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This first volume offers comprehensive analyses on a variety of topics ranging from legal to social statute of the refugees. The authors and their contributions are as follows: Çağla Arslan Bozkuş “Legal Status of Refugees”; Özkan Gönül and Yunus Karaağaç “Social Rights of Refugees”, Hasan Acar and Serhat Bulut “The Political Rights of Refugees”; Gülayşe Ülgen Türedi “Refugees and Human Rights”; Emine Kılıçaslan “Refugee and Cultural Rights of Refugees in the Context of Political Communication”; Cenap Çakmak Clarifying the Legal Status: Distinctions between Refugees, Asylum Seekers and (Irregular) Migrants”; Mehlika Özlem Ultan “Conceptual Framework About Migration”; Akın Kiren “The History of Refugee Movements: A Brief Overview”; Hakan Sezgin Erkan “Development Assistance and Refugee Crisis”; Merve Mamacı “Refugee Well-Being in Work Life”; Saadat Demirci “Integration of Refugees into the Society”; Güneş Koç “Identity Construction of Syrian in their Narratives”; Asena Boztaş “Refugees, Integration and Political-Demographic Concerns in Turkey and the World”; Cemal Kakışım and Ozan Selçuk “Integration Policies of the European Union and Turkey towards Refugees”; and Hekma Wali “The Local Integration of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey”.
Our focus on youth migration aims to unfold the theoretical and political constraints at play for these young migrants as they defy borders and national boundaries on their northbound journey. By placing the emphasis on young persons, this volume seeks to ponder on the challenges their movement is positing to governments and societies of the countries they are crossing by or settling in. Our goal is to go outside the perspectives constructed from a labor, adult-centered, breadwinner and family-head perspective. We recognize that the conditions that force them to flee uncertain economic conditions or to seek personal security may intersect, but by focusing on young migrants as actors in search of a decent and fair life, as well as on the hopes and resilience that every young person has, the point of view diverges. As they may be permanent or transit sojourners in local communities, we also propose to include the spaces, as the social and political communities reacts to this youth mobility. The chapters contained herein follow the migrant’s movement from South to North. Therefore, the authors focused on the analysis of several emerging issues in the migration dynamics in North America. Contents Introduction – Ana Vila Freyer and Liliana Meza González CHAPTER 1. GUATEMALA-MÉXICO: THE LAST BORDER BETWEEN THE EXCLUSION AND THE FULFILLMENT OF DREAMS OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AMERICA – Sandra Herrera-Ruiz and Lesbia Ortiz Martínez CHAPTER 2. SUSPENDED LIVES OF CENTRAL AMERICAN YOUTH IN MEXICO: BETWEEN INCLUSION AND SURVIVAL – Martha Luz Rojas Wiesner and Susann Hjorth Boisen CHAPTER 3. (DIS) CONTINUITIES IN CENTRAL AMERICA’S MIGRATORY MOBILITY. THE POST-MITCH GENERATION – Javier Urbano Reyes CHAPTER 4. IRREGULAR MIGRATION AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOR THE PURPOSE OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: AN ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC POLICY INSTRUMENTS FOR COMBATING IT IN CHIAPAS, MEXICO – Jesús Rubio Campos and Carolina Guadiana Sánchez CHAPTER 5. WOULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME, WHICH WAY I OUGHT TO GO? CENTRAL AMERICANS CROSSING THROUGH OR SETTLING IN GUANAJUATO – Ana Vila Freyer and Eloy Estrada Lozano CHAPTER 6. THE ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEDICAL SERVICES AND TO FORMAL JOBS FOR YOUNG CENTRAL AMERICAN MIGRANTS IN MEXICO, BEFORE AND AFTER THE 2011 MIGRATION LAW – Liliana Meza González and Ken Nishikata CHAPTER 7. THE DISPLACEMENT AND ECONOMIC INSERTION OF REFUGEES FROM CENTRAL AMERICA IN MEXICO – Rodolfo Cruz Piñeiro and Rafael Alonso Hernández López CHAPTER 8. THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION’S CENTRAL AMERICAN MINORS (CAM) PROGRAM (2015-2017): A SAFE AND LEGAL PATH TO THE UNITED STATES? – Chiara Galli CHAPTER 9. THE EDUCATIONAL AND CAREER GOALS OF THE CHILDREN OF UNDOCUMENTED PARENTS IN THE UNITED STATES: A MIXED-METHOD STUDY OF DACA ELIGIBLE STUDENTS AT A CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UNIVERSITY – Nicole Dubus CHAPTER 10. YOUNG INDIGENOUS MIGRANTS FROM SOUTHERN MEXICO IN THE U.S. – Tania Cruz-Salazar CHAPTER 11. INTEGRATION INTO THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND THE JOB MARKET AMONG YOUNG MIGRANTS IN MEXICO – Ana Escoto and Claudia Masferrer
