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This book provides a strong multidisciplinary examination of the links between migration, remittances and sustainable development in Africa. It makes evidence-based policy recommendations on migration to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The key themes examined are migration and remittances, and their relations with the following issues: economic transformation, education and knowledge, corruption and conflict. Cross-cutting issues such as gender equality and youth are weaved throughout the chapters, and a rich range of country contexts are presented. The volume also discusses challenges in managing migration flows. It will be of interest to advanced students, academics and policy makers in development economics and sustainable development.
A joint effort led by the African Development Bank and the World Bank, 'Leveraging Migration for Africa' is the first comprehensive publication on harnessing migration, remittances, and other diaspora resources for the development of Africa. It comes at a time when countries in Africa and elsewhere are grappling with difficult choices on how to manage migration. Policy makers can help leverage the contributions of migrants to the development of Africa, reduce remittance costs, improve the efficiency of remittance markets in both origin and destination countries, and address the needs of the origin countries without restricting the emigration of high-skilled professionals. Innovative financing mechanisms such as issuance of diaspora bonds and securitization of future remittance flows can help finance big-ticket projects, such as railways, roads, power plants, and institutions of higher learning that will, step by step, help to transform Africa. This volume contributes to a greater understanding of migration and its potential role in Africa’s development.
The relationship between migration, development and remittances in Lesotho has been exhaustively studied for the period up to 1990. This was an era when the vast majority of migrants from Lesotho were young men working on the South African gold mines and over 50 percent of households had a migrant mineworker. Since 1990, patterns of migration to South Africa have changed dramatically. The reconfiguration of migration between the two countries has had a marked impact on remittance flows to Lesotho. The central question addressed in this report is how the change in patterns of migration from and within Lesotho since 1990 has impacted on remittance flows and usage.
Migrant remittances are a focus of attention worldwide, with debates raging on their impact on poverty alleviation. Less well known is that over a third of remittances to underdeveloped countries originate in other developing countries. Remittances as goods and commodities, and remittances from urban to rural areas are important. This is the case in the southern African region where cross-border migration is commonplace. Remittances to Africa easily exceed development aid, yet the comparative research and publication interest is paltry. The southern African context suffers particularly from a paucity of data. This survey provides information on the profile of the migrant population, remittance flows and usage at household level in five SADC countries, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. It considers remittances both within the region and from Africans in the diaspora. Further factors under consideration are gender, age, education level and tradition.
This brief aims to provide an update on key developments in the area of migration and remittance flows and related policies over the past six months. It also provides medium-term (three year) projections of remittance flows to developing countries.
This book provides a strong multidisciplinary examination of the links between migration, remittances and sustainable development in Africa. It makes evidence-based policy recommendations on migration to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The key themes examined are migration and remittances, and their relations with the following issues: economic transformation, education and knowledge, corruption and conflict. Cross-cutting issues such as gender equality and youth are weaved throughout the chapters, and a rich range of country contexts are presented. The volume also discusses challenges in managing migration flows. It will be of interest to advanced students, academics and policy makers in development economics and sustainable development.
The impact of international migration, both South-South as well as South-North, on the economic, social and political life of the people in Eastern and Southern Africa [was] not well documented and studied, and the evidence-base for policy on migration and development [was] very weak. With this in mind, OSSREAs invitation to conduct a study on international migration in Africa had the following objectives: To analyze the nature and type of South-South migration, focusing on issues, such as brain gain and/or brain drain, remittance flows, technical knowhow transfers, violations of the right of African migrants and gender dimensions of migration; To investigate the dynamics of migration from Eastern and Southern Africa to the Arab Gulf States as well as to developed countries, focusing on the skills of migrants, brain gain and/or drain, remittance flows, technical know-how transfers, violations of the rights of African migrants and gender dimension of migrants; and to assess the successes, impediments and challenges of African international migrants from Eastern and Southern Africa and to formulate policy recommendations to maximize the gains and minimize the costs associated with international migration in Africa.
Remittances remain a key source of funds for developing countries, far exceeding official development assistance and even foreign direct investment. Remittances have proved to be more stable than private debt and portfolio equity flows, and less volatile than official aid flows, and their annual flow can match or surpass foreign exchange reserves in many small countries. Even in large emerging markets, such as India, remittances are equivalent to at least a quarter of total foreign exchange reserves. India, China, Philippines and Mexico are the top recipients of migrant remittances. The Migration and Remittances Factbook 2016 attempts to present numbers and facts behind the stories of international migration and remittances, drawing on authoritative, publicly available data. It provides a snapshot of statistics on immigration, emigration, skilled emigration, and remittance flows for 210 countries and 15 regional and income groups. The Migration and Remittances Factbook 2016 updates the 2011 edition of the Factbook with additional data on bilateral migration and remittances and second generation diasporas, collected from various sources, including national censuses, labor force surveys, population registers, and other national sources.
This paper considers the key issues concerning the relationship between international migration, return and development, and reviews current literature on the subject. It outlines the operational framework and research strategy used in an ongoing project based in West Africa, and looks at contemporary trends in intercontinental migration within this region. Issues discussed include: the effects on domestic labour markets and the 'brain drain' phenomenon; the return of migrants and their developmental impact; and aspects of a meso-level approach to achieve an improved understanding of this highly complex subject.