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Based on lax-algebraic and categorical methods, Monoidal Topology provides a unified theory for metric and topological structures with far-reaching applications.
This monograph is devoted to monoidal categories and their connections with 3-dimensional topological field theories. Starting with basic definitions, it proceeds to the forefront of current research. Part 1 introduces monoidal categories and several of their classes, including rigid, pivotal, spherical, fusion, braided, and modular categories. It then presents deep theorems of Müger on the center of a pivotal fusion category. These theorems are proved in Part 2 using the theory of Hopf monads. In Part 3 the authors define the notion of a topological quantum field theory (TQFT) and construct a Turaev-Viro-type 3-dimensional state sum TQFT from a spherical fusion category. Lastly, in Part 4 this construction is extended to 3-manifolds with colored ribbon graphs, yielding a so-called graph TQFT (and, consequently, a 3-2-1 extended TQFT). The authors then prove the main result of the monograph: the state sum graph TQFT derived from any spherical fusion category is isomorphic to the Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery graph TQFT derived from the center of that category. The book is of interest to researchers and students studying topological field theory, monoidal categories, Hopf algebras and Hopf monads.
The 20th Century brought the rise of General Topology. It arose from the effort to establish a solid base for Analysis and it is intimately related to the success of set theory. Many Valued Topology and Its Applications seeks to extend the field by taking the monadic axioms of general topology seriously and continuing the theory of topological spaces as topological space objects within an almost completely ordered monad in a given base category C. The richness of this theory is shown by the fundamental fact that the category of topological space objects in a complete and cocomplete (epi, extremal mono)-category C is topological over C in the sense of J. Adamek, H. Herrlich, and G.E. Strecker. Moreover, a careful, categorical study of the most important topological notions and concepts is given - e.g., density, closedness of extremal subobjects, Hausdorff's separation axiom, regularity, and compactness. An interpretation of these structures, not only by the ordinary filter monad, but also by many valued filter monads, underlines the richness of the explained theory and gives rise to new concrete concepts of topological spaces - so-called many valued topological spaces. Hence, many valued topological spaces play a significant role in various fields of mathematics - e.g., in the theory of locales, convergence spaces, stochastic processes, and smooth Borel probability measures. In its first part, the book develops the necessary categorical basis for general topology. In the second part, the previously given categorical concepts are applied to monadic settings determined by many valued filter monads. The third part comprises various applications of many valued topologies to probability theory and statistics as well as to non-classical model theory. These applications illustrate the significance of many valued topology for further research work in these important fields.
Algebraandtopology,thetwofundamentaldomainsofmathematics,playcomplem- tary roles. Topology studies continuity and convergence and provides a general framework to study the concept of a limit. Much of topology is devoted to handling in?nite sets and in?nity itself; the methods developed are qualitative and, in a certain sense, irrational. - gebra studies all kinds of operations and provides a basis for algorithms and calculations. Very often, the methods here are ?nitistic in nature. Because of this difference in nature, algebra and topology have a strong tendency to develop independently, not in direct contact with each other. However, in applications, in higher level domains of mathematics, such as functional analysis, dynamical systems, representation theory, and others, topology and algebra come in contact most naturally. Many of the most important objects of mathematics represent a blend of algebraic and of topologicalstructures. Topologicalfunctionspacesandlineartopologicalspacesingeneral, topological groups and topological ?elds, transformation groups, topological lattices are objects of this kind. Very often an algebraic structure and a topology come naturally together; this is the case when they are both determined by the nature of the elements of the set considered (a group of transformations is a typical example). The rules that describe the relationship between a topology and an algebraic operation are almost always transparentandnatural—theoperationhastobecontinuous,jointlyorseparately.
Zusammenfassung: This monograph covers topics in the cohomology of monoids up through recent developments. Jonathan Leech's original monograph in the Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society dates back to 1975. This book is an organized, accessible, and self-contained account of this cohomology that includes more recent significant developments that were previously scattered among various publications, along with completely new material. It summarizes the original Leech theory and provides a modern and thorough treatment of the cohomological classification of coextensions of both monoids and monoidal groupoids, including the case of monoids with operators. This cohomology is also compared to the classical Eilenberg-Mac Lane and Hochschild-Mitchell cohomologies. Connections are also established with the Lausch-Loganathan cohomology theory for inverse semigroups, the Gabriel-Zisman cohomology of simplicial sets, the Wells cohomology of small categories (also known as Baues-Wirsching cohomology), Grothendieck sheaf cohomology, and finally Beck's triple cohomology. It also establishes connections with Grillet's cohomology theory for commutative semigroups. The monograph is aimed at researchers in the theory of monoids, or even semigroups, and its interface with category theory, homological algebra, and related fields. However, it is also written to be accessible to graduate students in mathematics and mathematicians in general
Introducing Stone-Priestley duality theory and its applications to logic and theoretical computer science, this book equips graduate students and researchers with the theoretical background necessary for reading and understanding current research in the area. After giving a thorough introduction to the algebraic, topological, logical, and categorical aspects of the theory, the book covers two advanced applications in computer science, namely in domain theory and automata theory. These topics are at the forefront of active research seeking to unify semantic methods with more algorithmic topics in finite model theory. Frequent exercises punctuate the text, with hints and references provided.
This monograph provides a coherent development of operads, infinity operads, and monoidal categories, equipped with equivariant structures encoded by an action operad. A group operad is a planar operad with an action operad equivariant structure. In the first three parts of this monograph, we establish a foundation for group operads and for their higher coherent analogues called infinity group operads. Examples include planar, symmetric, braided, ribbon, and cactus operads, and their infinity analogues. For example, with the tools developed here, we observe that the coherent ribbon nerve of the universal cover of the framed little 2-disc operad is an infinity ribbon operad.In Part 4 we define general monoidal categories equipped with an action operad equivariant structure and provide a unifying treatment of coherence and strictification for them. Examples of such monoidal categories include symmetric, braided, ribbon, and coboundary monoidal categories, which naturally arise in the representation theory of quantum groups and of coboundary Hopf algebras and in the theory of crystals of finite dimensional complex reductive Lie algebras.
This book provides a concise introduction to topology and is necessary for courses in differential geometry, functional analysis, algebraic topology, etc. Topology is a fundamental tool in most branches of pure mathematics and is also omnipresent in more applied parts of mathematics. Therefore students will need fundamental topological notions already at an early stage in their bachelor programs. While there are already many excellent monographs on general topology, most of them are too large for a first bachelor course. Topology fills this gap and can be either used for self-study or as the basis of a topology course.