Download Free Mortgage Reform And Anti Predatory Lending Act Of 2007 Report Report 110 441 Us Congress 110th Congress 1st Session Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Mortgage Reform And Anti Predatory Lending Act Of 2007 Report Report 110 441 Us Congress 110th Congress 1st Session and write the review.

"Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reformand Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) is intended, among otherthings, to reform residential mortgagelending and securitization practicesthat contributed to the recent financialcrisis. The act provides some liabilityprotection for lenders originatingmortgages that meet nine specifiedcriteria, as applicable, associated witha borrower's ability to repay ("qualifiedmortgages"). The act also requiressecuritizers of mortgages not meetingseparate criteria associated with lowerdefault risk to retain at least 5 percentof the credit risk, though federalrulemaking agencies may vary thisamount. The act directed GAO toassess the effect of mortgage-relatedprovisions on the availability andaffordability of mortgage credit and toissue a report by July 2011, but federalagencies are still developingimplementing regulations. This reportdiscusses the potential impact of theact's (1) qualified mortgage criteria,(2) credit risk retention requirement,and (3) provisions concerninghomeownership counseling andregulation of high-cost loans.To do this work, GAO analyzed aproprietary database of residentialmortgages, reviewed relevant housingand mortgage market research, andinterviewed key mortgage industrystakeholders.GAO provided a draft of this report toeight agencies. In a letter, the NationalCredit Union Administration said, asnoted in the report, that the act's..."