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Atomic theory began more than two and a half millenia ago in Greece and India; but scientific details have emerged ? albeit very rapidly ? only in our century. This book conveys a glimpse of the grandeur of 20th century physics through nine essays and one interview on the models and modelers of a basic element of matter: the hydrogen atom. The basic ideas are simply presented and illustrated, the mathematical treatments are of a tutorial nature, and facsimile reproductions of ten key papers are included. Using the simple hydrogen atom, educators may use this book to initiate high school students into the grandeur of physics or motivate university students to become science-literate.
In this thesis the major differences between underground hydrogen storage and the conventional storage of natural gas are lined out to be bio-reactive and gas mixing phenomena. A new mathematical model was developed to describe the coupling between two-phase flow and microbial populations which consume hydrogen for their metabolism. Different analytical and numerical techniques were applied to investigate the storage of hydrogen in the geological subsurface. An analytical solution was derived for gravity-driven multi-component two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Oscillating scenarios, similar to Turing instability, were detected. Storage scenarios were simulated including a field scale demonstration in a realistic geological model.
DOE is working on changing transportation fuel to hydrogen. To assist in that effort, we are developing a macro-system model that will link existing or developmental component models together.
Detailed models for hydrogen storage systems provide essential design information about flow and temperature distributions, as well as, the utilization of a hydrogen storage media. However, before constructing a detailed model it is necessary to know the geometry and length scales of the system, along with its heat transfer requirements, which depend on the limiting reaction kinetics. More fundamentally, before committing significant time and resources to the development of a detailed model, it is necessary to know whether a conceptual storage system design is viable. For this reason, a hierarchical system of models progressing from scoping models to detailed analyses was developed. This paper, which discusses the scoping models, is the first in a two part series that presents a collection of hierarchical models for the design and evaluation of hydrogen storage systems.
There has been an increasing demand for clean, renewable energy sources that supply low-cost and reliable power. One Scientific, a company in Madison, Indiana, is currently developing a new process for producing Hydrogen, offering such a power source. However, the explanation and optimization of the processes’ operating parameters has proved troublesome due to the complexity of combining Thermodynamic and Magnetic systems. This paper presents a model to project the path of a Hydrogen and Oxygen molecule in such a Magnetic Field. This will help explain why a Magnetic Field aids in output efficiency. The model predicts that the Magnetic Field causes the molecules to spiral inside the catalyst chamber, decreasing the number of collisions between Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules, thereby decreasing recombination from collision, and increasing the output efficiency of the reaction.
(Cont.) for the heuristics, better optimization techniques, and expanded models for consideration.