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The design features of the modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) have the potential to make it essentially invulnerable to damage from postulated core heatup accidents. Simulations of long-term loss-of-forced-convection (LOFC) accidents, both with and without depressurization of the primary coolant and with only passive cooling available to remove afterheat, have shown that maximum core temperatures stay below the point at which fuel failures and fission product releases are expected. Sensitivity studies also have been done to determine the effects of errors in the predictions due both to uncertainties in the modeling and to the assumptions about operational parameters. 4 refs., 5 figs.
This paper summarizes research performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to assist the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in preliminary determinations of licensability of the US Department of Energy (DOE) reference design of a standard modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR). The work described includes independent analyses of core heatup and steam ingress accidents, and the reviews and analyses of fuel performance and fission product transport technology.
The decay heat removal by a passive air colling system from a modular high tempeature gas cooled reactor during depressurized core heatup accident scenarios was analyzed. The effects of several design and operating parameters on the peak fuel and vessel temperatures were established. The results indicate that fuel and vessel temperatures remain well below failure levels and that significant safety margins exist in the key variables of decay heat and core thermal conductivities.
The MHPP (Modular HTGR Parallel Processor) code has been developed to simulate modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR) transients and accidents. MHPP incorporates a very detailed model for predicting the dynamics of the reactor core, vessel, and cooling systems over a wide variety of scenarios ranging from expected transients to very-low-probability severe accidents. The simulation routines, which had originally been developed entirely as serial code, were readily adapted to parallel processing Fortran. The resulting parallelized simulation speed was enhanced significantly. Workstation interfaces are being developed to provide for user (''operator'') interaction. The benefits realized by adapting previous MHTGR codes to run on a parallel processor are discussed, along with results of typical accident analyses. 3 refs., 3 figs.
"Modular High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Power Plant" introduces the power plants driven by modular high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTR), which are characterized by their inherent safety features and high output temperatures. HTRs have the potential to be adopted near demand side to supply both electricity and process heat, directly replacing conventional fossil fuels. The world is confronted with two dilemmas in the energy sector, namely climate change and energy supply security. HTRs have the potential to significantly alleviate these concerns. This book will provide readers with a thorough understanding of HTRs, their history, principles, and fields of application. The book is intended for researchers and engineers involved with nuclear engineering and energy technology.
The ultimate decay heat removal system for the current Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled reactors is a completely passive natural convection air cooling loop. This paper considers an extremely remote accident scenario, where even this passive system fails, and heat rejection is only via a layer of thermal insulation to the reactor silo structure and the surrounding soil. The results show that even in this case the peak fuel temperatures remain well within safe limits. However, vessel and concrete temperatures can - under extreme circumstances and after several weeks - reach temperature levels at which structural failure becomes possible.