In his artistic research, Giovanni Perillo aims to generate conflicts with oneself, to weaken certainties, stereotypes and rigid expectations, encouraging a dialogue to express one's reflections on the real freedom of one's choices and on the possible influences that they imply. Through a détourner, a displacement, a deviation from alienating cultural mechanisms, aesthetic experimentation can become practical for a transformation towards a different self-awareness. "Taking the cue from the theory of events, I started to research stimuli and creative interaction processes through my artistic investigation and production. The stimuli had to be able to arouse behaviours and interpretations that are far from conformist and pre-established models. The interpretations, as answers to a stimulus coming from reality, are the significant consequences of the sense and vision of reality. The conventional and conformist interpretations form the specific psychological structure of a culture, and for this reason, they are its identity. If the reactions of the individuals who interact with artwork were not spontaneous, heterogeneous or unpredictable, they would show the homogenized and homogenizing game of taking part to practices where roles and goals of the players are pre-establish and reinforce a system of perception of reality that is influenced by dominant socio-cultural models." - Excerpt from the Introduction by Giovanni Perillo "In Art of Displacement, Giovanni Perillo establishes a new and important dialogue around ethnicity, displacement and migration. Spanning the arts as well as the social sciences—and in particularly psychology—Perillo asks us to take a leap of faith. He wants us to leave the comfort of our academic homes and to escape our “ivory towers” and consider what displacement means. Establishing his discussion in a project he calls “the Aesthetics of Migrations,” Perillo pushes boundaries, challenges assumptions. Perillo uses the Art of Displacement to help us navigate the beliefs and preconceived assumptions we bring to our encounters with migrants and strangers. More importantly, he asks us to recognize the constructed nature of our assumptions we make about migrants and strangers. Once we recognize our own bias, he offers the opportunity to search for alternatives. The French philosopher/sociologist Pierre Bourdieu argued that human life is organized around habitus or the ingrained habits, skills, and dispositions that we possess, that are grounded in life experience; and that organize our response to the world around us. Habitus is powerful and creates an assumption of the natural order that becomes real as it is shared and used to organize beliefs, laws and social rules. Perillo helps us recognize how a Western habitus limits and restricts our ability to connect; in fact, he goes so far as to argue our shared habitus, embodied in the maps we create, fragment our world and the people in it in ways that drive stereotypes, prejudice and the rise of nationalistic xenophobia we see today." - Jeffrey H. Cohen, PhD, Professor of Anthropology at Ohio State University, United States Content PREFACE by Jeffrey H. Cohen INTRODUCTION MEMORIZATION OF FACES, ASSOCIATED WITH PROFESSIONS AND CHARACTERS IMAGE OF THE WORD, WORD TO THE IMAGE THE INFLUENCE OF STEREOTYPES AND PREJUDICES IN AESTHETIC CHOICES AESTHETICS OF MIGRATIONS SKIN colourS TEST II ARTWORKS SERIES OF MAPS WITH MIGRATORY EXCHANGES IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE RULE OF CONTIGUITY AND WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF RETURN TO PREVIOUSLY INHABITED REGIONS SKIN colourS TEST NEARLY EQUAL PALO DEL COLLE SKIN colourS PROJECT SKIN colourS TEST II
Turkey's Syrians: Today and Tomorrow, edited by Deniz Eroğlu Utku, K. Onur Unutulmaz, Ibrahim Sirkeci is published by Transnational Press London. The book presents a selection of papers drawing on recent research on Syrian refugees in Turkey. Since the first arrival of Syrian refugees, the issue has sparked considerable national and international interest. Political discourses concentrated on state 'generosities' to provide protection to those coming from insecurities and possibilities to reduce 'burden of refugees' to receiving countries via international solidarity. While these concerns focus on effects of hosting refugees, what happens to refugees themselves, how they are affected by government policies and how they are perceived by host country people are questions yet to be answered. This book brings together a multidisciplinary set of contributions scrutinising the case of Syrian refugees in Turkey.
