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This is original, well-written work of interest Presents for the first time (physical) field theories written in sheaf-theoretic language Contains a wealth of minutely detailed, rigorous computations, ususally absent from standard physical treatments Author's mastery of the subject and the rigorous treatment of this text make it invaluable
Original, well-written work of interest Presents for the first time (physical) field theories written in sheaf-theoretic language Contains a wealth of minutely detailed, rigorous computations, ususally absent from standard physical treatments Author's mastery of the subject and the rigorous treatment of this text make it invaluable
This is original, well-written work of interest Presents for the first time (physical) field theories written in sheaf-theoretic language Contains a wealth of minutely detailed, rigorous computations, ususally absent from standard physical treatments Author's mastery of the subject and the rigorous treatment of this text make it invaluable
Presenting a modern differential geometry approach to physical theories, such as the Gauge theory, Sheaf theory (geometry) and sheaf cohomology (analysis) are used to explain the machinery of classical differential geometry. There is also discussion of the applications of differential geometry to physical theories.
Presenting a modern differential geometry approach to physical theories, such as the Gauge theory, Sheaf theory (geometry) and sheaf cohomology (analysis) are used to explain the machinery of classical differential geometry. There is also discussion of the applications of differential geometry to physical theories.
The book is devoted to the study of the geometrical and topological structure of gauge theories. It consists of the following three building blocks:- Geometry and topology of fibre bundles,- Clifford algebras, spin structures and Dirac operators,- Gauge theory.Written in the style of a mathematical textbook, it combines a comprehensive presentation of the mathematical foundations with a discussion of a variety of advanced topics in gauge theory.The first building block includes a number of specific topics, like invariant connections, universal connections, H-structures and the Postnikov approximation of classifying spaces.Given the great importance of Dirac operators in gauge theory, a complete proof of the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem is presented. The gauge theory part contains the study of Yang-Mills equations (including the theory of instantons and the classical stability analysis), the discussion of various models with matter fields (including magnetic monopoles, the Seiberg-Witten model and dimensional reduction) and the investigation of the structure of the gauge orbit space. The final chapter is devoted to elements of quantum gauge theory including the discussion of the Gribov problem, anomalies and the implementation of the non-generic gauge orbit strata in the framework of Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory.The book is addressed both to physicists and mathematicians. It is intended to be accessible to students starting from a graduate level.
Cambridge University Press is committed to keeping scholarly work in print for as long as possible. A short print-run of this academic paperback has been produced using digital technology. This technology has enabled Cambridge to keep the book in print for specialists and students when traditional methods of reprinting would not have been feasible. While the new digital cover differs from the original, the text content is identical to that of previous printings.
From the reviews: "... focused mainly on complex differential geometry and holomorphic bundle theory. This is a powerful book, written by a very distinguished contributor to the field" (Contemporary Physics )"the book provides a large amount of background for current research across a spectrum of field. ... requires effort to read but it is worthwhile and rewarding" (New Zealand Math. Soc. Newsletter) " The contents are highly technical and the pace of the exposition is quite fast. Manin is an outstanding mathematician, and writer as well, perfectly at ease in the most abstract and complex situation. With such a guide the reader will be generously rewarded!" (Physicalia) This new edition includes an Appendix on developments of the last 10 years, by S. Merkulov.
In this third volume of his modern introduction to quantum field theory, Eberhard Zeidler examines the mathematical and physical aspects of gauge theory as a principle tool for describing the four fundamental forces which act in the universe: gravitative, electromagnetic, weak interaction and strong interaction. Volume III concentrates on the classical aspects of gauge theory, describing the four fundamental forces by the curvature of appropriate fiber bundles. This must be supplemented by the crucial, but elusive quantization procedure. The book is arranged in four sections, devoted to realizing the universal principle force equals curvature: Part I: The Euclidean Manifold as a Paradigm Part II: Ariadne's Thread in Gauge Theory Part III: Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity Part IV: Ariadne's Thread in Cohomology For students of mathematics the book is designed to demonstrate that detailed knowledge of the physical background helps to reveal interesting interrelationships among diverse mathematical topics. Physics students will be exposed to a fairly advanced mathematics, beyond the level covered in the typical physics curriculum. Quantum Field Theory builds a bridge between mathematicians and physicists, based on challenging questions about the fundamental forces in the universe (macrocosmos), and in the world of elementary particles (microcosmos).