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Volume numbers determined from Scope of the guidelines, p. 12-13.
Contributed papers.
CMMM is a project that accompanied and was oriented by the priorities of municipalist activists in Belgrade, Berlin, and Barcelona. Spanning over 3.5 years from 2019 to 2023, it captured and supported the efforts of the Ministry of Space collective, AKS Gemeinwohl, Häuser Bewegen GIMA eG., Kollektiv Raumstation, and Observatori DESC to change the political paradigms shaping the contemporary housing emergency in the three cities. Coordinated by K LAB (TU Berlin) and supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the CMMM team employed various formats of critical mapping to display the legislations, policies, events, hierarchies, as well as the main actors and factors that are shaping the housing crisis. Next to selected examples of how critical mapping has been applied by peers and artists in the three cities, this book scripts the process through which our team created three interactive maps “How (un)affordable is housing in Belgrade?”, “Who buys Berlin?”, and “Stop Evictions!” for Barcelona, which can be explored on the project’s website: CMMM‘s outputs intend to support existing and future municipalist activists and collectives pushing to create policy alternatives that integrate the “housing as a right” principle. We hope that our work inspires activists and engaged professionals to employ critical mapping in their endeavors to inform and nudge public opinion, towards advancing demands for justice in the urban and beyond. CMMM ist ein Projekt, das die Prioritäten von städtischen bzw. nachbarschaftlichen Aktivisten in Belgrad, Berlin und Barcelona begleitet und sich an ihnen orientiert. Es erstreckte sich über dreieinhalb Jahre von 2019 bis 2023 und erfasste und unterstützte die Bemühungen von Ministry of Space collective, AKS Gemeinwohl, Häuser Bewegen GIMA eG, Kollektiv Raumstation und Observatori DESC, die politischen Paradigmen, die den Wohnungsnotstand in den drei Städten prägen, durch verschiedene Formate der kritischen Kartierung zu verändern. Unter der Koordination des LABOR K (TU Berlin) und mit Hilfe eines Stipendiums der Robert Bosch Stiftung haben wir Gesetze, Politiken, Ereignisse, Hierarchien und einige der wichtigsten Akteure und Faktoren, die die Wohnsituation prägen, kartiert. Darüber hinaus enthält dieses Buch ausgewählte Beispiele dafür, wie kritisches Mapping in den drei Städten angewandt wurde, und es beschreibt, wie unser Team die drei interaktiven Karten "How (un)affordable is housing in Belgrade?", "Who buys Berlin?" und "Stop Evictions!" für Barcelona erstellt hat, die auf der Projektwebsite eingesehen werden können. Durch die verschiedenen CMMM-Materialien in diesem Buch und auf der Projektwebsite stellen wir Informationen zur Verfügung, um heutige und künftige Bewegungen und Kollektive die darauf drängen, politische Alternativen zu schaffen, und die das Prinzip “Recht auf Wohnen" in politische Programme zu integrieren versuchen, zu unterstützen. Zudem hoffen wir, Aktivist*innen, engagierte Fachleute, Wissenschaftler*innen und andere dazu zu inspirieren mit Hilfe von kritischem Mapping die öffentliche Meinung und die allgemeine Wahrnehmung zu beeinflussen, und den Diskurs zu beflügeln um Forderungen nach Gerechtigkeit in der Stadt und darüber hinaus voranzutreiben.
How do weak activists organize under repression? This book theorizes a dynamic of contention called mobilizing without the masses.
Mobilizing for Democracy is an in-depth study into how ordinary citizens and their organizations mobilize to deepen democracy. Featuring a collection of new empirical case studies from Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, this important new book illustrates how forms of political mobilization, such as protests, social participation, activism, litigation and lobbying, engage with the formal institutions of representative democracy in ways that are core to the development of democratic politics. No other volume has brought together examples from such a broad Southern spectrum and covering such a diversity of actors: rural and urban dwellers, transnational activists, religious groups, politicians and social leaders. The cases illuminate the crucial contribution that citizen mobilization makes to democratization and the building of state institutions, and reflect the uneasy relationship between citizens and the institutions that are designed to foster their political participation.
Development projects and public policies fail due to the lack of adequate and genuine community and stakeholder participation, yet many projects, programs and policies the world over are implemented in a top down fashion as if community and stakeholder input at least did not matter and at worst were irrelevant. This book is designed to guide development practitioners, students and academics in the design of more participatory and more sustainable development initiatives and public policies.The book covers the twin issues of community mobilization and stakeholder participation in one volume in a world replete with books and publications exclusively on either the former or the latter, yet the processes in question are mutually reinforcing in the real world. Rarely do development organizations and agencies mobilize communities as single entities but often do so in multi-stakeholder forums to enhance the comprehensiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of development policies and interventions, hence this book. This book will guide development practitioners on how to effectively mobilize communities as well as on how to engage with stakeholders.While this book exposes the reader to the current cutting-edge theoretical models as propounded by leading scholars, the reader is encouraged to "think-outside-the-box" through the suggestion of further models of analysis which tends to fill gaps in the current literature.Overall, the book provides a healthy dose of theory and practical guidelines thereby appealing to both the practitioner and academic. Community mobilization and stakeholder participation for development contains the following distinctive features: * The book has attractive full-color illustrations. * Every chapter is designed in a user-friendly format that promotes easy assimilation and retention of the subject matter. Each chapter begins with an introduction, followed by definitions of key terms and subject matter details before ending with a succinct summary. * The book is heavily informed by extensive research as evidenced by the cited works.* This is the first book to juxtapose negative participatory values supporting the status quo of citizen powerlessness against positive transformative ones determining citizen agency.* The book suggests an additional community mobilization model.* The book presents an innovative schema of the interplay between community participation and community mobilization.* This book innovatively suggests a somewhat shorter community mobilization cycle that could be used during emergencies rather than the usual normative cycle. * Whilst in the literature, three types of community participation are articulated; this book goes further to suggest a fourth type of participation. * Whereas the participatory typologies in the mainstream literature tend to be hierarchical and value-laden, this book boldly proposes a new non-hierarchical and value-free typology.* The current book includes a checklist with which to assess and evaluate community mobilization projects and interventions which development practitioners in the field could use as a handy tool.* Mechanisms for the mainstreaming of gender perspectives for development are explored.* This book clearly articulates the principles and guidelines for participatory governance and development.* This book gives an introductory discussion of commonly-cited economic and social development theories in order to sensitize the reader as regards current development discourses. * Finally, a glossary of key terms is presented in order to guide the inquisitive reader to quickly navigate the conceptual terrain of community mobilization and stakeholder engagement for development.Community mobilization and stakeholder participation for development is intended for those readers who need to develop an appreciation of public participation in its broadest possible sense!
This book explores how different corporate governance strategies affect community mobilization and the scope for influence when an area’s population is faced with the arrival of the extraction industry. Drawing on ethnographic research into Peruvian mining localities, the author analyses a series of relationships which are characterized by confrontations, clientelism, demobilization and strategic collaboration. By presenting a detailed account of micro practices and showing how these processes are interpreted by different groups, Gustafsson offers a refined understanding of the multiple layers and informal workings of power between transnational corporations and local communities.