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This publication describes and summarizes the work of the MODARIA (modelling and data for radiological impact assessments) Programme Working Group 10. MODARIA was set up to continue the IAEA's activities in the field of testing, comparing and developing guidance on the application of models to assess radiation exposures to humans and radiological impacts on the environment. Different aspects of the MODARIA programme were addressed by ten working groups. The current publication presents the work undertaken by Working Group 10 on the modelling of marine dispersion and transfer of radionuclides accidentally released from land-based facilities. Two marine dispersion scenarios were studied. These scenarios simulated dispersion of radionuclides in the Baltic Sea following the Chernobyl accident, and dispersion in the Pacific Ocean following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. The publication details some general conclusions and presents a comparison of model performance when applied to the above scenarios. The difficulties of developing operative modelling systems for supporting decision making in cases of emergencies in highly dynamic environments are highlighted.
This book is a practical guide to the subject of numerical modelling of radioactivity dispersion in the marine environment. Thus, the techniques and numerical procedures required are explained in detail, with the aim of enabling the reader to build a real mathematical model. The book covers basic concepts and techniques, such as solving the advection-diffusion equation in a simple 1D form, as well as the most recent developments (full 3D models for non-conservative radionuclides including chemical reactions and speciation). A chapter is dedicated to the basic hydrodynamic modelling that is always required to simulate the dispersion of tracers in the sea; Eulerian and Lagrangian modelling techniques are also described. A chapter describes sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, the final stage in modelling works. A review on some published radionuclide dispersion models is also included. The book also includes a CD-ROM with a Lagrangian dispersion model of the Strait of Gibraltar and several Fortran codes developed by the author which can be used to reproduce some of the cases described in the book.
Describes an approach for assessing doses to members of the public as part of an environmental impact analysis of predictive radioactive discharges. This is achieved by using screening models which describe environmental processes in mathematical terms, producing a quantitative result.
In 1989 the Contracting Parties to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (the London Convention 1972) requested that the IAEA undertake the preparation of a global inventory of radioactive materials entering the marine environment from all origins. The IAEA subsequently established a global inventory which included information officially reported in or obtained from open literature and confirmed by the countries involved, on (i) the dumping at sea of radioactive waste; and (ii) marine accidents and losses involving radioactive materials. The inventory is intended as a centralized information base against which the impact of specific sources of radioactive material entering the marine environment can be assessed and compared. In 2006 the IAEA received the request to update those inventories. The present publication includes additional information provided recently by some IAEA Member States and contracting parties to the London Convention 1972 and Protocol 1996 within a process of updating the inventory which concluded in 2014, together with the information contained in previous IAEA publications. A CD ROM provides tables, maps and a database with detailed information.
This publication considers radionuclide transfer in tropical and arid environments with a focus on root uptake by crops from soils. The data collected and analysed are relevant for estimating the transfer of radionuclides through food chains to humans and for assessing radiation doses to the public due to intakes of these radionuclides in plant products used as food. The data relate to equilibrium conditions between the radionuclide's dynamics into and out of the compartments of the environment and are appropriate for radiological environmental impact assessment in planned and existing exposure situations where such conditions have been established. Moreover, this publication classifies the data according to an international climate classification scheme and compares the summary values derived for tropical and arid environments with those presented in IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 472 for temperate environments.
This book presents the results from the Japanese Fisheries Research Agency’s 3-year intensive monitoring of radionuclides in a variety of fish, plankton, benthos, and their living environments after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) accident in March 2011. The book reveals the dynamics of contamination processes in marine and freshwater fish, mediated by the contamination of water, sediments, and food organisms; it also clarifies the mechanisms by which large variations in the level of contamination occurs among individual fish. Most importantly, the book includes a large amount of original measurement data collected in situ and for the first time assesses diffusion of radiocesium across the Pacific using both in situ data and a numerical simulation model. Also introduced are several new approaches to evaluate the impact of the release of radionuclides, including the measurement of radiation emission from an otolith section to identify the main period of contamination in fish. The FNPP accident represents a rare instance where the environmental radioactivity level was elevated steeply through atmospheric fallout and direct discharge of radioactive water into the sea over a short period of time. Replete with precise scientific data, this book will serve as an important resource for research in fields such as fishery science, oceanography, ecology, and environmentology, and also as a solid basis for protecting fisheries from damage resulting from harmful rumors among the general public.
This book discusses the impacts of climate change that are already being felt on every continent and provides the scientific basis for a number of modern approaches and state-of-the art methods for monitoring the environment, social behavior and human expectations concerning protection of the environment. The book approaches these issues from the perspectives of various disciplines, from physics to the social sciences, and highlights both current challenges and future prospects. On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – 12 of which involve taking action on climate change – officially came into force. To achieve sustainable development, it is and will remain crucial to harmonize three interconnected core elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.