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Nitrogen is an essential element in biological systems, and one that often limits production in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Due to its requirement in biological macromolecules, its acquisition and cycling have the potential to structure microbial communities, as well as to control productivity on the ecosystem scale. In addition, its versatile redox chemistry is the basis of complex biogeochemical transformations that control the inventory of fixed nitrogen, both in local environments and over geological time. Although many of the pathways in the microbial nitrogen cycle were described more than a century ago, additional fundamental pathways have been discovered only recently. These findings imply that we still have much to learn about the microbial nitrogen cycle, the organisms responsible for it, and their interactions in natural and human environments. Progress in nitrogen cycle research has been facilitated by recent rapid technological advances, especially in genomics and isotopic approaches. In this Research Topic, we reviewed the leading edge of nitrogen cycle research based on these approaches, as well as by exploring microbial processes in modern ecosystems.
A full review of the latest research findings on microbes involved in conventional aerobic nitrification, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, and related processes. • Examines the four principal groups of nitrifying microbes including conventional aerobic bacterial ammonia oxidizers, recently discovered aerobic archaeal ammonia oxidizers, anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing planctomycetes, and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. • Provides current information on the ecology, phylogeny, biochemistry, molecular biology, and genomics of each group of microbes. • Discusses the latest industrial applications of nitrification and anammox processes, and explores the ecology of nitrification in marine, freshwater, soil, and wastewater environments.
Many people learn the rudiments of the nitrogen cycle while at school, but the details of the various processes in the cycle are still not widely understood. Some of them are of great current interest, such as the use of nitrogen fixing crops to feed an increasing world population and the problems of pollution of groundwaters by nitrates. Denitrification (forming nitrogen gas) as a way of getting rid of waste from human and intensively farmed animals. This book describes the general processes of the nitrogen cycle, then gives examples of how the cycle is modified under particular ecological and geographical conditions. These examples are drawn from all the major areas of the world, and the impact of man via agriculture, forestry and fuel combustion is discussed. Numerous references are included. The book provides a background for all those whose specialist interests interact with nitrogen cycling, whether they are involved in research or have responsibility for managing the environment.
Nitrogen in the Marine Environment provides information pertinent to the many aspects of the nitrogen cycle. This book presents the advances in ocean productivity research, with emphasis on the role of microbes in nitrogen transformations with excursions to higher trophic levels. Organized into 24 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the abundance and distribution of the various forms of nitrogen in a number of estuaries. This text then provides a comparison of the nitrogen cycling of various ecosystems within the marine environment. Other chapters consider chemical distributions and methodology as an aid to those entering the field. This book discusses as well the enzymology of the initial steps of inorganic nitrogen assimilation. The final chapter deals with the philosophy and application of modeling as an investigative method in basic research on nitrogen dynamics in coastal and open-ocean marine environments. This book is a valuable resource for plant biochemists, microbiologists, aquatic ecologists, and bacteriologists.
This book provides an introductory-level survey of biological nitrogen fixation, covering the role of the process in the global nitrogen cycle as well as its biochemistry, physiology, genetics, ecology, general biology and prospects for its future exploitation.
This book contains the papers presented at a Nato Advanced Re search Workshop entitled "DENITRIFICATION IN THE N-CYCLE," held in Braunschweig (W-Germany) from 24 to 27 Mai 1983. All expenses were provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The scientific programme was in the first instance planned by some members of the Eco-Science Panel under the stimulating organization of Dr. Oscar Ravera and the final programme was prepared in co-operation between Ravera and myself. However, even during the meeting important con tributions were added. The meeting was hosted by the Microbiologi cal Dept. of F.A.L., which also took care of the organizatory as pects. Nitrate is constantly lost from both terrestial and aquatic ecosystems, causing rnixed feelings between ecologists and agricul turists. While bacteriologically very rnuch is known, the ecology of the processes is still poorly understood, nor can it be evaluated what it rneans as an econornic loss for farrners and world food produc tion. Therefore this NATO Advanced Workshop was established to per mit a lirnited nurnber of scientists active in this field to corne to gether for a short while to address the following objectives: 1) To exchange ideas between scientists (bacteriologists and ecologists) and agronornists. 2) To assess the state of the art. 3) To discuss the difficulties of experimentation in the field. 4) To define future research. In order to accornplish these objectives, the workshopwas organ ized in three parts with the following thernes: 1) Bacteriological aspects of dentrification
Anthropogenic activity has clearly altered the N cycle contributing (among other factors) to climate change. This book aims to provide new biotechnological approach representing innovative strategies to solve specific problems related to the imbalance originating in the N cycle. Aspects such as new conceptions in agriculture, wastewater treatment, and greenhouse gas emissions are discussed in this book with a multidisciplinary vision. A team of international authors with wide experience have contributed up-to-date reviews, highlighting scientific principles and their environmental importance and integrating different biotechnological processes in environmental technology.