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Organic aerosol is a major constituent of atmospheric fine particles, especially over continental regions. These particles adversely affect human health and global climate. A significant fraction of organic aerosol is considered to be from the oxidation products of ozone and volatile organic compounds, which are called secondary organic aerosol (SOA). To study the formation mechanisms of secondary organic aerosol, it is important to characterize their molecular composition. The composition of secondary organic aerosol is very complex including thousands of species with molecular weight up to over a thousand Dalton. Methods utilized for the identification of these oxidation products involve advanced mass spectrometry techniques. In this dissertation, three mass spectrometry techniques were developed to study the molecular composition of organic aerosol. Firstly, online nano-aerosol sample deposition methods for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry was developed to incorporate matrix particles directly with analyte particles onto a conventional MALDI plate. Secondly, a microsampling and analysis technique was developed in order to collect microgram samples and analyze them with high performance mass spectrometry. With this technique, the molecular composition of particle phase SOA at a low mass loading can be elucidated, which provides information about SOA formation at the early stages. A species with the (neutral molecule) formula C 17 H 26 O 8 (MW 358) increased substantially in intensity relative to other products as the mass loading decreased. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS n) of this species showed it to be a dimer of C 9 H 14 O 4 and C 8 H 12 O 4, most likely pinic acid and terpenylic acid, respectively. This species is likely to be critical at the early stages of SOA formation. Thirdly, ambient secondary electrospray ionization (ESI) source was designed to characterize the molecular composition of both gas and particle phases SOA online. This ion source was demonstrated to be applicable to a wide range of mass spectrometers having an ambient inlet. This technique provides a tool to acquire detailed information about possible SOA nucleation agents. A species with the (neutral molecule) formula C 20 H 36 O 6 (MW 372) was found in the gas-phase products of SOA, which could be critical for the new particle formation of SOA. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS n) of this species showed it to be a dimer of an organic hydroperoxide C 10 H 18 O 3, which is likely formed via OH-initiated oxidation pathway.
The guiding question to this research is: To what extent and by what mechanisms do biogenic volatile organic compounds contribute to atmospheric aerosol mass? To address this question we need to understand the chemistry that produces condensable vapors which when in the presence of particles may partition onto the aerosol surface depending on their chemical and physical properties. I developed an insitu gas and aerosol sampling system, the FIGAERO (Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsol) to speciate gas and particle phase organics derived from photochemical reactions with biogenic volatile organic compounds under both field and laboratory conditions. By coupling the FIGAERO to a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (HR-TOF-CIMS) I am able to elucidate chemical pathways by identifying elemental compositions and in some cases functional groups present in the detected molecular ions. The coupling of the FIGAERO to the HR-TOF-CIMS also allows the estimation of effective vapor pressures of the aerosol components and this information can be used to improve vapor pressure models and test associated partitioning theories and parameterizations. The approach also provides hundreds of speciated chemical tracers that can be correlated with traditional environmental and chemical measurements (e.g AMS, NOx, SO2, SMPS, VOC) to help derive sources and sinks and to constrain the mechanisms responsible for the formation and growth of organic aerosol. Measurements obtained across a wide range of conditions and locations allowing connections and contrasts between different chemical systems, providing insights into generally controlling factors of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and its properties.
Abstract : Organic aerosol affects human health and climate. These effects are largely determined by the composition of the organic aerosol, which is a complex mixture of species. Understanding the complexity of organic aerosol is critical to determining its effect on human health and climate. In this study, long range transported organic aerosol collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory was analyzed using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Organic aerosol transported in the free troposphere had an overall lower extent of oxidation than aerosol transported in the boundary layer. It was hypothesized that the lower oxidation was related to a more viscous phase state of the aerosol during transport. The results suggest that biomass burning organic aerosol injected into the free troposphere are more persistent than organic aerosol in the boundary layer. A sample was also analyzed using tandem FT-ICR MS/MS fragmentation, providing information about the functional group composition in the aerosol sample. This was done using a segmented scan approach, which revealed an unprecedented molecular complexity of unfragmented precursor ions. In addition to the expected CO2 and H2O neutral losses, neutral losses corresponding to carbonyl functional groups (C2H4O, CO) were observed. The abundance of carbonyl functional groups suggests a slower rate of aging in the atmosphere. Analysis of nitrogen and sulfur containing neutral losses highlighted a surprising abundance of reduced nitrogen and sulfur loss (NH3 and SH2). This further supports the hypothesis of slower aging in the free troposphere. Additional research was done to develop an R software package (MFAssignR) to perform molecular formula assignment with improved decision-making transparency, noise estimation, isotope identification, and mass recalibration. MFAssignR was found to assign the same molecular formula as other molecular formula assignment methods for the majority (97-99%) of mass peaks that were assigned a molecular formula by the compared methods. Additionally, MFAssignR was more effective at assigning molecular formulas to low intensity peaks relative to the other methods tested, leading to more overall molecular formula assignments. MFAssignR is available via GitHub and is the first open source package to contain a full pipeline of functions for data preparation and analysis for ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry.
Abstract : The natural environment is replete with organic matter of varying complexities. Whether it is particulate material in the atmosphere, decades old organic matter trapped within glaciers, or biological debris flowing with rivers and streams, natural organic matter (NOM) is exquisitely complex. High-resolution mass spectrometry allows us to have a glimpse of the molecular composition of NOM and delineate the elemental compositions of thousands of chemical species that form it. In this dissertation, the overarching aim was to explore the molecular diversity of complex mixtures from two sources: Surface water and atmospheric organic aerosol. The first objective of this dissertation was to demonstrate ionization selectivity of three popular ionization methods so that the necessity of using more than one technique for untargeted qualitative analysis of complex mixtures could be validated. Electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) were tested on commercial humic substances in combination with the Fourier Transform - Orbitrap Elite Mass Spectrometer. Our findings provide evidence for the tendency of ESI to access polar, more oxygenated compounds that constitute a majority of humic substances. A minor fraction comprising relatively less polar, aromatic compounds, could be accessed with either APPI or APCI, highlighting the importance of employing complementary ionization methods to obtain representative molecular compositions of complex mixtures. The second objective of this dissertation was to demonstrate the extreme molecular complexity of organic aerosol collected downwind of wildfires in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The focus was particularly on the fraction of organic aerosol that had aged to develop an abundance of tar balls (TB) that are carbonaceous spherules of extremely variable optical properties and whose detailed molecular composition is yet to be elucidated. We attempted to find a preliminary TB-specific molecular signature by comparing several TB-rich and non-TB aerosol mixtures. Using Fourier Transform - Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometers and complementary ionization techniques, ESI and laser desorption ionization, we present detailed molecular composition of TB, which indicates them to be a mixture of low-oxygen organic constituents enclosed in a more oxidatively aged shell.