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This book is a collection of the miracles, parables and commandments of Jesus, presented by way of comparative study of the four gospels. Jesus is presented here as a human being, homeless and itinerant, who became son of God through renunciation, meditation which led to self-realization. He through the miracles, taught us to restrain from self-glorification, the root cause of sin, but give glory to God for all your achievements because it is not your body, but the spirit of God in you that enables you to do miracles or the works of God. Through the Parables he taught us to what is the kingdom of God and how to seek it. The Commandments, conveyed to us through the Sermon on the Mount teach us how to purify our hearts, lead a righteous life and become perfect or sons of God, who is perfect. One who realize the truth of the Sermon and live accordingly would become God on earth. It is the sum total of all ancient great religions in the world. This book is divided into three parts: the first part dealing with miracles performed by Jesus; the second with parables told by Jesus in the course of his public ministry that form part of his teachings; and the third, commandments, as contained in the Sermon on the Mount.
"ALL sacred writings contain an outer and an inner meaning. Behind the literal words lies another range of meaning, another form of knowledge. According to an old-age tradition, Man once was in touch with this inner knowledge and inner meaning. There are many stories in the Old Testament which convey another knowledge, a meaning quite different from the literal sense of the words. The story of the Ark, the story of Pharaoh's butler and baker, the story of the Tower of Babel, the story of Jacob and Esau and the mess of pottage, and many others, contain an inner psychological meaning far removed from their literal level of meaning. And in the Gospels the parable is used in a similar way." -from the Preface. The New Man is an effort to elaborate the Gospels in light of this inner truth, in order to guide man along the necessary journey he must undertake to avoid violence and self-destruction.
for every healthy tree bears good fruit --; Demand #28 : love your enemies--lead them to the truth --; Demand #29 : love your enemies--pray for those who abuse you --; Demand #30 : love your enemies--do good to those who hate you, give to the one who asks --; Demand #31 : love your enemies to show that you are children of God --; Demand #32 : love your neighbor as yourself,
On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus met a law teacher and told him a story about a Samaritan who helped a wounded man. Learn more about the stories Jesus told and the miracles he performed in Parables and Miracles, part of the Discover the Bible series.
For as long as the idea of "miracles" has been in the public sphere, the conversation about them has been shaped exclusively by religious apologists and Christian leaders. The definitions for what a miracles are have been forged by the same men who fought hard to promote their own beliefs as fitting under that umbrella. It's time for a change. Enter John W. Loftus, an atheist author who has earned three master's degrees from Lincoln Christian Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Loftus, a former student of noted Christian apologist William Lane Craig, got some of the biggest names in the field to contribute to this book, which represents a critical analysis of the very idea of miracles. Incorporating his own thoughts along with those of noted academics, philosophers, and theologians, Loftus is able to properly define "miracle" and then show why there's no reason to believe such a thing even exists. Addressing every single issue that touches on miracles in a thorough and academic manner, this compilation represents the most extensive look at the phenomenon ever displayed through the lens of an ardent nonbeliever. If you've ever wondered exactly what a miracle is, or doubted whether they exist, then this book is for you.
OF PARABLES AND MIRACLES is a profoundly inspirational book that delves into the timeless wisdom of Jesus' parables and miracles found in the Bible. Its purpose is to enrich the reader's spiritual journey, allowing their faith to flourish and deepen. Throughout the book, the author skillfully weaves insightful commentary, offering a thorough exploration of the profound teachings within Jesus' parables and miracles. The author's explanations are accessible, making complex concepts understandable, even for those without a vast spiritual background. With a captivating narrative style, the book effortlessly draws readers into the profound messages and transformative power of these biblical passages.