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Adelia’s broken free of the restraints that Victorian society puts on a woman. By using her wit, unconventional intelligence and good humour, she’s risen to marry an earl who dotes on her; she’s raised and married off seven beautiful daughters; what more is there for her now? What, indeed. Adelia’s looking for a new adventure. She’s not ready for her twilight years of slumber just yet… Then her daughter’s friend is found brutally murdered in the grounds of Mondial Castle – in the company of a man who is not her husband. That man is the Marquis of Mondial but he’s also injured and obviously above suspicion. Yet his subsequent peculiar behaviour soon sets fashionable tongues wagging… Adelia negotiates the gossips of the drawing room while her husband Theodore wrestles with the other gentlemen and their foibles. Adelia and Theodore are shocked as they peel back layers of deadly secrets in the household of the castle but the truth at the heart of it threatens their own daughter’s marriage … and their whole family’s place in society. Unmasking the murderer is impossible alone but working as a team, they are unique. And unstoppable.
L’Union internationale des huissiers de justice (UIHJ) a été créée en 1952. Elle regroupe une centaine de Chambre Nationales, associations professionnelles ou services publics d’exécution émanant de 5 continents. Elle a pour vocation de représenter ses membres auprès des organisations internationales et d’assurer la collaboration avec les organismes professionnels nationaux. Elle pourvoit à l’amélioration des droits procéduraux nationaux et des traités internationaux. Elle s’efforce de promouvoir les idées, les projets et les initiatives tendant au progrès et à l’élévation du statut indépendant de l’huissier de justice. Dans un espace planétaire largement dominé par l’économie, il importe que les juristes remplissent leur rôle en renforçant la présence et le prestige de la justice. S’agissant du droit de l’exécution, l’UIHJ entend mettre à profit son expérience et son influence pour assurer l’effectivité de l’exécution des décisions de justice partout où cela sera possible. Tous les trois ans, l’UIHJ organise un congrès international, lieu de grandes réflexions prospectives. Le thème du congrès de Washington DC (USA) en 2006, « L’harmonisation des procédures d’exécution dans un espace de justice sans frontières », a consacré la naissance du Code mondial de l’exécution, publié en 2015 à l’occasion des travaux du congrès international des huissiers de justice à Madrid (Espagne), fondant les bases d’une harmonisation universelle des règles d’exécution. Depuis, l’UIHJ travaille à la construction d’un ensemble normatif, pour fournir à tous les États des règles simples, efficaces pour permettre à tous les systèmes judiciaires d’utiliser un langage commun. L’exécution digitale représente incontestablement aujourd’hui le plus grand défi auquel le monde doit fait face en matière d’exécution des décisions de justice. Le Code mondial de l’exécution digitale, destiné à s’intégrer au Code mondial de l’exécution, est le résultat du travail de l’UIHJ et du Conseil Scientifique dans ce domaine. =============== Every three years the UIHJ organises an international congress, which provides an occasion to reflect and discuss future developments. The theme of the Washington, DC (USA) congress in 2006, “The harmonisation of enforcement procedures in an area of justice without borders”, enshrined the birth of the Global Code of Enforcement. The Code was published in 2015 on the occasion the work of the international congress of judicial officers in Madrid (Spain), laying the foundations for universal harmonisation of the rules of enforcement. Since then, the UIHJ has been working on building a set of standards, to provide all States with simple, effective principles to allow all judicial systems to use a common language.
The author of this book, the German interlinguist and Esperanto researcher Detlev Blanke (1941-2016), has influenced the study of planned languages like no one else. It is to a large extent due to his lifelong scholarly devotion to this area of research that Interlinguistics and Esperanto Studies (Esperantology) have become serious subjects of study in the academic world. In his publications, Blanke gives an overview of the history of language creation. He describes the most important planned language systems and presents various systems of classification. A special focus is put on Esperanto initiated by L.L. Zamenhof in 1887. (Sabine Fiedler) For Blanke, a planned language was essentially a tool: if it worked it was worthy of study and use; if it failed to work, he was interested in why, though at the same time careful to avoid value judgments. Blanke himself spoke a planned language, namely Esperanto, and recognised this language and language projects like it as arising out of a coherent theoretical base and addressing a recognisable problem. Essentially independently of the sociolinguistic school in the west, Blanke had reached a similar conclusion: if a language phenomenon exists, it is worthy of scholarly examination in itself. Blanke was particularly interested in how planned languages related to ethnic languages, how the 'artificiality' of, say, Esperanto extended to, indeed was synonymous with, the 'artfulness' of ethnic language, and how planned language could solve taxonomic and terminological problems. (Humphrey Tonkin)