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Christians often view Jesus’s miracles simply as proofs of his divinity. However, as prolific author Vern Poythress shows in this new book, they also serve as “signs of redemption,” foreshadowing the salvation that Christ accomplished through his cross and resurrection. This means that the stories of Jesus’s miracles—like the calming of the storm or the feeding of the 5,000—are relevant for both Christians and non-Christians alike, clearly pointing to the gospel. After setting forth a framework for viewing all of Jesus’s miracles through this lens, Poythress then reflects on the meaning and significance of 26 distinct miracles recorded in the Gospel of Matthew—helping modern readers understand and apply them to their own lives today.
Relates the miracles of Jesus, from turning water to wine to the man with a withered hand to and his walk on water.
The nature miracle stories of Jesus--walking on the water or feeding thousands with a small amount of food, for example--are so spectacular that many find them a problem, whether historical, philosophical, or even theological. This is the first book to tackle this problem head on. Do the stories reflect events in the life of the historical Jesus, or are they myths or legends? Or, perhaps they grew out of parables or from more ordinary events into the incredible stories we now have. Or, again, perhaps this the wrong approach! A group of high-ranking biblical historians, philosophers, and theologians with very diverse views set out to provide possible answers. Contributors: - James Crossley - Eric Eve - Craig S. Keener - Michael Levine - Timothy J. McGrew - Scot McKnight - Graham H. Twelftree - Ruben Zimmermann
After Jesus of Nazareth was baptized, he began his public life, and he performed many miracles. Inspired by Romanesque art, Tomie dePaola brings the New Testament to life as he retells the stories of twelve miracles in the Bible. The Miracles of Jesus begins with "the Wedding at Cana," the first miracle, when Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding feast. This is followed by other miracles Jesus performed, such as his calming of a storm, walking on water, and raising the dead to life. This delightful collection filled with memorable illustrations is perfect for sharing and reading aloud.
The Miracles of Jesus: The Process for Community Building through Kingdom Expansion is a blueprint for both community and church leadership to look at as they face timely issues in their own leadership environments. For community leaders, it will assist you in addressing issues in a more compassionate yet practical way. For church leaders, it will interpret the miracles of Christ from a community perspective, allowing churches to reconnect with communities and become more engaged to expand the kingdom. And for other Christians, The Miracles of Jesus will inform and allow you to see the Gospels and the miracles in the Bible in a whole new way, showing you that the Word of God is just as relevant today as when it was written. For both community and church leaders alike, The Miracles of Jesus will reveal that the way to expand the kingdom of God is through community building and involvement with the church and with civic and social organizations. This approach will breathe new life into an institution that’s being left behind.
New York Times bestselling author Lee Strobel trains his investigative sights on the hot-button question: is it really credible to believe God intervenes supernaturally in people's lives today? This provocative book starts with an unlikely interview in which America's foremost skeptic builds a seemingly persuasive case against the miraculous. But then Strobel travels the country to quiz scholars to see whether they can offer solid answers to atheist objections. Along the way, he encounters astounding accounts of healings and other phenomena that simply cannot be explained away by naturalistic causes. The book features the results of exclusive new scientific polling that shows miracle accounts are much more common than people think. What's more, Strobel delves into the most controversial question of all: what about miracles that don't happen? If God can intervene in the world, why doesn't he do it more often to relieve suffering? Many American Christians are embarrassed by the supernatural, not wanting to look odd or extreme to their neighbors. Yet, The Case for Miracles shows not only that the miraculous is possible, but that God still does intervene in our world in awe-inspiring ways. Here’s a unique book that examines all sides of this issue and comes away with a passionate defense for God's divine action in lives today. Also available: The Case for Miracles Spanish edition, kids' edition, and student edition.
Scholarly literature on Jesus has often attempted to relate his miracles to their Jewish context, but that context has not been surveyed in its own right. This volume fills that gap by examining both the ideas on miracle in Second Temple literature (including Josephus, Philo, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha) and the evidence for contemporary Jewish miracle workers. The penultimate chapter explores insights from cultural anthropology to round out the picture obtained from the literary evidence, and the study concludes that Jesus is distinctive as a miracle-worker in his Jewish context while nevertheless fitting into it.
Nothing is more important than what a person believes about Jesus Christ. To understand Christ correctly is to understand the very heart of God, Scripture, and the gospel. To get to the core of this belief, this latest volume in the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series lays out a systematic summary of Christology from philosophical, biblical, and historical perspectives—concluding that Jesus Christ is God the Son incarnate, both fully divine and fully human. Readers will learn to better know, love, trust, and obey Christ—unashamed to proclaim him as the only Lord and Savior. Part of the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series.
Christianity Today 2013 Book Award Winner Winner of The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship's 2012 Award of Excellence 2011 Book of the Year,'s Academic Blog Most modern prejudice against biblical miracle reports depends on David Hume's argument that uniform human experience precluded miracles. Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim to have experienced miracles. New Testament scholar Craig Keener argues that it is time to rethink Hume's argument in light of the contemporary evidence available to us. This wide-ranging and meticulously researched two-volume study presents the most thorough current defense of the credibility of the miracle reports in the Gospels and Acts. Drawing on claims from a range of global cultures and taking a multidisciplinary approach to the topic, Keener suggests that many miracle accounts throughout history and from contemporary times are best explained as genuine divine acts, lending credence to the biblical miracle reports.