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Create a culture of radical hospitality that surprises and delights guests beyond their expectations. The Art of Hospitality guides you and your church to creating a ministry of radical hospitality. While the main book is intended for pastors and church leaders, this Companion Book is designed for the whole congregation, to equip and inspire everyone to embrace a ministry of welcome. Engaging worship and intentional follow-up processes are important, but what compels guests to return to our churches is the warmth of our welcome and hospitality that goes beyond their expectations. In The Art of Hospitality, Yvonne Gentile and Debi Nixon guide you and your church creating radical hospitality that infiltrates the heart and culture of the entire congregation. Choose The Art of Hospitality main book for pastors and other leaders in the church. Choose the Companion Book for everyone else in the congregation.
This handbook is part of a series designed to equip and empower church volunteers for effective ministry. If you're reading this, chances are you're a church volunteer. Thanks for your willingness to serve!
This is part of a series of modern commentaries based on new English translations made by their respective editors. While adhering strictly to sound scholarship and doctrine, they intend, above all, to bring out the theological and religious message of the New Testament to the contemporary Church.
For most of church history, hospitality was central to Christian identity. Yet our generation knows little about this rich, life-giving practice.
What did God use to draw a radical, committed unbeliever to himself? Did God take her to an evangelistic rally? Or, since she had her doctorate in literature, did he use something in print? No, God used an invitation to dinner in a modest home, from a humble couple who lived out the gospel daily, simply, and authentically. With this story of her conversion as a backdrop, Rosaria Butterfield invites us into her home to show us how God can use this same "radical, ordinary hospitality" to bring the gospel to our lost friends and neighbors. Such hospitality sees our homes as not our own, but as God's tools for the furtherance of his kingdom as we welcome those who look, think, believe, and act differently from us into our everyday, sometimes messy lives—helping them see what true Christian faith really looks like.
God's plan for everyone who professes the name of Christ, both men and women, includes hospitality. No one is exempt, from pastor to people. An open heart, open hand and open home is God's divine design to open the hearts of people everywhere it is practiced. Hospitality connects the heart of God and the heart of true ministry for every believer, yet something dramatic has happened in our hearts, closing the doors of our homes, causing Christianity Today to ask, "Whatever Happened to Hospitality?" What about your life? Do you have an open heart, open hand and open home to others... to strangers? The Apostle Paul reminds we must all be "given to hospitality." Pastors and leaders must be "lovers of hospitality." And the Apostle Peter declared, "The end of all things is at hand... use hospitality ... without grudging." Here is hidden power reserved by God for those who dare to practice it. It is PERSONAL, it is PRACTICAL, and it is PROPHETIC! The Power of Hospitality will change your life, your family, your congregation... yes even your city and your world if your will let it.
This is a book about the behind-the-scenes reality of a life in ministry. It tells you what Zack Eswine wishes somebody else would’ve told him. With over 20 years of experience in ministry, Zack shares with incredible honesty about his own failures, burnout, and pain, all the while addressing the complexities of leadership decisions, church discipline, family dynamics, and so on. Presenting sound pastoral theology couched in autobiographical musings and powerful prose, this book offers a fresh and biblically faithful approach to the care of souls, including your own.
In this book, theologian Letty Russell redefines the commonly held notion of hospitality as she challenges her readers to consider what it means to welcome the stranger. In doing so, she implores persons of faith to join the struggles for justice. Rather than an act of limited, charitable welcome, Russell maintains that true hospitality is a process that requires partnership with the "other" in our divided world. The goal is "just hospitality," that is, hospitality with justice. Russell draws on feminist and postcolonial thinking to show how we are colonized and colonizing, each of us bearing the marks of the history that formed us. With an insightful analysis of the power dynamics that stem from our differences and a constructive theological theory of difference itself, Russell proposes concrete strategies to create a more just practice of hospitality.
F.F. Bruce's study on the Epistle to the Hebrews is a contribution to The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Prepared by some of the world's leading scholars, the series provides an exposition of the New Testament books that is thorough and fully abreast of modern scholarship yet faithful to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.
The 'Hospitality Minister," including ushers, do more than just seat people and take up the offering; they are the first point of contact with guests and potential members, and are the first ones to make a first (and lasting) impression. Hospitality Ministers, which are ushers, greeters, information booth attendants, parking lot volunteers, and more, are just that: "ministers." They represent God and God's House, and are key team members to making sure that the worship experience brings honor and glory to God and builds up the people God loves.