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Finally, a rebuild and performance guide for GM 6.2 and 6.5L diesel engines! In the late 1970s and early 1980s, there was considerable pressure on the Detroit automakers to increase the fuel efficiency for their automotive and light-truck lines. While efficient electronic engine controls and computer-controlled gas engine technology was still in the developmental stages, the efficiency of diesel engines was already well documented during this time period. As a result, General Motors added diesel engine options to its car and truck lines in an attempt to combat high gas prices and increase fuel efficiency. The first mass-produced V-8 diesel engines of the era, the 5.7L variants, appeared in several General Motors passenger-car models beginning in 1978 and are often referred to as the Oldsmobile Diesels because of the number of Oldsmobile cars equipped with this option. This edition faded from popularity in the early 1980s as a result of falling gas prices and quality issues with diesel fuel suppliers, giving the cars a bad reputation for dependability and reliability. The 6.2L appeared in 1982 and the 6.5L in 1992, as the focus for diesel applications shifted from cars to light trucks. These engines served faithfully and remained in production until 2001, when the new Duramax design replaced it in all but a few military applications. While very durable and reliable, most of these engines have a lot of miles on them, and many are in need of a rebuild. This book will take you through the entire rebuild process step by step from diagnosis to tear down, inspection to parts sourcing, machining, and finally reassembly. Also included is valuable troubleshooting information, detailed explanations of how systems work, and even a complete Stanadyyne DB2 rebuild section to get the most out of your engine in the modern era. If you have a 6.2, or 6.5L GM diesel engine, this book is a must-have item for your shop or library.
Because of the important national defense contribution of large, non-fighter aircraft, rapidly increasing fuel costs and increasing dependence on imported oil have triggered significant interest in increased aircraft engine efficiency by the U.S. Air Force. To help address this need, the Air Force asked the National Research Council (NRC) to examine and assess technical options for improving engine efficiency of all large non-fighter aircraft under Air Force command. This report presents a review of current Air Force fuel consumption patterns; an analysis of previous programs designed to replace aircraft engines; an examination of proposed engine modifications; an assessment of the potential impact of alternative fuels and engine science and technology programs, and an analysis of costs and funding requirements.
This revised and updated color edition of How to Rebuild the Small-Block Ford walks you step by step through a rebuild, including: planning your rebuild, disassembly and inspection, choosing the right parts, machine work, assembling your engine, and first firing and break-in.
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