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This bibliography was produced to assist foresters and scientists interested in modelling boreal forest succession at broad scales. It contains more than 600 citations describing existing knowledge on succession in North American boreal forests, and the current state-of-knowledge in modelling succession, with particular emphasis on broad scales. References on succession in boreal forests are grouped by geographic and taxonomic categories. This bibliography also provides information on theories and concepts of succession modelling, issues of scale in modelling succession, the spatial process of propagule dispersal, and the probalistic modelling of forest succession. An author index is provided to help users located citations of interest.
This paper presents a review of the literature on boreal forest cover succession, using 175 publications that provided quantitative data based on original information from field studies. The following aspects of forest succession were examined: disturbances; pathways of post-disturbance forest cover change; timing of successional steps; probabilities of post-disturbance forest cover change; and effects of geographic location & ecological site conditions on forest cover change. The paper also outlines an approach for incorporating published knowledge on forest succession into stochastic simulation models of boreal forest cover change in a standardized manner.
Forest landscape disturbances are a global phenomenon. Simulation models are an important tool in understanding these broad scale processes and exploring their effects on forest ecosystems. This book contains a collection of insights from a group of ecologists who address a variety of processes: physical disturbances such as drought, wind, and fire; biological disturbances such as defoliating insects and bark beetles; anthropogenic influences; interactions among disturbances; effects of climate change on disturbances; and the recovery of forest landscapes from disturbances—all from a simulation modeling perspective. These discussions and examples offer a broad synopsis of the state of this rapidly evolving subject.
Succession-nothing in plant, community, or ecosystem ecology has been so elaborated by terminology, so much reviewed, and yet so much the center of controversy. In a general sense, every ecologist uses the concept in teaching and research, but no two ecologists seem to have a unified concept of the details of succession. The word was used by Thoreau to describe, from a naturalist's point of view, the general changes observed during the transition of an old field to a forest. As data accumulated, a lengthy taxonomy of succession developed around early twentieth century ecologists such as Cooper, Clements, and Gleason. Now, nearer the end of the century, and after much discussion concerning the nature of vegetation communities, where do ecologists stand with respect to knowledge of ecological succession? The intent of this book is not to rehash classic philosophies of succession that have emerged through the past several decades of study, but to provide a forum for ecologists to present their current research and present-day interpretation of data. To this end, we brought together a group of scientists currently studying terrestrial plant succession, who represent research experience in a broad spectrum of different ecosystem types. The results of that meeting led to this book, which presents to the reader a unique summary of contemporary research on forest succession.
The world's boreal forests, which lie to the south of the Arctic, are considered to be the Earth's most significant terrestrial ecosystems. A panel of ecologists here provide a synthesis of the important patterns and processes which occur in boreal forests and review the principal mechanisms which control the forest's patterns.
This prospectus presents a broad framework for a series of research studies to investigate Ontario boreal forest fire regime at multiple scales. The broad research goal is to reduce uncertainties in knowledge about boreal forest fire regimes related to policy directions in Ministry of Natural Resources' Forest management guide for natural disturbance pattern emulation. The research studies are grouped into three categories: reviews and syntheses of published literature; determining the characteristics of the broad-scale fire regime in boreal Ontario; and spatial mapping and monitoring.
Forest succession can be viewed, from a tree-centric point of view, as the temporal pattern of changes in tree species composition that occur following a disturbance that destroyed the existing forest cover, and includes the initial re-establishment of the forest cover. Fire is one such natural disturbance in boreal forests. The broad goal of the work reported here was to explore the body of boreal forest succession knowledge, to elucidate its strengths, weaknesses, and gaps, and to quantify its levels of uncertainty.--Document.
Reliable predictions of how changing climate and disturbance regimes will affect forest ecosystems are crucial for effective forest management. Current fire and climate research in forest ecosystem and community ecology offers data and methods that can inform such predictions. However, research in these fields occurs at different scales, with disparate goals, methods, and context. Often results are not readily comparable among studies and defy integration. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of three modeling paradigms: empirical gradient models, mechanistic ecosystem models, and stochastic landscape disturbance models. We then propose a synthetic approach to multi-scale analysis of the effects of climatic change and disturbance on forest ecosystems. Empirical gradient models provide an anchor and spatial template for stand-level forest ecosystem models by quantifying key parameters for individual species and accounting for broad-scale geographic variation among them. Gradient imputation transfers predictions of fine-scale forest composition and structure across geographic space. Mechanistic ecosystem dynamic models predict the responses of biological variables to specific environmental drivers and facilitate understanding of temporal dynamics and disequilibrium. Stochastic landscape dynamics models predict frequency, extent, and severity of broad-scale disturbance. A robust linkage of these three modeling paradigms will facilitate prediction of the effects of altered fire and other disturbance regimes on forest ecosystems at multiple scales and in the context of climatic variability and change.