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Provides an essential introduction to modeling terrestrial ecosystems in Earth system models for graduate students and researchers.
A model for the simultaneous transport of heat and water vapor is presented. In an effort to resolve the structure of the entrainment region at the inversion base, models are constructed so as to satisfy realizability as far as possible. Density anomaly and water vapor mixture fraction (specific humidity) are taken as the basic variables. Algebraic expressions for the third moments are derived from first principles, and contain no adjustable constants. Separate equations are carried for the dissipation of each variance, constructed to give rational behavior of all time scale ratios. New forms for relaxation and cross-dissipation terms are constructed in such a way as to guarantee realizability. We describe how realizability was used as a tool to construct these models. We present preliminary results without mean velocity gradients for a dry surface mixed layer leaving the land and starting over water, producing a stable internal humidity boundary layer, but with large fluxes of sensible heat and water vapor (local advection). (Reprints).
Four years have elapsed since the preparation of the original Russian version of this book. This is a long time when dealing with such actively expanding fields of oceanography as research into small-scale structures and the investigation of hydro physical processes. Over this period new quick-response devices have been developed and successfully used for measurements taken in various ocean areas. Improvements in high-frequency meters used to measure hydrophysical parameters has enabled workers to obtain more accurate absolute values of the fluctuations measured by such devices. In view of this scientific progress, some of the ideas presented in this book now require additional explanation. Great care should be used in dealing with the absolute fluctuation values of hydro physical fields, since the methods used for the determination of the accuracy of the high-frequency measuring devices have been imperfect in the past. Never theless, it would appear that the results of the investigations summarized in this book have not lost their importance, and that the established laws governing small-scale pro cesses in the ocean are of a sufficiently universal nature and, as such, have not been shattered with the qualitative and quantitative advances in devices used for measurements taken in oceans. The authors feel that their work is of interest to English-speaking readers. The appearance of the English translation of the book is, to a very large extent, due to the tremendous amount of editing work brilliantly done by Prof. H. Tennekes.
The 35th OHOLO Conference, which provided the basis for the present book covered a broad range of topics. Basic studies and newly developed methods in modeling atmospheric flows are discussed, besides analyses of concentration fluctuations in different atmospheric conditions, and techniques of data acquisition. The book gives an excellent state-of-the-art impression of the situation in turbulent diffusion and transport.
Focuses on the second-order turbulence-closure model and its applications to engineering problems. Topics include turbulent motion and the averaging process, near-wall turbulence, applications of turbulence models, and turbulent buoyant flows.
obtained are still severely limited to low Reynolds numbers (about only one decade better than direct numerical simulations), and the interpretation of such calculations for complex, curved geometries is still unclear. It is evident that a lot of work (and a very significant increase in available computing power) is required before such methods can be adopted in daily's engineering practice. I hope to l"Cport on all these topics in a near future. The book is divided into six chapters, each· chapter in subchapters, sections and subsections. The first part is introduced by Chapter 1 which summarizes the equations of fluid mechanies, it is developed in C~apters 2 to 4 devoted to the construction of turbulence models. What has been called "engineering methods" is considered in Chapter 2 where the Reynolds averaged equations al"C established and the closure problem studied (§1-3). A first detailed study of homogeneous turbulent flows follows (§4). It includes a review of available experimental data and their modeling. The eddy viscosity concept is analyzed in §5 with the l"Csulting ~alar-transport equation models such as the famous K-e model. Reynolds stl"Css models (Chapter 4) require a preliminary consideration of two-point turbulence concepts which are developed in Chapter 3 devoted to homogeneous turbulence. We review the two-point moments of velocity fields and their spectral transforms (§ 1), their general dynamics (§2) with the particular case of homogeneous, isotropie turbulence (§3) whel"C the so-called Kolmogorov's assumptions are discussed at length.
The emphasis of this book is on engineering aspects of fluid turbulence. The book explains for example how to tackle turbulence in industrial applications. It is useful to several disciplines, such as, mechanical, civil, chemical, aerospace engineers and also to professors, researchers, beginners, under graduates and post graduates. The following issues are emphasized in the book: - Modeling and computations of engineering flows: The author discusses in detail the quantities of interest for engineering turbulent flows and how to select an appropriate turbulence model; Also, a treatment of the selection of appropriate boundary conditions for the CFD simulations is given. - Modeling of turbulent convective heat transfer: This is encountered in several practical situations. It basically needs discussion on issues of treatment of walls and turbulent heat fluxes. - Modeling of buoyancy driven flows, for example, smoke issuing from chimney, pollutant discharge into water bodies, etc
Based on his over forty years of research and teaching, John C. Wyngaard's textbook is an excellent up-to-date introduction to turbulence in the atmosphere and in engineering flows for advanced students, and a reference work for researchers in the atmospheric sciences. Part I introduces the concepts and equations of turbulence. It includes a rigorous introduction to the principal types of numerical modeling of turbulent flows. Part II describes turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part III covers the foundations of the statistical representation of turbulence and includes illustrative examples of stochastic problems that can be solved analytically. The book treats atmospheric and engineering turbulence in a unified way, gives clear explanation of the fundamental concepts of modeling turbulence, and has an up-to-date treatment of turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer. Student exercises are included at the ends of chapters, and worked solutions are available online for use by course instructors.
This book provides an introduction to the subject of turbulence modelling in a form easy to understand for anybody with a basic background in fluid mechanics, and it summarizes the present state of the art. Individual models are described and examined for the merits and demerits which range from the simple Prandtl mixing length theory to complex second order closure schemes.