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This interdisciplinary handbook provides extensive information about research in medieval studies and its most important results over the last decades. The handbook is a reference work which enables the readers to quickly and purposely gain insight into the important research discussions and to inform themselves about the current status of research in the field. The handbook consists of four parts. The first, large section offers articles on all of the main disciplines and discussions of the field. The second section presents articles on the key concepts of modern medieval studies and the debates therein. The third section is a lexicon of the most important text genres of the Middle Ages. The fourth section provides an international bio-bibliographical lexicon of the most prominent medievalists in all disciplines. A comprehensive bibliography rounds off the compendium. The result is a reference work which exhaustively documents the current status of research in medieval studies and brings the disciplines and experts of the field together.
As witnessed by a tremendous upsurge in medieval research, academic meetings, innovative interpretive approaches, enrolment numbers, and public interest, Medieval Studies are proving once again to be a vibrant field of investigations both inside and outside of academia. Nevertheless, there is a tendency among colleagues and administrators in the field of Germanistik/German Studies to exclude the earlier period as an exotic and irrelevant subject matter. The contributors to this volume, all of whom teach at North American universities, make a strong case for the paradigmatic function of medieval German literature for the general field of Germanistik, and argue that many of the most recent changes in our discipline related to the German Studies paradigm have been foreshadowed by Medieval Studies where interdisciplinarity, comparative approaches, the consideration of Mentalitätsgeschichte, theology, history, art history, even gender studies, and the history of everyday life have often constituted the conditio sine qua non. Some of the authors in this volume argue for the relevance of medieval German literature by investigating concrete cases taken from the Middle Ages, others show how modern German literature has been deeply influenced by medieval texts. The purpose of this volume is not to privilege medieval literature over modern literature, but instead to reclaim the premodern period as an important and relevant field of investigation within contemporary German Studies.
From the twelfth century onwards the legends of King Arthur and his knights, including the Tristan legend, spread across Europe, producing a vast range of adaptations and new stories. German and Dutch literature were of central importance in this expansion of Arthurian material from the 12th to 16th century. This title deals with this topic.
Die marmorne Liegestatue der frühchristlichen Jungfrau und Märtyrerin Cäcilie, die sich seit ihrer Entstehung zum Jubeljahr 1600 an ihrem ursprünglichen Aufstellungsort in Rom befindet, gilt aufgrund innovativer Rahmung und Formensprache als bahnbrechend in der westlichen Kunst. Im Hinblick auf ihren kulturellen, religiösen, sozialen und politischen Hintergrund wurde sie aber bislang noch nie umfassend untersucht. Die vorliegende, interdisziplinäre Studie widmet sich genau diesem Kraftfeld. Es bestimmt die Genese, Bedeutung und frühe Rezeption des Grabbildes Cäciliens wie auch des Stifters, Kardinal Paolo Camillo Sfondrato. Die Figur wirkt nicht nur im gesamten Kircheninnenraum der der Heiligen geweihten Basilika, sondern strahlt in eine wegweisende, frühmoderne Welt aus. Zugleich reflektiert sie Zeitströmungen derart, dass sie als künstlerische Summe ihrer Epoche gelten kann. The reclining marble statue of the early Christian virgin martyr Cecilia, completed by the Holy Year of 1600 and still in its original setting in the Roman basilica bearing the saint’s name, has long been recognised as a seminal work in Western art. Yet its cultural, religious, social and political background has never been comprehensively investigated. This interdisciplinary analysis explores the constellation of forces that shaped the genesis, meaning and early reception of the sculpture – a funeral image for both its donor, Cardinal Paolo Camillo Sfondrato, and Cecilia – as well as its impact on the church interior and the contemporary viewer. The cult image emerges as a synthesis of an epoch that is fundamental to our understanding of early modern culture.
A selectively comprehensive bibliography of the vast literature about Samuel Beckett's dramatic works, arranged for the efficient and convenient use of scholars on all levels.