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La actual crisis económica ha afectado de forma sustancial a los derechos sociales fundamentales de los trabajadores, especialmente a los de naturaleza colectiva. El presente libro pretende arrojar algo de luz sobre el prolongado y complejo proceso de reconocimiento de los derechos sociales colectivos en el ámbito europeo, así como sobre los mecanismos previstos para su protección y tutela. Para ello, el estudio toma como objeto privilegiado de análisis el denominado «modelo social europeo». Si el primer capítulo es una aproximación genealógica a su origen y configuración y el segundo un abordaje diacrónico de su evolución hasta la adopción del Tratado de Lisboa —en vigor desde 2009—, el tercer capítulo propone un acercamiento actualizado a la definición del modelo y plantea su permanencia como tal, al tiempo que se presenta un balance y unas perspectivas de futuro sobre la protección de los derechos sociales fundamentales en el ámbito europeo; desde una perspectiva multinivel (nacional, europeo e internacional), el texto plantea en este tramo la viabilidad de la adhesión de la Unión Europea a la Carta Social Europea y al sistema del Consejo de Europa. En las conclusiones se argumenta razonadamente que, desgraciadamente, estamos aún muy lejos de poder alcanzar lo que se ha denominado un «estándar común europeo en materia social colectiva».
Se presenta una reflexión profunda de cinco especialistas, pero con un enfoque al tiempo teórico y práctico. En el plano científico, se analiza la vigencia de la democracia social española a la luz de las exigencias derivadas de nuestra integración europea. Desde una perspectiva más pragmática, se reflexiona con todo rigor sobre las posibilidades de justiciabilidad y efectiva defensa en España de los derechos sociales fundamentales con apoyo en la jurisprudencia social del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos y del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, así como de la jurisprudencia del Comité Europeo de Derechos Sociales, prácticamente desconocida en nuestro país.
Recoge: 1. Los derechos económicos sociales y culturales: Apuntes para su formación histórica - 2. Los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en el orden internacional - 3. La política social y el sistema normativo de la organización internacional del trabajo; y su contribución al desarrollo del derecho social de la unión al desarrollo del derecho social de la Unión Europea - 4. Paradojas del sistema institucional internacional de protección de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales - 5. Integración económica y derechos sociales: Aproximación al marco actual - 6. La carta social europea: Un instrumento válido para el desarrollo de los derechos sociales en Europa - 7. La política y el derecho sociales de la Unión Europea - 8. La carta comunitaria de derechos sociales fundamentales de los trabajadores - 9. El efecto interno del derecho comunitario del trabajo y la problemática de las directivas no traspuestas - 10. Una de las claves del actual modelo social europeo: La negociación colectiva.
Recoge: 1. Declaraciones de Derechos y garantías de los derechos - 2. Las Declaraciones en las Constituciones - 3. El constitucionalismo social y los presupuestos objetivos para la efectividad de los derechos fundamentales - 4. El garantismo jurídico y los derechos sociales - 5. El enfoque de las capacidades como complemento del enfoque de los derechos - 6. Las Declaraciones de Derechos en el sistema de los Tratados de la Unión Europea. Un marco constitucional insuficiente - 7. Reflexión político-jurídica y jurídico-crítica general.
This book analyses the most important problems and challenges of the current labour market from the point of view of the balance between the parties of the employment contract. The contributions here are related to various pressing topics, including, for example, the future of work and worker protection on an international level against the strengthening of employers’ powers. In addition, the nature and limits of employers’ power, non-competition contractual clauses and workers’ rights in the face of new communication and information technologies are also discussed. The contributors are drawn from several countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Bolivia, Italy, México and Switzerland. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal experts, human resources experts, economist, judges, academia, and staff from companies and trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (4) and Portuguese (5).
This book presents a comprehensive review of fundamental rights issues that are currently in the spotlight. The first part explores why the question of whether or not fundamental rights have horizontal effect is a topic of endless debate. The second part focuses on human rights and the rule of law. It begins by arguing that the hitherto valid model of the rule of law is now outdated, and then goes on to outline the importance of the judicial dimension in countering threats to the independence of the judiciary. Lastly, the third part addresses a classic issue in the field of human rights: states’ margin of appreciation, highlighting two aspects: (i) the elements used by the ECJ to determine the scope of the margin of appreciation, which varies depending on the subject matter, the nature of the right in question, as well as the severity and the purpose of the interference; and (ii) the margin of appreciation enjoyed by national courts when interpreting the law. Exploring current issues concerning a topic of eternal interest, the book will appeal to scholars and practitioners alike. Written by formidable intellectual talents, committed to the study of fundamental rights, it rigorously analyses the most recent judgments of both the ECJ and the ECHR.
As economic crises, growing inequality and climate change prompt a global debate on the meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on 'social and solidarity economy' as a distinctive approach to sustainable and rights-based development. While we are beginning to understand what social and solidarity economy is, what it promises and how it differs from 'business as usual', we know far less about whether it can really move beyond its fringe status in many countries and regions. Under what conditions can social and solidarity economy scale up and scale out - that is, expand in terms of the growth of social and solidarity economy organizations and enterprises, or spread horizontally within given territories? Bringing together leading researchers, blending theoretical and empirical analysis, and drawing on experiences and case studies from multiple countries and regions, this volume addresses these questions. In so doing, it aims to inform a broad constituency of development actors, including scholars, practitioners, activists and policy makers.
Andrew Arato has become a prominentpolitical theoristin the fields of democratic theory, constitutional law, and comparative politics. He has had a profound and global influenceon the thinking ofseveral generations of scholars. The Critical Theory and Democracy of Andrew Arato brings together original essays honouring Arato's intellectual contribution to the field, based round the themes in Arato's work of Critical Theory and Civil Society, Democracy and Dictatorship, and Constitution Making. It includes contributions from leading ...
The 2010 edition of the Global Education Digest focuses on gender and education to mark the 15th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women. Shortly after this landmark conference in 1995, the international community pledged to eliminate gender disparities at all levels of education by 2015 as part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As the official source of data to monitor advancement towards these goals, the UIS has released the Digest on the eve of the UN Millennium Summit (New York, 20-22 September) to present the latest available data to analyse national progress and pitfalls in offering every child and young person equal access to education regardless of their sex. According to the Digest, boys and girls in only 85 countries will have equal access to primary and secondary education by 2015, if present trends continue. Seventy-two countries are not likely to reach the goal - among which, 63 are far from reaching parity at the secondary level.