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Transport of molecules across the cell membrane is a fundamental process of all living organisms. It is essential for understanding growth, development, nutrition as well as uptake and excretion of exogenous or synthesized molecules. Microbes respresent general and basic functional systems where many transport processes have been studied on a molecular basis. Knowledge of the microbial transport processes will provide new perspectives to treatments by inhibitors, drugs, antibiotics, vitamins, growth promotion compounds, activators and toxic compunds of various kinds.
Transport of molecules across the cell membrane is a fundamental process of all living organisms. It is essential for understanding growth, development, nutrition as well as uptake and excretion of exogenous or synthesized molecules. Microbes respresent general and basic functional systems where many transport processes have been studied on a molecular basis. Knowledge of the microbial transport processes will provide new perspectives to treatments by inhibitors, drugs, antibiotics, vitamins, growth promotion compounds, activators and toxic compunds of various kinds.
Extensive and up-to-date review of key metabolic processes in bacteria and archaea and how metabolism is regulated under various conditions.
Much of the information currently available on the transport systems of bacterial and animal cell membranes and their mode of coupling to metabolic supply of energy can be found in this volume. Consideration of the participating enzymes dictated the choice of topics: Several transport systems where little information is available on the enzymology of the process are not included, while separate chapters deal with y-glutamyl transpeptidase and intestinal disaccharidases which meet many of the requirements of transport enzymes. The volume also includes two chapters on photosynthetic membranes as a general introduction to the topic. Other aspects of biological transport and photosynthesis will be developed in detail in a forthcoming volume now in preparation. These chapters reveal the excitement and rapid advance of the field, the daily reports of new concepts, new techniques, and new experimental findings which instantly interact to generate further progress. Our aim was to provide a starting point for those who are just beginning, and an opportunity for others to stop, take stock, and start in a new direction. My warmest thanks to all who contributed to this volume.
With the growing realization that microbial transport proteins exhibit homologies to various degrees not only among themselves, but also to membrane proteins of eukaryotic cells, this book represents a timely review of the current state of knowledge and research.
provides an up–to–date survey of iron transport systems in bacteria; details iron transport and its regulation in E.colias a prototype for iron transport systems in gram–negative bacteria; includes chapters on the major gram–negative, gram–positive and acid–fast bacterial pathogens – their iron transport systems and the roles of these systems in virulence; presents structural studies of siderophores, heme carriers, and iron transport proteins; discusses the ecology of siderophores and potential therapeutic uses of siderophores.
Microbiology has undergone a number of metamorphoses in its relatively brief existence. It has been in approximate succession, morphology, epidemiology, biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology. It is also becoming a significant parcel of cell surface studies. The one embodiment which has remained elusiv- particularly for bacteriology - is the taxonomic one. This may have been a blessing in disguise because it encouraged microbiologists to deal with the general rather than the particular; promoting a search for unitary explanations, in the manner of Kluyver and van Niel, long before anyone knew about the universality of the genetic code, or could trace the genealogy of enzymes from the study of amino acid substitutions. . This volume is predicated on the idea that deep analogies underly the mech anisms of cellular interaction, and therefore belongs in the unitary tradition of microbiology. It occupies itself with a wide variety of micro-organisms, considering them from vantage points of considerable diversity, ranging from taxonomic irreverence to keen evolutionary awareness, and is concerned with areas which have developed independently of each other.
One property common to all cells is transport. Molecules and ions must enter and leave cells by crossing membranes in a controlled manner. The process may take any of several forms: simple diffusion, carrier-mediated diffusion, active transport, or group translocation. There is more than one way to measure each. Transport kinetics, with particular reference to the red blood cell, were discussed in a previous volume. Three chapters deal with the general subject of transport in this volume. Maloney, Kashket, and Wilson summarize the appropriate methodology for studying metabolite and ion transport in bacteria, and Kimmich describes the relevant method ology for the isolated intestinal epithelial cell. The methods described in these two chapters have general application to transport studies in single cells from any source. The approach described in these two complementary articles is extended in the chapter by Hochstadt and her collaborators on the use of isolated membranes from bacterial and mammalian cells for the study of trans port phenomena. If one can prepare a suitable plasma membrane fraction (sealed, impermeable vesicles with the necessary transport components intact), it becomes possible to separate the events of transport from any subsequent metabolism that may occur in the cell. Isolated membrane vesicles are relatively easy to obtain from bacteria, and they are com paratively well studied. Work with similar preparations from cultured mammalian cells is just beginning but has much promise.