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Contemporary bureaucracy is a set of norms, rules, procedures, and formalities which includes administration, business, and NGOs. Where Max Weber meets Michel Foucault, Béatrice Hibou analyzes the political dynamics underlying this process. Neoliberal bureaucracy is a vector of discipline and control, producing social and political indifference.
Georges Abi-Saab began his writing and teaching at a time when the process of decolonization, and thereafter the quest for emancipation, began to make its far-reaching impact on the international scene, producing significant changes in the international environment, both quantitatively in increasing the number of nation-States and qualitatively in changing patterns of interests and claims. This was bound to result in new pressures on the international legal system itself and in a questioning of the traditional Eurocentric content of international law. In his work and teaching Professor Abi-Saab viewed the dynamics of international law as a function of two driving forces: the emergence of the third world and the sense of injustice. In his view, the first driving force - the emergence of the third world - raised the problem of exclusion: exclusion from participation in the elaboration of international law and the decision-making process, and exclusion as beneficiaries of the resulting rules of international law. At the same time, this new force introduced diversity into the international scene, reflecting the richness of the international community in its different facets. This process remains relevant today, reflecting the contemporary problem of exclusion of new actors as well as their quest for participation. The second driving force - the sense of injustice - posed a teleological problem for him, that of defining community values in order that they capture the different facets of justice, whether formal or distributive. So long as there is no effective organic structure, international law in his view will continue to remain effectiveness-oriented, reflecting rather than impacting on the structures of power. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that there is an on-going process of development of community values and interests; as Georges Abi-Saab wrote with reference to international crimes: `law, like all social phenomena, is a continuous unfolding, a continuous process of elaboration'. He has also considered that the dynamics of the international legal process itself can be captured from the perspective of international organizations as vehicles for change in the international system. From his early writings, Georges Abi-Saab approached the United Nations Charter as a blueprint - both normative and institutional - for a certain type of international society. International institutions with all their imperfections, continue for him to be the means of realization of the law of cooperation which lies at the heart of his concept of the international system. The themes selected for this volume in honour of Professor Georges Abi-Saab are intended to reflect his unique and pioneering contribution to the field of international law. The contributors are drawn from what he has always considered to be his large `family' of former students: in his forty years of teaching, Georges Abi-Saab has acted as mentor to generations of students from all over the world who have benefited from his vision, insights, originality and creative and stimulating use of language. The contributors also include colleagues and friends who share a similar vision of the international legal system.
The 2005 rioting in France’s suburbs caught the world’s attention and exposed the limits of the Republic’s policies on the integration of ‘immigrant-origin’ populations. This book examines academic and public discourses about young people of North African origin in France. The resurgence of such discussions in France, focusing on sensational questions of urban unrest, Islamic fundamentalism and the challenges of increasingly assertive cultural identities, means that it is all the more necessary not to overlook the ‘ordinary’ majority of young French-North Africans. Their own preoccupations often go unnoticed in a context where issues such as violence in the banlieues and the threat of terrorism are pushed to the fore, sometimes with devastating consequences in terms of discrimination and exclusion. The book rebalances and nuances the debates about post-migrant North-African youth by drawing on extensive empirical research carried out in those suburbs of north-east Paris affected by the riots. It studies the construction of identity amongst this invisible majority and, by adopting an ethnographic approach, addresses the disjuncture between the sometimes inflammatory discourses about this population and their own experiences.
Includes monthly supplements to: International congress calendar.
L'analyse de la thèse repose sur une enquête de terrain montrant comment l’altermondialisme marocain se constitue à partir de débats, d’échanges, de solidarités et de mobilisations d’acteurs sociaux tant au niveau local que global. Dans le cadre de l’altermondialisme international, ce mouvement a émergé pour contrer une certaine mondialisation qui réduit l’être humain à une marchandise. Bien qu’il soit influencé par l’altermondialisme mondial, du fait même de son approbation de la charte des principes de Porto Alegre, son origine se situe dans l’ancrage historique du militantisme des acteurs sociaux l’ayant impulsé. Initié à ses débuts par des ONG de développement, ce mouvement rassemble une diversité d’acteurs sociaux (organisations associatives et syndicales, mouvements sociaux...), d’objectifs variés et de relations sociales multiformes convergeant vers l’altermondialisme qui se mobilisent dans les forums sociaux. Ces derniers constituent un espace de production, de reproduction et d’appropriation de l’espace public. La diversité des acteurs, des objectifs et des relations constituant l’altermondialisme nous amène à définir son identité comme étant plurielle et fluide. Par une approche sociologique qui se base sur l’analyse de ces acteurs à travers leurs rapports sociaux, l’étude a cherché à comprendre et à analyser les particularités de l’altermondialisme marocain. Cette approche permet de déterminer les formes de solidarités, les enjeux des altermondialistes, les adversaires et les alternatives proposées. Elle a, à travers l’analyse, mis aussi en exergue la lutte des acteurs altermondialistes, les méthodes de la contestation, le renouveau de l’action collective au Maroc et l’évolution dans le répertoire d’actions.
For some years, we have observed a broad public discussion over the shrinking civic space. While the focus has generally been on countries with authoritarian governance systems, it has more recently become apparent that the issue is neither restricted to these countries nor indeed to countries with weak or non-existing democracies. It has been demonstrated that the space in which civil society actors and individual citizens may contribute to public affairs is undergoing fundamental changes in Europe. While in some areas, the clout of civic initiative is larger today than ever before, in others, civic action is highly disputed and governments are attempting to crowd out non-governmental actors from the public sphere. This edited volume examines the wellbeing of civil society in the Europe and its riparian states. Presented by experts from 12 European countries the book presents insights in the latest developments of civil society and aspect like the shifting interaction between the state, market and civil society or the influence of populist movements on civil society and tackles the question wether there is a shrinking civic space in Europe. It addresses policy and decision makers, civil society academics and actors in the field, as well as the public.