Moses was born to lead a nation through impossible situations, despite not starting his primary mission for eighty years. Leaders and leadership are found everywhere, past and present. There are great examples everywhere you look, if you know what to look for. There are differences as well as commonalities in all leaders that we study. Moses is a phenomenal example to learn from. He is one of the most-mentioned characters in the Old and New Testaments. God held Moses in the highest regard, over all other prophets, and he was the only prophet to speak to God face-to-face. Born in the most inauspicious of environments, under a death warrant by Pharaoh, raised as an Egyptian for his first forty years. Then Moses escaped to the furnace of the Midian wilderness where I believe his leadership, character, and humility were honed for his God-given mission that would last the rest of his lifetime. His final forty years was as unquestioned leader of the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage to the precipice of the promised land. Studying the inspired leadership lessons of a man who lived one hundred and twenty years is as formidable as it is thrilling. This journey will be enlightening, exciting, and energizing.
One Cross the Red Sea you have to leave the security of the status quo and summon up the will to change everything Two Form a Tribe get to know and appreciate your people and understand your business surroundings Three Visit Mount Sinai declare the Ten Commandments and define the new religion of your business Four Journey to the Promised Land with a group of zealous missionaries you must make the religion work and take time to explain the future your people will create Five Arrive in the Promised Land the tribe will know when you have arrived. Now is the time to ensure the religion will survive into the future
With the number of large congregations rising in the U.S., these congregations are increasingly dependent upon a greater number of staff to meet the needs of their diverse collection of members. As leaders of multi-staff teams, senior clergy must play the dual role of both Moses and Aaron—both visionary and detail-oriented leader—in order for their large congregations to thrive. They need to be skilled with the tools of human resource management, while at the same time setting a vision and inspiring both staff and congregation. Unfortunately, until now there have been few resources for senior clergy who lead multi-staff teams. Working without adequate models and tools, senior clergy of large congregations often find themselves with passionate, dedicated staff members who are moving in different directions, competing over limited resources and attention. They end up with questions of how to evaluate the performance of staff and direct their efforts. They find themselves using time, attention, and resources to care for staff rather than using staff as a resource to care for the mission of the congregation. Longtime Alban senior consultant Gil Rendle and Alban senior consultant Susan Beaumont have developed When Moses Meets Aaron to help clergy responsible for several-member staff teams navigate these unknown waters. They have taken the best of human resource practices and immersed them in a congregational context, providing a comprehensive manual for supervising, motivating, and coordinating staff teams. Rendle and Beaumont give both detailed and big picture guidance on hiring, job descriptions, supervision, performance evaluation, staff-team design, difficult staff behavior, and more. Their combined experience in consulting and training with staff and leaders of large congregations proves invaluable in this manual for today's leadership demands.