The ’punitive turn’ has brought about new ways of thinking about geography and the state, and has highlighted spaces of incarceration as a new terrain for exploration by geographers. Carceral geography offers a geographical perspective on incarceration, and this volume accordingly tracks the ideas, practices and engagements that have shaped the development of this new and vibrant subdiscipline, and scopes out future research directions. By conveying a sense of the debates, directions, and threads within the field of carceral geography, it traces the inner workings of this dynamic field, its synergies with criminology and prison sociology, and its likely future trajectories. Synthesizing existing work in carceral geography, and exploring the future directions it might take, the book develops a notion of the ’carceral’ as spatial, emplaced, mobile, embodied and affective.
This book emerges from those fruitful discussions as a collection of some of the matters presented, whose authors have virtuously stood out. Just as the previous books that arose from other TMC editions, Current Challenges in Migration Policy and Law gives the opportunity not only to experienced professors and researches but especially to young scholars to divulge their studies and present their experiences in the various research fields migration can be discussed, rethought and further developed. We are thankful to Transnational Press London as it believed in our aspirations as editors and it stimulated us to be protagonists in the process of editing and building up this book the way we believed it would contribute to the current discussions on migration. As scholars and young researchers, we are delighted by this opportunity created by Professor Sirkeci. “International migration is one of the most challenging and critical factors shaping the future of societies and economies today. Its accumulated complexity challenges academics, politicians, professionals and citizens. Bringing together the voices of authors from diverse countries and backgrounds, belonging to a new generation of researchers, this book brings new clues to understand how modern policies are built and new tools to act for a better world.” – João Peixoto, Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Contents INTRODUCTION Emília Lana de Freitas Castro and Sergio Maia Tavares Marques CHAPTER 1. RESTRICTIVE ASYLUM POLICIES AND REFLECTIONS IN THE LABOUR MARKET: THE CASES OF ITALY AND TURKEY Anita C. Butera and Secil Ertorer CHAPTER 2. HOW FAR DO MORAL VALUES SHAPE THE LEGAL TERMINOLOGY USED IN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS CONCERNING MIGRANT WORKERS? Sureyya Sonmez Efe CHAPTER 3. A HUMAN RIGHT TO RELOCATE: THE CASE FOR CLIMATE MIGRANTS Melina Duarte CHAPTER 4. CLIMATE CHANGE MIGRATION AS AN ADAPTATION STRATEGY: THE ADAPTATION APPROACH THEORY AND THE PARIS AGREEMENT Giulia Manccini Pinheiro CHAPTER 5. WHOSE DIASPORA? RETHINKING DIASPORA POLITICS: CHINA’S OVERSEAS CHINESE ENGAGEMENT IN TRANSNATIONAL SPACES Carsten Schäfer CHAPTER 6. “OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND”. MANAGING MIGRATION FLOWS WITH TURKEY AS A “SAFE THIRD COUNTRY”? Annalisa Geraci CHAPTER 7. SOFT LAW, EFFECTIVENESS OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND MIGRATION: HOW EFFECTIVE ARE MIGRANTS’ FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS IN AN ERA OF EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE? Roila Mavrouli
This is the first volume of the Proceedings of The Migration Conference 2020. The Migration Conference 2020 was held online due to COVID-19 Pandemic and yet, in over 80 parallel sessions and plenaries key migration debates saw nearly 500 experts from around the world engaging. This collection contains contributions mainly dealing with migration and integration debates. These are only a subset of all presentations from authors who chose to submit full short papers for publication after the conference. Most of the contributions are work in progress and unedited versions. The next migration conference is going to be hosted by Ming-Ai Institute in London, UK. Looking forward to continuing the debates on human mobility after the Pandemic. | | @migrationevent | | Email: [email protected]