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Abstracts: "Two-level phonology, as currently practiced, has two severe limitations. One is that phonological generalizations are generally expressed in terms of transition tables of finite-state automata, and these tables are cumbersome to develop and refine. The other is that lexical idiosyncrasy is encoded by introducing arbitrary diacritics into the spelling of a morpheme. This paper explains how phonological rules may be employed instead of transition tables and describes a more elegant way of expressing phonological irregularity than with arbitrary diacritics, making use of the fact that generalizations are expressed with rules instead of automata."
Previous work on morphology has largely tended either to avoid precise computational details or to ignore linguistic generality. Computational Morphologyis the first book to present an integrated set of techniques for the rigorous description of morphological phenomena in English and similar languages. By taking account of all facets of morphological analysis, it provides a linguistically general and computationally practical dictionary system for use within an English parsing program. The authors covermorphographemics (variations in spelling as words are built from their component morphemes),morphotactics (the ways that different classes of morphemes can combine, and the types of words that result), andlexical redundancy (patterns of similarity and regularity among the lexical entries for words). They propose a precise rule-notation for each of these areas of linguistic description and present the algorithms for using these rules computationally to manipulate dictionary information. These mechanisms have been implemented in practical and publicly available software, which is described in detail, and appendixes contain a large number of computer-tested sets of rules and lexical entries for English. Graeme D. Ritchie is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh, where Alan W. Black is currently a research student. Graham J. Russell is a Research Fellow at ISSCO (Institut Dalle Molle pour les etudes semantiques et cognitives) in Geneva, and Stephen G. Pulman is a Lecturer in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory and Director of SRI International's Cambridge Computer Science Research Centre.
This book provides the first broad yet thorough coverage of issues in morphological theory. It includes a wide array of techniques and systems in computational morphology (including discussion of their limitations), and describes some unusual applications.Sproat motivates the study of computational morphology by arguing that a computational natural language system, such as a parser or a generator, must incorporate a model of morphology. He discusses a range of applications for programs with knowledge of morphology, some of which are not generally found in the literature. Sproat then provides an overview of some of the basic descriptive facts about morphology and issues in theoretical morphology and (lexical) phonology, as well as psycholinguistic evidence for human processing of morphological structure. He take up the basic techniques that have been proposed for doing morphological processing and discusses at length various systems (such as DECOMP and KIMMO) that incorporate part or all of those techniques, pointing out the inadequacies of such systems from both a descriptive and a computational point of view. He concludes by touching on interesting peripheral areas such as the analysis of complex nominals in English, and on the main contributions of Rumelhart and McClelland's connectionism to the computational analysis of words.
By the late 1970s phonologists, and later morphologists, had departed from a linear approach for describing morphophonological operations to a nonlinear one. Computational models, however, remain faithful to the linear model, making it very difficult, if not impossible, to implement the morphology of languages whose morphology is nonconcatanative. Computational Nonlinear Morphology aims at presenting a computational system that counters the development in linguistics. It provides a detailed computational analysis of the complex morphophonological phenomena found in Semitic languages based on linguistically motivated models.
This study explores the design and application of natural language text-based processing systems, based on generative linguistics, empirical copus analysis, and artificial neural networks. It emphasizes the practical tools to accommodate the selected system.
The IBM project LILOG presented in this volume represents a fundamental stepbeyond computer science as hitherto understood. It was a successful project in every respect and has shed light on conjectured basic interrelations between knowledge processing and language definition. Knowledge processing is strongly coupled to the natural language used, and for applied knowledge processing an information base is neededwhich defines the semantic contents and interrelations of the language. The LILOG project was an implementation of an information basein the German language. A set of tools was also developed to work with the system, including structured man-machine interfaces using natural language, inference algorithms, and a complete subsystem to acquire and store the required knowledge. The LILOG project started in 1985 and a functional system was demonstrated in 1991. The project involved approximately 200 of the scientists working in Germany in the fields of computational linguistics, natural language understanding systems, and artificial intelligence. The project proves that a cooperative project between universities and industry can produce useful results both in pure research and in implemented methods and tools.
This book is a revised version of my doctoral thesis which was submitted in April 1993. The main extension is a chapter on evaluation of the system de scribed in Chapter 8 as this is clearly an issue which was not treated in the original version. This required the collection of data, the development of a concept for diagnostic evaluation of linguistic word recognition systems and, of course, the actual evaluation of the system itself. The revisions made primarily concern the presentation of the latest version of the SILPA system described in an additional Subsection 8. 3, the development environment for SILPA in Sec tion 8. 4, the diagnostic evaluation of the system as an additional Chapter 9. Some updates are included in the discussion of phonology and computation in Chapter 2 and finite state techniques in computational phonology in Chapter 3. The thesis was designed primarily as a contribution to the area of compu tational phonology. However, it addresses issues which are relevant within the disciplines of general linguistics, computational linguistics and, in particular, speech technology, in providing a detailed declarative, computationally inter preted linguistic model for application in spoken language processing. Time Map Phonology is a novel, constraint-based approach based on a two-stage temporal interpretation of phonological categories as events.
This new edition of Understanding Morphology has been fully revised in line with the latest research. It now includes 'big picture' questions to highlight central themes in morphology, as well as research exercises for each chapter. Understanding Morphology presents an introduction to the study of word structure that starts at the very beginning. Assuming no knowledge of the field of morphology on the part of the reader, the book presents a broad range of morphological phenomena from a wide variety of languages. Starting with the core areas of inflection and derivation, the book presents the interfaces between morphology and syntax and between morphology and phonology. The synchronic study of word structure is covered, as are the phenomena of diachronic change, such as analogy and grammaticalization. Theories are presented clearly in accessible language with the main purpose of shedding light on the data, rather than as a goal in themselves. The authors consistently draw on the best research available, thus utilizing and discussing both functionalist and generative theoretical approaches. Each chapter includes a summary, suggestions for further reading, and exercises. As such this is the ideal book for both beginning students of linguistics, or anyone in a related discipline looking for a first introduction to morphology.
This is the third in a continuing series of papers presented at the annual meetings of the Arabic Linguistic Society whose primary purpose is to provide a forum for the study of Arabic within current approaches in linguistics. The volume includes a section on Arabic in relation to other languages, with papers ranging from the importance of Arabic to general linguistic theory, and guttural phonology to Arabic loanwords in Acehnese, verbless sentences in Arabic and Hebrew, and a contrastive study of middle and unaccusative constructions in Arabic and English. In the second section of the book, “Grammatical perspectives on Arabic”, topics ranging from causatives in Moroccan Arabic and epenthesis in Makkan Arabic to a computer analysis of Modern Standard Arabic morphology are discussed. The third section, “Socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives”, includes papers on women, men, and linguistic variation, code switching and linguistic accommodation, and agrammatism.