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Mindfulness Desmitificado es una obra que desentraña los mitos comunes sobre el mindfulness, mostrando que esta práctica es, de hecho, accesible y beneficiosa para todos. A medida que recorremos sus páginas, somos guiados por una exploración envolvente de los fundamentos del mindfulness, la meditación y la integración de estos conceptos en la vida diaria. Desde la importancia del equilibrio mental y emocional hasta la celebración del progreso y el cultivo de la gratitud, cada capítulo es una pieza esencial en el rompecabezas de la práctica mindful. Al desmitificar el mindfulness, desentrañamos sus orígenes, exploramos los beneficios científicamente comprobados y ofrecemos estrategias prácticas para incorporar el mindfulness en cada aspecto de la vida. Esté listo para un viaje que trasciende las expectativas, sumergiéndose en las aguas profundas de la conciencia plena.
Una brillante introducción a la práctica del mindfulness. Mindfulness para principiantes es una invitación para que el lector modifique su relación con el modo en que piensa, siente, ama, trabaja o juega; y despierte y encarne de forma plena lo que realmente es. Los meditadores principiantes (pero también los avezados) descubrirán en estas páginas un valioso compendio de las prácticas y actitudes fundamentales que Jon Kabat-Zinn ha desarrollado tras décadas de investigación, enseñanza y práctica. A destacar: · la importancia de conectar con nuestro cuerpo y nuestros sentidos; · ir más allá de nuestra «historia» y conectar con la experiencia directa; · estabilizar nuestra atención y presencia en medio de las actividades cotidianas; · los factores mentales fundamentales que provocan sufrimiento; · por qué corazón pleno ( heartfulness) es sinónimo de mindfulness. Mindfulness para principiantes proporciona las respuestas apropiadas para lograr que conectemos de un modo más claro, duradero y amoroso con nosotros mismos y el mundo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An Invitation to the Practice of Mindfulness We may long for wholeness, suggests Jon Kabat-Zinn, but the truth is that it is already here and already ours. The practice of mindfulness holds the possibility of not just a fleeting sense of contentment, but a true embracing of a deeper unity that envelops and permeates our lives. With Mindfulness for Beginnersyou are invited to learn how to transform your relationship to the way you think, feel, love, work, and play―and thereby awaken to and embody more completely who you really are. Here, the teacher, scientist, and clinician who first demonstrated the benefits of mindfulness within mainstream Western medicine offers a book that you can use in three unique ways: as a collection of reflections and practices to be opened and explored at random; as an illuminating and engaging start-to-finish read; or as an unfolding "lesson-a-day" primer on mindfulness practice. Beginning and long-time meditators alike will discover in these pages a valuable distillation of the key attitudes and essential practices that Jon Kabat-Zinn has found most useful with his students, including: • Why heartfulness is synonymous with true mindfulness • The value of coming back to our bodies and to our senses over and over again • How our thoughts "self-liberate" when touched by awareness • Moving beyond our "story" into direct experience • Stabilizing our attention and presence amidst daily activities • Three fundamental mental factors that cause suffering • How mindfulness heals, even after the fact •Reclaiming our wholeness, and more The prescription for living a more mindful life seems simple enough: return your awareness again and again to whatever is going on. But if you’ve tried it, you know that here is where all the questions and challenges really begin. Mindfulness for Beginners provides welcome answers, insights, and instruction to help us make that shift, moment by moment, into a more spacious, clear, reliable, and loving connection with ourselves and the world.
• Identificar los principales efectos beneficiosos del mindfulness, tanto en la práctica personal como profesional • Aprender a gestionar los cambios, el estrés y las situaciones difíciles provocadas por conflictos o incertidumbre. • Aprender a reducir los niveles de ansiedad y mejorar la toma de decisiones. • Mejorar la eficacia en el apoyo emocional, conductual e instruccional en el entorno personal y profesional 1. El Mindfulness 2. Diferencia entre meditar y Mindfulness 3. Elementos implicados en la práctica de Mindfulness 4. Factores psicológicos de Mindfulness en el contexto personal y profesional 5. Implementación de programa de Mindfulness en el contexto profesional
El Mindfulness es un concepto psicológico heredado de la tradición budista que podríamos definir como la concentración de la atención y la consciencia en el aquí y el ahora. Mindfulness es sinónimo de 'conciencia plena' y consiste en prestar atención al momento en que vivimos, tomando consciencia de nuestra realidad. Con casi toda seguridad, habrás comprobado que, con mucha frecuencia, te encuentras profundamente enfrascado en pensamientos que atañen a tu pasado (errores que cometiste, cosas que hiciste o dejaste de hacer, malas experiencias que tuviste ...), o tu futuro (el trabajo que tendrás que hacer mañana, pensamientos automáticos, preocupaciones por cosas que quizás no lleguen a suceder nunca...). El problema de estos extravíos mentales es que nos impiden vivir con plenitud el presente. Es aquí donde entra el mindfulness, que consiste esencialmente en saber apartar de nuestra mente todas esas rumiaciones y pensamientos negativos para centrarnos en lo que estamos haciendo y, de paso, hacerlo mejor. La atención plena impide que nuestra mente deambule por el pasado o por el futuro, permitiéndonos saborear el presente. Con la práctica continuada, la atención plena nos ayudará a recuperar nuestro equilibrio interior, aumentar nuestra creatividad, mejorar la calidad de nuestras relaciones y acceder a un nuevo y apasionante mundo de posibilidades.
Una dieta sana y equilibrada es fundamental para nuestra salud mental. Después de todo, lo que podemos afectar directamente a nuestro estado de ánimo, nuestro nivel de energía e incluso nuestra capacidad de concentración. Una alimentación adecuada puede prevenir enfermedades como la depresión, la ansiedad y el estrés, además de mejorar la calidad de vida. Es importante resaltar que la alimentación es solo uno de los factores que influyen en la salud mental, pero sin duda es uno de los más importantes.
Poetry. Latinx Studies. Translated by Laura Cesarco Eglin. If life is no more than a prolonged flirtation with death, then Hilda Hilst's OF DEATH. MINIMAL ODES is the true account of a lifelong seduction. It is at once both a reverie and reliquary, as the poet imagines and reimagines that most paradoxical moment of disintegration--the corporeal flesh fusing with death's own dark corpus. With a visceral-mystical poetic voice that is as teasingly unrestrained as it is intellectually sublime, Hilst's odes enact a baroque danse macabre, where the poet revels in the incongruities of simultaneously seeking the sacred and profane. Translating the first collection of Hilda Hilst's significant body of poetry to appear in English, Laura Cescarco Eglin renders the imagery and philosophical complexity of these minimal odes with brio, while preserving the playful tone and lush melodies that mark OF DEATH. MINIMAL ODES as uniquely Hilstian. "The spare but ornate poems in this collection are startling the way a menagerie of creatures can be startling when the creatures themselves are composed of animal bits: claw, fur, 'brain and hooves / in the pitch dark.' Each minimal ode addresses death who becomes at times a lover, a sister, a slow-moving and wild mammal ever arriving. Hilst builds 'passageways' for death with each line--corridors which are 'Intricate. In knots.' The reader cannot help but join the poet in calling out the various names for death: 'Amber / Bundle of flutes / Gutter / Light.' And these are rendered stunningly in English by Laura Cesarco Eglin, who carries over every verse with clarity and care as though she were holding up pieces of glass to sunlight."--Carolina Ebeid "Before gaining notoriety for her highly original, experimental, and provocative works of fiction, Hilda Hilst engraved her name in Brazilian literary circles as a poet. OF DEATH. MINIMAL ODES, newly and assuredly translated by Laura Cesarco Eglin, shows Hilst the poet at her distilled best. As much a multimedia conversation with poetry as with life, death, and herself, Hilst poses essential questions whose answers lie at the core of these poems."--John Keene "In OF DEATH. MINIMAL ODES by Brazilian writer Hilda Hilst, death and poetry are lifelong bedfellows. In fact, they engage in a natural partnership, or, to borrow from the poet herself, a sisterhood-in-dialogue that is at once serious and seductive, playful, perilous, and habitual. Hilst's creative wordplays and tonal spectrum, by contrast, are extraordinary, and Laura Cesarco Eglin's translation matches her inventiveness with equal illumination. Hilst's verses affirm the common ground that exists between life and death, and carry with them a vibrant, volatile charge that accompanies this complicit union."--Marguerite Itamar Harrison, Associate Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Smith College "The poetry of Hilda Hilst is fundamental--in every sense. Thanks to Laura Cesarco Eglin, who has accepted the challenge of translating these verses brimming with sensuality and music, a little more of Hilst's work is made known to the world. I welcome this partnership."--Adriana Lisboa
Draws on the traditions of the martial arts to ask whether playing violent videogames actually transform gamers into better people.
"The 2001 edition (1st) was a comprehensive review of history, research, and discussions on religion and health through the year 2000. The Appendix listed 1,200 separate quantitative studies on religion and health each rated in quality on 0-10 scale, followed by about 2,000 references and an extensive index for rapid topic identification. The 2012 edition (2nd) of the Handbook systematically updated the research from 2000 to 2010, with the number of quantitative studies then reaching the thousands. This 2022 edition (3rd) is the most scientifically rigorous addition to date, covering the best research published through 2021 with an emphasis on prospective studies and randomized controlled trials. Beginning with a Foreword by Dr. Howard K. Koh, former US Assistant Secretary for Health for the Department of Health and Human Services, this nearly 600,000-word volume examines almost every aspect of health, reviewing past and more recent research on the relationship between religion and health outcomes. Furthermore, nearly all of its 34 chapters conclude with clinical and community applications making this text relevant to both health care professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers, rehabilitation therapists, counsellors, psychologists, sociologists, etc.) and clergy (community clergy, chaplains, pastoral counsellors, etc.). The book's extensive Appendix focuses on the best studies, describing each study in a single line, allowing researchers to quickly locate the existing research. It should not be surprising that for Handbook for the past two decades has been the most cited of all references on religion and health"--